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Die Evo Yachts V8 ist ein beeindruckendes 24-Meter-Motorboot, das die perfekte Kombination aus High-End-Komfort und innovativen Segelfunktionen bietet. Im Inneren bietet das Boot viel Platz zum Entspannen, darunter eine Dachterrasse, eine Essecke im Freien, eine umwandelbare Sonnenliege am Bug, ein Panorama-Wohnzimmer und eine abgesenkte Lounge mit Kombüse. Im Freien verfügt das Boot über einen weitläufigen Strandbereich mit zwei seitlichen Steuerständen und einem 180-Grad-Panoramablick. Mit anpassbaren Funktionen und luxuriösen Annehmlichkeiten bietet der Evo Yachts V8 ein unvergessliches Erlebnis auf dem Meer.
The size of V8, the unexpected features and the many spaces for conviviality inspired by sailing will leave you and your guests speechless.
EVO V8 is fully customisable to fit your specific needs and desires.
One of the most surprising spaces aboard is the Roof Top, an innovative and challenging ghost feature that only reveals itself through a vanishing hydraulic stepladder. It’s like a penthouse on the sea, with four sun-beds, an alfresco dinette and a vanishing helm station. The dinette at the bow can be converted into a sun-bed with a sail canopy, while the sofa hides a plunge pool. The panoramic living room on the Main Deck features a dining area and a lounge area, with home cinema system and glass walls that can be partially opened. The lowered lounge with galley at the stern can both be a patio to the beach area and a private lounge to the master cabin.
One of the main results of this mixed approach is the fact that there are a remarkable four helm stations. The first station on the Main Deck forward of the main salon and the second on the Roof Top, fitted with a retractable steering console, are joined by two yacht wheels on the port and starboard sides of the Main Deck.
A clear reference to the world of sailing, they are an invitation to enjoy cruising in close contact with the water, as well as being very practical when manoeuvring. The space between the two helm wheels is completely free, but the side seats and the couches around them invite socialisation between the driver and their guests, something that isn’t usually possible on a motor yacht.
The beach area is an open space on the water, just 70 cm above the waterline, designed to be able to enjoy seamless contact with nature and an unbroken 180-degree panoramic view thanks to hull sides that open, eliminating all visual barriers and conveying the sensation of being at one with the surrounding environment.
Three steps connect the beach area with a low lounge area that precedes the master stateroom and has big sliding glass doors, allowing it to perform two functions: an open air patio for daytime use, separated from the interiors and offering shelter from the wind and sun, and a private living area for the owner at night, when the door to the exterior deck is closed, transforming it into an exclusive open space suite 12 metres long.
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The designer’s challenging concept shows through the endless opportunities aboard, with convertible space and four helm stations, including two ship’s wheels that allow for steering closer to the sea and for easier manoeuvres.
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