£47.500 GBPSteuer Bezahlt/enthaltenPreisangebot in Fremdwährung anfordern
Auf TheYachtMarket.com steht ein atemberaubendes Beispiel eines 30-Fuß-Stahlkreuzers von West Riding Marine namens Lady Caroline zum Verkauf. Dieser erstklassige Stahlkreuzer im Trawler-Stil, der ursprünglich 1984 hergestellt wurde und in Farndon Country, Großbritannien, liegt, wurde 2008 von Acaster Joinery komplett renoviert und in ein entzückendes schwimmendes Zuhause verwandelt. Die Handwerkskunst und Liebe zum Detail auf diesem Boot sind von höchstem Standard und machen Lady Caroline zu einem exquisiten Schiff. An Bord werden Sie von einem makellosen Steuerhaus, einer Hauptkabine im Achterschiff, einem Salon mit hellem und luftigem Ambiente, einer gut ausgestatteten Kombüse und einem geräumigen Vordeck begrüßt. Der Steuerstand, der mit einem umfassenden Navigationssystem ausgestattet ist, ist auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit ausgelegt. Das Schiff ist vollständig für das Küstensegeln ausgestattet und verfügt über eine Menge Sicherheitsausrüstung, darunter ein Rettungsfloß, eine Bilgenpumpe und einen Feuerlöscher. Darüber hinaus besteht der Rumpf, der 2008 untersucht wurde, aus robustem Stahl und gewährleistet eine sichere und zuverlässige Navigation. Es wird dringend empfohlen, sich dieses bezaubernde Boot frühzeitig anzusehen.
A STUNNING EXAMPLE OF THIS QUALITY TRAWLER STYLE CRUISER. Lady Caroline is a stunning home from home trawler style steel cruiser custom built at West Riding Marine. The boat was then completely refitted in 2008 by Acaster Joinery. This includes new decks, superstructure, accommodation, engine, navigation equipment. Everything. I have sold a previous boat built by Acaster. They are stunning boats. The attention to detail and craftmanship is second to none. Early viewing is strongly recommended. Wheelhouse: Access to Lady Caroline is gained via the wide side decks onto the aft deck and through the aft door.You can immediately see the quality of this boat. You really do feel like you’re going aboard a ship. The carpentry is stunning throughout the whole vessel. The wheelhouse benefits from a very well laid out helm station fitted that’s clear and easy to use. Lady Caroline has been sailed coastally and equipped to do so. There’s also a lovely seating area with access down into the aft cabin. Access to the engine bay is under the wheelhouse floor. Aft Primary Cabin: You step down from the wheelhouse into the aft cabin. There is a port side bed with seating opposite and storage lockers and an opening port hole. Prior to the Primary cabin is the shower/toilet compartment. This is fitted with a manual sea toilet to holding tank (volume U/K). hand basin with shower head, surface space and storage. Saloon: Back through the wheelhouse, you then step down into the saloon/living room. This is a very nice space. It is light and airy thanks to plenty of port holes providing great natural light. It feels luxurious thanks to the quality wood and craftsmanship. There is a STB side seat with storage below. This leads onto the dinette and opposite the galley. Dinette: The dinette is FWD and is a Vee berth too (2 single berths). Providing seating for up to 4 adults. There’s storage beneath. The TV is mounted in the bow along with Port and STB cupboards. Galley: The galley is opposite the seating area on the port side. It’s well-appointed with the following equipment: 4 ring LPG hob, oven, 2x round Stainless-steel sinks with mixer tape, (fridge is in the wheelhouse under the stb side seat) and ample work surface and storage. Foredeck: This is a safe area from which to work the lines and anchors. Hull Specification: Bottom plates 4.6mm to 4.9mm. Side plates 4.5mm to 4.8mm. Chine plates 8.9mm to 9.3mm. These are the measurements when refitted in 2008.
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The Company normally acts as broker for the vendors who unless otherwise stated is not selling in the course of a business. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of these particulars the correctness is not guaranteed and they are intended as a guide only and do not constitute a part of any contract. A prospective buyer is strongly advised to check these particulars and at his own expense to employ a qualified marine surveyor to carry out a survey and / or to have an engine trial conducted by us shall not imply any liability on our part.
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