freezer, air conditioning, echo sounder, autopilot, GPS, VHF radio, plotter, radar, generator, inverter, CD, thruster - bow thruster, bimini top, refrigerator
The specifications are provided by the owner and/or manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.
The specifications are provided by the owner and/or manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.
The specifications are provided by the owner and/or manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.mraznička, klimatizace, sonar, autopilot, GPS, VHF vysílačka, plotr, radar, generátor, invertor/střídač, CD, pomocný propeler příďový, stříška bimini, chladnička
The specifications are provided by the owner and/or manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.
The specifications are provided by the owner and/or manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.
The specifications are provided by the owner and/or manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.
- Depth Instrument
- Autopilot
- Plotter
- Radar