Cranchi T43 Eco Trawler
Moms betalt / EU VAT paid
fra kr. 6.250.000 til kr. 5.220.000
Næsten NY én ejers Cranchi T43 Eco Trawler LD fra 2022 i den flotte Azzurro Infinito farve med Volvo Penta IPS. Båden er udstyret med Volvo Penta Assistant Docking og DPS (Digital Positioning System) og variabel Sleipner bovpropel integreret med 16" Garmin glasscockpit GPS'ere. Alt dette gør båden til noget af det nemmeste at manøvrere i havnen i al slags vejr uanset om du er alene eller har gaster med.
Denne T43 er en af de mest veludstyrede på markedet. Ejeren specificerede en båd langt fra standard båden Båden er loaded med ekstraudstyr for knap kr. 2,0 mio. Kontakt os for fuld liste af ekstra udstyr.
Ønsker du den optimale live-on-board båd med masser af plads og en flybridge som i størrelse minder om en 55' fods båd er Cranchi T43 ét af de bedste valg. Den er perfekt til medium og lange sejlture eller til bare at opholde sig i. Cockpittet er dejlig stort med sofagruppe agter og stort sammenklappeligt teakbord.
Der kan åbnes helt op til det velfungerende pantry, som har alt, hvad der er behov for inkl. multiovn. I bagbord side pæn U-sofa omkring bord. Bordet kan køres ned om omdannes til extra seng til 2 personer. TV inkl. stort lydsystem m.m.
Styrepladsen har godt udsyn og siddeplads til to. Om læ tre store og velfungerende kahytter. Forkahytten med en dejlig stor dobbeltseng og gode skabe i siderne (det ene m/pengeskab) samt eget toilet og bad. De to agterkahytter er også dejlig store med hver deres dobbeltseng.
I stævnen findes to solmadrasser samt lille og hyggelig sofa.
Denne kun to år gamle Cranchi T43 3-kahyts version står er som ny og med sin lange ekstra udstyrsliste en fryd for alle der ønsker god plads og kan lide den seneste nye teknologi.
Cranchi T43 Trawler har vundet titlen "Boat of the Year" i motorbåde op til 45 fod. Den repræsenterer en ny æra i dette segment af både med dens designkoncept og dens ydeevne i navigation. En meget æstetisk og elegant indretning med lige linjer, hvor lyset dominerer og med masser af god plads.
Ejeren har efter levering i 2022 installeret 2 x Webasto 12V oliefyr, Volvo Penta Assistand Docking inkl. Dynamic Positioning System - DPS, Formsyet vinter cover. Motorerne er ny serviceret af Brdr. Petersen, Gilleleje.
Nypris på tilsvarende båd i 2023 er kr. 8.441.000.
Se båden i Rungsted Havn. Kontakt ShipShape Bådsalg for yderligere information.
An almost NEW one owner Cranchi T43 Eco Trawler LD from 2022 in the beautiful Azzurro Infinito color with Volvo Penta IPS. The boat is equipped with Volvo Penta Assistant Docking and DPS (Digital Positioning System) and variable Sleipner bow thruster integrated with 16" Garmin glass cockpit GPS. All this makes the boat one of the easiest to maneuver in the harbor in all kinds of weather whether you are alone or with guests.
This T43 is one of the most well equipped on the market. The boat is loaded with additional equipment for just under DKK 2.0 million. Contact us for the full option list.
If you want the optimal live-on-board boat with plenty of space and a flybridge that is similar in size to a 55'-foot boat, the Cranchi T43 is one of the best choices. It is perfect for medium and long sailing trips or for just staying in. The cockpit is nicely large with a set of sofas aft and a large teak table.
It can be opened all the way up to the well-functioning pantry, which has everything you need, incl. multi oven. On the port side, a nice U-shaped sofa around the table. The table can be rolled down and converted into an extra bed for 2 people. TV incl. large sound system, etc.
The helm has a good view and seating for two. Below three large and well-functioning cabins. The master cabin with a nice large double bed and good cupboards on the sides (one with a safe) as well as its own toilet and shower. The two aft cabins are also nicely large, each with their own double bed.
In the bow there are two sun mattresses and a small and cozy sofa.
This only two-year-old Cranchi T43 3-cabin version stands as new and with its long list of additional equipment is a delight for anyone who wants good space and likes the latest new technology.
The Cranchi T43 Trawler has won the title of "Boat of the Year" in motorboats up to 45 feet. It represents a new era in this segment of boats with its design concept and its performance in navigation. A very aesthetic and elegant interior with straight lines, where light dominates and with lots of good space.
After delivery, the owner has installed 2 x Webasto 12V heaters, Volvo Penta Assistant Docking incl. Dynamic Positioning System - DPS, Vinter cover.
The new price of a similar boat in 2023 was DKK 8.441.000.
See the boat in Rungsted Harbour. Contact ShipShape Boat Sales for further information.