Propulsion: outboarder
position lights, compass, echo sounder, GPS, VHF radio, plotter, battery, battery charger, shore supply 220V, thruster - bow thruster, anchor, refrigerator
First delivered in Summer 2021 with a 2022 hull number, this is a 1 owner boat which has only ever been used in fresh water. Owner has upgraded to larger Merry Fisher. Almost zero wear & tear and no faults. Yamaha 200. Bowthruster, Garmin 7", Fusion Audio, u-shape cockpit with folding bench, luxury galley option, shore power, fridge. Less than 100 hours on the engine.Pohon: přívěsný motor
pozičnční světla, kompas, sonar, GPS, VHF vysílačka, plotr, baterie, nabíječka baterií, přípojka 220V, pomocný propeler příďový, kotva, chladnička
First delivered in Summer 2021 with a 2022 hull number, this is a 1 owner boat which has only ever been used in fresh water. Owner has upgraded to larger Merry Fisher. Almost zero wear & tear and no faults. Yamaha 200. Bowthruster, Garmin 7", Fusion Audio, u-shape cockpit with folding bench, luxury galley option, shore power, fridge. Less than 100 hours on the engine.
- Navigation Lights
- Compass
- Depth Instrument
- Plotter