VAGABOND 47 (1982) Zu verkaufen in LANGKAWI, Malaysia

£57.894 GBP
Listenpreis $75.000 USDPreisangebot in Fremdwährung anfordern

KI-generierte Zusammenfassung

Die Vagabond 47 „Julinita Star II“ ist eine robuste, ultraschwere Stagsegel-Ketsch, die von William Garden entworfen und 1982 von Blue Water Yacht Builders gebaut wurde. Es ist ein traditionelles, charaktervolles Schiff, das sich ideal für Langstreckenfahrten, Ausflüge mit Übernachtung an Bord oder Wochenendausflüge eignet und genügend Platz bietet, um sechs bis acht Personen bequem unterzubringen. Vor kurzem wurde es umfassend renoviert, darunter ein neues Bimini, ein Bugspriet, eine Rollreffanlage, Edelstahlschienen und eine neue Antifouling-Beschichtung sowie praktische Neuerungen wie ersetzte Seeventile und ein neues Echolot. Dieses 47 Fuß lange Schiff verfügt über ein Mittelcockpit für hervorragende Sicht, einen 80 PS starken Ford-Motor und einen gekapselten Kiel aus Gusseisen, der Stabilität bietet. Derzeit liegt es in einer gut ausgestatteten Marina in Langkawi vor Anker und bietet eine solide Basis für alle, die abenteuerliche Seereisen unternehmen möchten.

Über diesen Bereich VAGABOND 47

Allgemeine Angaben
£57.894 GBP | Listenpreis $75.000 USDPreisangebot in Fremdwährung anfordern
Used boot für verkauf
William Gardner
LANGKAWI, Malaysia

Update: Just antifouled and launched. Back in the water with the owners back onboard.

Star II has recently been on the hard stand for some extensive refurb work. Inclusive of new stainless steel rails, (2024) a new Bimini, ( Dec 2023) a new bowsprit (2023) and a new furler. (2023). On her recent haul out and antifoul in 2023, she had all her seacocks replaced, a new depth sounder installed, and fresh Antifouling ( June 2023)

Reminiscent of a Spanish Galleon, these boats are heart stoppers and eye catchers, conjuring up images of pirate ships and gallant heroics and adventures on the high seas. Full of character, they are traditional boats, with warm and enveloping interiors, full of charm and comfort. 

The Vagabond 47 is a ultra-heavy staysail ketch known for its robust build and bluewater capabilities. Designed by American naval architect William Garden, the boat combines substantial seafaring attributes with comfort and aesthetic appeal. 

These sailboats were primarily built by Blue Water Yacht Builders in Taipei, Taiwan, during the late 1970s and 1980s, and were aimed at cruisers seeking a dependable and spacious vessel for long voyages. Julinita Star II was built by Blue Water Yacht Builders Limited of Taiwan in 1982.

This Vagabond 47 is an ideal size for weekends, distance cruising or live-a-board ventures. She can be easily handled by two people and she will comfortably accommodate six or eight for extended voyages. She is a real ship of 20 tons displacement, able to stow an immense supply of stores, fuel and water without appearing clumsy and with enough beam and deck space for comfort and a minimum angle of heel on a long passage. 

The mid-cockpit provides excellent visibility and is dry even in a seaway due to her sleek clipper bow. Her lines show a powerful sailing hull with fine entry, strong shoulders and a clean run. The long keel provides stability downwind. The Vagabond 47 is a full displacement yacht offering great comfort both in port and at sea. 

Julinita Star is currently berthed in Rebak Marina, Langkawi. Here, residents have full use of the Marina facilities. Inclusive of a private beach, gymnasium, swimming pool, bars and a restaurant. Safe and sheltered, she is right on the border of Thailand, where many people choose to seasonal sail the east coast, or prepare for longer adventures to Indonesia on a surf trip, or across the Indian Ocean. A Sail Malaysia Rally leaves annually guiding people East to Borneo, where some then choose to sail to the Pacific or back to Australia. 

We look forward to assisting you with your queries of Julinita Star. Please contact us today at Seaspray Yacht Sales Langkawi, where we have an ever changing.  

Vessel Name: Julinita Star II

Launch Year: 1982

Length: 49' 3" - 15.00m

Beam: 4.5 meters.

Draft: 1.8 meters

Displacement: 16 tonns

Keel / Ballast: Cast Iron Encapsulated.

Vessel Location: Rebak Island Marina & Resort Langkawi Region: Asia  

Registration: 860776 Aus

Designer: William Gardner

Builder: Blue Water Yachts

Hull Material: Fibreglass/GRP

Decks Material: FRP  

Engine Make: Ford

Number Engines: 1

Horsepower: 80hp

Fuel Type: Diesel

Engine Hours: 3400

Fuel Consumption: 5 ltrs an hour

Genset: Yes ( working but not connected)

Fuel: 900 ltr

Water: 500 ltr  

Dinghy: No

Outboard: Suzuki 5 hp  

Covers: Yes 

New Bimini 2023: New cockpit cushions 2023  

Accomodation: Cabins: 2 Berths:

4 Shower: 2 Toilet: 1 electric installed 2023.1 manual ( currently unused and needs a pump replacement)

Air-Con: Not inboard. Only a Domestic for use in the marina.  

Galley: Linear galley running from an L shaped bench mid ships to the aft cabin on the port side. Refrigeration: Yes. 12 v and 240 V

Stove: Yes

Ground Tackle: 100 mtr new anchor chain

Bilge Pumps: 2 electric and 1 manual

Life Raft: Requires Service

Life Jackets: Yes

Flares: Out of Date  


240/ 12 v system 

2 x starter batteries: 300 Amp

3 x House batteries : Total 600 Amp ( new June 2023)

4 x Solar Panels ( 2014)

Victron Charger  

Electronics / Navigation

Raymarine Windvane

Raymarine Depth/Speed/Wind

Auto Pilot ( Needs installation)

Icom HF

Icom VHF

New depth soundeer installed 2023.  

Sail Inventory

5 sails. Good condition.  

Mast / Rigging:

Chain Plates replaced in 2013 

new Furler 2023  

Deck Gear :

3 anchors.

Replaced the bowsprit in December 2023   Remarks 3 owners. Current owner has had her for 2 years.

New Antifouling 2023 ( June)

All seacocks replaced in 2023.

New Stainless steel railings January 2024

Mehr lesen

Dieser VAGABOND 47 wurde 934 Mal angesehen
Händler Informationen

Seaspray Yacht Sales Langkawi

Rachel Honey Robertson
1 Rebak Marina Hardstand
Rebak Island Resort, Rebak Island.
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Seaspray Yacht Sales Langkawi is a division of Seaspray Yacht Services, Langkawi's Premier Shipwright Services. We have been operating our business here for 14 years. Boat builders, boat owners, boat lovers, our main aim is to help each boat FIND the Right owner, and for the adventures to continue! Professional, knowledgeable and personable. We look forward to assisting you today. Follow us on YouTube and Instagram on " Dream.for.sail"

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