Esya & Donanim:
2. dümen dolabi, 2. dümen dolabi kiç güvertede, 2. dümen dolabi açik köprü üstünde, Kiç kabin, Pruva kabini, Ana kamara, Açik köprü üstü, Ziyaretçi kabini, Dahili seyir masasi, Salon, Tik kapli yüzme platformu, Tik kapli açik köprü üstü, Tik kapli lumbar, Tik kapli köprü üstü merdiveni, Tik kapli pruva, Tik kapli havuz
Firinli ocak, Aspiratör, Icemaker, Dondurucu, Bulasik makinesi, Firin izgarasi, Stove, Buzluk, Seramik ocak, Evye, Sogutucu
12V soket, 220V soket, Demir, Demir kasasi, Battery, Akü sarj cihazi, Bilge pump automatically, Bas irgat, Elektrikli bas irgat, Güverte temizlik donanimi, Pressure water pump, Jeneratör, Inverter, Sahilden elektrik beslemesi, 230 volt, Cam silecegi, temizleme sivili
AIS activ, Otomatik dümen, Elektrikli iskandil, Sonar (fishfinder), GPS, Plotter with GPS, Pusula, Radar, Dümen açi göstergesi, VHF telsiz, Anemometre sistemi
Alarm cihazi, Bilge alarm, Bas puntel, Yangin söndürücü, Yangin söndürme teçhizati, Engine alarm, Night lighting, Seyir fenerleri, Sis düdügü, Can Sali, Can yelegi
Haritalar & tente:
Bimini güneslik, havuzluk tentesi, Açik köprü üstü tentesi, Kokpit cami tentesi
2. Buzluk, Demir zinciri, Yüzme merdiveni, Entegre yüzme platformu, Bow cushions, Bas pervanesi, Cockpit shower, v, Güverte dus bölmesi, Güverte dusu, sicak/soguk, Hidrolik tesisat, Usturmaça, Palamar, Kokpit cami için fan, Lumbar agzi, Elektrikli lumbaragzi, Kiç dus bölmesi, Kiç dus, sicak/soguk, Stern thruster, Isitma, Buz yapici, Instrument cover, Kombine isitma/havalandirma tertibati, Refrigerator on deck, Speaker, Cushions, Telsiz, Sunbeds, Pruva günes minderi, Trim ayari ve stabilite donanimi, elk./hidrl., Trim tabs display, TV, Karina boyasi, Sicak su donanimi, Boiler, Çamasir, Çamasir ve kurutma makinesi, Mains water supply, Diger ekstralar, Amerikan bar
All information without guarantee!
Please ask for a complete specification and many more photos.
Details Newsletter:
Princess S60 Fly - Year of construction: 2018 / Model: 2019
First launch: 2019
2 x MAN V8 - 1200 (2 x 1.200 HP) approx. 950 hours
Private sale - very well maintained - top equipment such as :
Seakeeper NG 9, hydraulic bathing platform, and much more.
Berth: Northern Germany
Princess S 60 Fly-Bj. 2018 / Model 2019 / EW: 2019
Length: 19.17 m - Width: 4.87 m - 3 + 1 crew cabin + 3 bathrooms with shower
2 x MAN V8 - 1200 (2 x 1,200 HP) approx. 950 hours
Regularly serviced, very well maintained and equipped, e.g:
Seakeeper NG 9, lowerable hydraulic bathing platform with remote control, electric, hydraulic gangway, bow and stern thruster, electric anchor winch with stainless steel bow anchor, two electric winches in the cockpit,
17.5 KW Onan generator, inverter, combi air conditioning/heating system, fully automatic \\\"Bennet trim tab system, not retrofitted until 2022, deck wash system, underwater lighting,
two additional hot air heaters with a total of 11 KW for all cabins, bathrooms, cockpit, workshop and engine room, if necessary also the bilge!
This means that this Princess S 60 is absolutely suitable for winter in Northern Europe and is also used and sailed by the owners
used and sailed all year round!
Complete navigation such as: AIS active, autopilot, depth sounder, fishfinder, GPS, chart plotter with GPS, radar, VHF radio, wind measuring system.
Teak on bathing platform, teak on fly, teak on gangway, teak on steps to fly, teak on foredeck,
Teak in cockpit,
Oven, Extractor hood, Ice maker, Freezer, Icemaker, Dishwasher, Grill, Stove, Sink, Refrigerators, Ceramic hob, Sink, Washing machine, Tumble dryer.
Bimini top, cockpit canopy, flybridge cover, windshield cover, electric awning in the cockpit, sun cushions on the foredeck,
Fender and mooring set, stern garage for tender/dinghy, life raft, and much more!!!
If you are interested, please request a four-page description, a specification
and further photos!
Berth: Northern Germany
Sales price taxed