£2,801,963 GBPListed price €3,400,000 EURTax Not paid / ExcludedGet a foreign exchange quote
The Sunseeker 88 Yacht "EXIMIUS", currently located in Vilamoura, Portugal, is an exquisite example of luxurious motoryacht craftsmanship, measuring 26.88 metres in length and 6.41 metres in beam. Built in 2011 for an experienced Sunseeker owner, this yacht was the most expensive of its type at the time, featuring high-end specifications such as Thermal Imaging Cameras and Cool Water Misting Jets on the Flybridge Hardtop. Acquired by its present owner in 2016, it has undergone upgrades worth over one and a half million euros, elevating its features to levels usually seen in vessels of 40 metres and above. "EXIMIUS" boasts modern navigation and communication technology, superior stabilisation from both fins and gyro, and redesigned living spaces to enhance comfort and style. Accommodation is provided for up to 10 guests across four luxurious cabins, alongside quarters for four crew members. This yacht combines timeless styling with state-of-the-art AV systems and extensive customisation, offering potential buyers an unrivalled experience for a sub-30m vessel.
"EXIMIUS" is a truly unique and breathtaking example of any motoryacht of this type. This 2011 Sunseeker 88 Yacht was built for a discerning and experienced Sunseeker owner who created the most expensive model of her type ever to leave the factory with indulgences such as Thermal Imaging Cameras and Cool Water Misting Jets for the Flybridge Hardtop. Sold to her current owner in 2016 who has invested over one and a half million Euros to take this Sunsekeer to a level of specification normally only found on vessels of 40M and above. Unrivalled AV/Sound and systems technology, stabilisation from both Fins and Gyro, exquisite styling, re-designed flybridge space, "EXIMIUS" must be considered by anyone searching for a sub 30m motoryacht.
"EXIMIUS" ist ein wirklich einzigartiges und atemberaubendes Beispiel für jede Motoryacht dieser Art. Diese Sunseeker 88 Yacht für 2011 wurde für einen anspruchsvollen und erfahrenen Sunseeker-Besitzer gebaut, der das teuerste Modell seines Typs kreierte, das je das Werk mit Nachsicht wie Wärmebildkameras und Kühlwassernebelstrahler für das Flybridge Hardtop verlassen hat. Verkauft an ihren derzeitigen Eigentümer im Jahr 2016, der über anderthalb Millionen Euro investiert hat, um diesen Sunseeker auf ein Niveau zu bringen, das normalerweise nur auf Schiffen ab 40 Metern zu finden ist. Konkurrenzlose AV/Sound und Systemtechnik, Stabilisierung von Flossen und Gyro, exquisites Design, neu gestalteter Flybridge-Raum, "EXIMIUS" muss von jedem, der nach einer Sub 30m Motoryacht sucht, in Betracht gezogen werden.
"EXIMIUS" est un exemple de motoryacht à couper le souffle et vraiment unique. Cette unité du modèle Sunseeker 88 Yacht a été construite en 2011 pour un propriétaire averti et expérimenté, qui a créé le modèle le plus cher de la série jamais construit, spécifié avec des accessoires tels que des caméras à imagerie thermique et des jets de brumisation à eau froide pour le Hard Top du Flybridge. Vendu à son propriétaire actuel en 2016 qui a investi plus d'un million et demi d'euros pour que ce Sunseeker atteigne un niveau de spécification que l'on ne trouve normalement que sur les navires de plus de 40 mètres. Un système audio-vidéo avec une technologie inégalée, stabilisation double avec dérives et gyroscope, un style raffiné, réaménagement du flybridge, "EXIMIUS" doit forcément être pris en compte par toute personne à la recherche d'un yacht à moteur de moins de 30m.
"EXIMIUS" è un esemplare unico e a dir poco mozzafiato nel suo genere. Questo Sunseeker 88 Yacht del 2011 è stato costruito per un esigente ed esperto armatore ed è risultato essere uno degli 88 Yacht più costosi realizzato dal cantiere.Venduto all'attuale armatore nel 2016, questo ha investito oltre mezzo milione di Euro per portare questo Sunseeker ad un livello di accessori che si trova di solito sopra imbarcazioni oltre i 40 MT. Sistemi Audio/Video senza pari, stabilizzazione sia con pinne che con Gyro, arredi eleganti e zona flybridge completamente riprogettata.EXIMUS è da tenere assolutamente in considerazione se si sta cercando un'imbarcazione sotti i 30MT
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£4,738,614 GBP
Listed price €5,750,000 EUR
£2,039,664 GBP
Listed price €2,475,000 EUR
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£1,310,330 GBP
Listed price €1,590,000 EUR
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£1,227,919 GBP
Listed price €1,490,000 EUR
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