Arksen 85 (2024) Zu verkaufen in Southampton, Vereinigtes Königreich

KI-generierte Zusammenfassung

Die Arksen 85 aus Southampton ist ein Modell von 2024, das für nachhaltige Langstreckenfahrten konzipiert wurde. Mit einer Gesamtlänge von 27,30 Metern und einer Breite von 7,01 Metern bietet dieses Schiff mit Aluminiumrumpf bequem Platz für sechs Gäste und zwei Besatzungsmitglieder. Es verfügt über ein Hybridantriebssystem für verbesserte Effizienz, geringere Emissionen und nahezu geräuschlosen Betrieb. Die Yacht ist mit fortschrittlicher Navigations- und Kommunikationstechnologie ausgestattet, darunter Radar, GPS und UKW-Radio. Mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeit verfügt sie über eine umweltfreundliche Aluminiumkonstruktion, Solarenergiekapazitäten und eine Reichweite von 7.000 Seemeilen. Die Arksen 85 mit ihrem minimalen Wartungsbedarf und ihrem vielseitigen Platzangebot bietet ein unvergleichliches Erkundungserlebnis bei gleichzeitig geringerer Umweltbelastung.

Allgemeine Angaben
Arksen 85
Used boot für verkauf
27,30 meter
7,01 meter
1,55 meter
Southampton, Vereinigtes Königreich

Über diesen Bereich Arksen 85


Backofen, Gefrierschrank, Klimaanlage, Echolot, Windmessanlage, Autopilot, GPS, UKW-Funk, Kartenplotter, Radar, NAVTEX, Generator, Inverter, CD, Ruder - Bugstrahlruder, Ruder - Heckstrahlruder, Kühlschrank, Gangway, TV

Beginnen Sie aufregende Expeditionen an Bord der Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, die in Zusammenarbeit zwischen Arksen und Humphreys Yacht Design sorgfältig entworfen und von Arksen im Vereinigten Königreich fachmännisch gefertigt wurde. Das Innendesign und die Auswahl nachhaltiger Materialien stammen von dem mehrfach ausgezeichneten Design Unlimited. Sie bietet bequem Platz für sechs Gäste und zwei Besatzungsmitglieder.

PROJECT OCEAN verkörpert Arksens Fokus auf Sicherheit, Robustheit und eine nahtlose Reise, die Komfort, Sicherheit und Effizienz vereint. Gebaut nach den Standards der kommerziellen Regulierung (MCA), bietet dieses Schiff unvergleichliche Zugänglichkeit und ermöglicht es Ihnen, abgelegene Ziele mit Vertrauen und Seelenruhe zu erkunden. Entworfen, um jedes Hindernis zu bewältigen, lässt PROJECT OCEAN Sie bemerkenswerte Abenteuer mit unerschütterlicher Gewissheit beginnen.

Dieses Schiff ist ein Zeugnis innovativer Ingenieurskunst, das bemerkenswerte Effizienz nahtlos mit unvergleichlichem Komfort kombiniert. Sein fortschrittliches hybrides Antriebssystem, die hochmoderne Stabilisierungstechnologie und die beispielhafte Systemtechnik optimieren die Effizienz und reduzieren gleichzeitig Emissionen, Lärm und Vibrationen. Unterstützt von aktiven Finnen- und Gyrostabilisatoren sorgt PROJECT OCEAN für höchsten Komfort und Stabilität während Ihrer Reise.

Entwickelt für einfache Bedienung und minimalen Wartungsaufwand, ermöglicht PROJECT OCEAN Ihnen, sich vollständig in die Aufregung der Erkundung zu vertiefen. Das hybride Antriebssystem bietet mehrere Redundanzen und Wartungsmöglichkeiten im Betrieb, sodass Sie sich auf Ihre Abenteuer konzentrieren können und die Notwendigkeit von Ausfallzeiten verringert wird. Ihre Aluminiumkonstruktion bietet außergewöhnliche Festigkeit, Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Isolierung, wodurch der Wartungsaufwand minimiert wird.

Die Wahl einer Aluminium-Überbau war eine wichtige Entscheidung, da sie die Umweltbelastung reduziert. Das Aluminium besteht zu 40 % aus recyceltem Material und ist am Ende seiner Lebensdauer vollständig recycelbar, was ein starkes Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit widerspiegelt.

PROJECT OCEAN wurde für progressives, „Erhaltungs“-Kreuzfahren entworfen – ein Novum im Yachtbereich. Das bedeutet, dass sie über eine wirklich transozeanische Reichweite von 7.000 Seemeilen verfügt (vergleichbar mit Motoryachten, die dreimal so groß sind). Sie kann in den emissionsfreien Modus umschalten und lautlos an Ihrem Zielort fahren, dank des Solarpanels und des hybriden Antriebs. Der virtuelle Anker ermöglicht es dem Schiff auch, geschützte Meeresumgebungen zu besuchen und keine Spuren zu hinterlassen.

Arksen und Humphreys Yacht Design haben dies erreicht, indem sie eine sehr effiziente Rumpfform mit niedrigem Verdrängungs-/Längenverhältnis entwickelt und Merkmale wie verdrehte Strömungsruder integriert haben, um den Widerstand zu minimieren. Dies wird den Betriebskosten der Eigentümer zugutekommen und die Emissionen reduzieren. Das Rumpfdesign wird durch das Praxis-Hybrid-Antriebssystem ergänzt. PROJECT OCEAN erreicht jederzeit nahezu lautloses Fahren, da die Elektromotoren und Generatoren montiert und isoliert sind, um Lärm und Vibrationen zu minimieren.

Beginnen Sie Ihre Abenteuer in dem Wissen, dass Sie die Umwelt schonen und zukünftigen Generationen ermöglichen, die Wunder unseres Planeten zu genießen.

Zur Ergänzung ihrer außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten verfügt PROJECT OCEAN über ein maßgeschneidertes Tesumo-Holzdeck mit einer 3D-gefrästen Korkunterlage, die der Kontur der Deckstruktur auf der Unterseite folgt und eine perfekt flache Oberfläche auf der Oberseite bietet. Neben der Reduzierung des während der Installation benötigten Klebers bietet die Korkschicht zusätzliche akustische und thermische Isolierung.

Das große Achterdeck wurde als flexibler Raum für die Lagerung eines bis zu 5,5 m langen Beiboots mit einem Hochleistungs-Kran oder für wichtige Ozeanforschung konzipiert. Eigentümer, die das Arksen Sea Time Pledge annehmen, erhalten Zugang zu einem globalen Netzwerk von Wissenschaftlern, die in einigen der schönsten und zerbrechlichsten Orte Forschung betreiben möchten. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, eine letztlich einzigartige Erfahrung für sich und Ihre Gäste zu sammeln und gleichzeitig den Zugang zum Ozean für Meereswissenschaftler und Forscher zu ermöglichen. Dieses bemerkenswerte Merkmal hebt die Arksen 85 von ähnlichen Schiffen derselben Größe ab, bereichert Ihre Abenteuer und umarmt den Geist der Erkundung.

Beginnen Sie eine außergewöhnliche Reise an Bord von PROJECT OCEAN, wo Zuverlässigkeit, Robustheit und atemberaubende Entdeckungen aufeinandertreffen. Diese wahre Erkundungsjacht gewährleistet Ihre Sicherheit, unvergleichlichen Komfort und mühelose Bedienung. Mit minimalem Wartungsaufwand und tiefem Respekt für die Umwelt ebnet sie den Weg für bemerkenswerte Expeditionen, die Ihre Perspektive neu definieren.

Preis ist zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer


Neubau 99 % abgeschlossen von Arksen auf der Isle of Wight

Hybrides Antriebssystem für hohe Effizienz, geringere Emissionen, lautloses Fahren, geringe Vibrationen

Aluminiumkonstruktion für minimale Umweltkosten und vollständig recycelbar; hervorragende Qualität in Bezug auf Gewicht, Festigkeit, Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Isolierung


Gebaut nach kommerziellen Vorschriften (MCA) und unter 24-Meter-Ladungslinie

Niedrige Wartungs- und Betriebskosten

Ausreichende Lagerkapazität für bis zu 5,5 Meter Beiboot und Spielzeuge

3 Gästekabinen für bis zu 6 Gäste

Offene Küche auf dem Hauptdeck

Technische Daten Hersteller Arksen Modell 85 Länge (LOA) 27,3 m Jahr 2024 Bruttotonnen 112 Tiefgang 1,55 m Breite 7,01 m Reichweite 7.000 NM Standort Southampton

Unterkünfte Kabinen 3 Schlafplätze 6 Einzelbetten 2 Toiletten 4 Besatzungskabinen 1 Besatzung Schlafplätze 2

Abmessungen & Kapazität LOA 27,3 m Max. Tiefgang 1,55 m Kraftstofftank 18.000 L Frischwasser 6.000 L Abwassertank 1.400 L Bruttotonnen 112 Verdrängung 112

Bau Rumpfmaterial Aluminium Rumpfkonfiguration Schnelle Verdrängung Max. Geschwindigkeit 14 Knoten Reisegeschwindigkeit 12 Knoten Reichweite 7.000 NM Stabilisatoren Standard und Nullgeschwindigkeit

Rumpf & Abmessungen

Typ: Arksen 85

Rumpf: Aluminium

Überbau: Aluminium

Hersteller: Arksen Ltd

Modell: Arksen 85

Baujahr: 2023

L.O.A: 27,40 m

Rumpflänge: 26,22 m

Verdrängung: Voll beladen 112 Tonnen

Reisegeschwindigkeit: 9-12 Knoten

Max. Geschwindigkeit: 14 Knoten

Max. Reichweite: 7.000 nm

Max. elektrische Reichweite: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanische Ausrüstung

Motoren: 3 x 200 kW Dieselgeneratoren mit variabler Geschwindigkeit (Praxis-Hybridsystem)

Antrieb: 2 x 250 kW Elektromotoren

Kraftstoffkapazität: 18.000 Liter

Frischwasserkapazität: 6.000 Liter

Schwarzwassertank: 900 Liter

550 Liter Schlammtank

Keenan Kraftstoffpolier-System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Wasseraufbereiter, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Wasserenthärter

Hamman Compact 0125 Abwasserbehandlungsanlage

Thruster: OYS 36 kW Festpropeller/ OYS 36 kW Schwenkpropeller

Steuerung: Drahtlos, Joystick-Steuerung für Positionshaltung und Manövrierung

Stabilisierung: Humphree Fin Stabilisatoren

1 x SK 09 und 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyrostabilisatoren

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Klimaanlage: MAR-IX Klimaanlage

Heizung: CWarm 33 Dieselheizung


Generatoren: 3 x 200 kW Dieselgeneratoren mit variabler Geschwindigkeit

Batterien: – 160 kWh LiFePO4 Antriebs-/Hausbatterien im A60 Batterieraum

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service-Batteriebank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Notstrom-Batteriebank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS-Batteriebank

Landstrom: 3 Phasen 63A 50Hz oder 60Hz, Glendinning Landstromkabeltrommeln

AC-Strom: – 3-Phasen 400V 50Hz AC-Strom für primäre Verbraucher

– Einphasen 230V 50Hz AC-Hausringkreis

Solarstrom: 6 kW maximale Leistung


4 x 24” Touchscreens auf der Hauptbrücke für Navigation, Steuerung und Überwachung

2 x 24” Touchscreens auf der unteren Brücke für Navigation, Steuerung und Überwachung

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanner

Anschutz Standard 22 Kompakt-Gyrokompass mit Kurswiederholern an jeder Brücke

Furuno SCX-20 GPS-Kompass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Kompass

Furuno Autopilot, Steuerkopf an jeder Brücke

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Klasse A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instrumente auf der Hauptbrücke, unteren Brücke, Besatzungskabine

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in der Besatzungskabine

FLIR M364C stabilisierte Kamera

4 x externe, 2 x Maschinenraum, 1 x Batterieraum CCTV-Kameras



2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF mit Handgeräten an der oberen und unteren Brücke

Thrane LT-3100S Iridium GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellitendaten

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellitendaten

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WLAN-Netzwerk

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV auf einem Lift im Hauptsalon

Sony 40” TV auf einem Lift im oberen Salon

Sony 43” TV im Snug/Büro

Samsung 32” Frame TV in der Masterkabine

Apple TV, Chromecast und Netzwerkverbindung für jeden TV

Sonos Audio in jeder Kabine und im Salon

Sonos Audio auf dem Hauptdeck und im hinteren Bereich des oberen Decks

Sonos Move tragbares Audio für externe Bereiche

OutClass-R Medienserver

Crestron Steuerung von AV- und Hotelsystemen


Ultra 130 kg SHHP Edelstahl-Hauptanker

Lewmar Claw 80 kg Edelstahl-Zweitanker

140 m 14 mm Edelstahlkurzgliedkette pro Anker

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertikale Edelstahl-Windensysteme mit Gypsy und Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 Edelstahl-Selbsttailing-Winden für die Handhabung der Achterdeck-Leinen

2 x Lewmar EST REVO Rückwickelwinden für Ausleger und Hebekontrolle

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulischer Kran für die Handhabung von Beibooten

Carbogale Carbonfaser-Faltgangway


Master Suite konfiguriert als Doppelzimmer mit eigenem Bad, plus Snug/Bibliothek/Büro/Kabine mit direktem Zugang

Die Gästekabine auf der Steuerbordseite kann als Doppel-, Zweibett- oder Dreibettzimmer konfiguriert werden

Die Gästekabine auf der Backbordseite kann als Einzel- oder Doppelzimmer konfiguriert werden



Lobby auf dem Hauptdeck mit Stauraum und Tages-WC/Dusche

Offene Küche und großer Sitz-/Essbereich auf dem Hauptdeck. Büro/verborgener Brückenbereich vorne.

Sitz-/Essbereich auf dem Brückendeck. Schiffsbüro/Kartentisch. Brückenbereich vorne.

Sitz-/Essbereich auf dem Hauptdeck hinten. Markise für Schatten. Servier-/BBQ-Bereich.

Sitz-/Ess-/Sonnenbereich auf dem Hauptdeck vorne. Markisen für Schatten.

Sitzbereiche auf dem Brückendeck vorne und hinten

Externe Decks aus Tesumo nachhaltigem Holz


Die Spezifikationen sind gemäß Angaben des Eigentümers und/oder Herstellers, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.

Die Spezifikationen werden vom Eigentümer und/oder Hersteller bereitgestellt, aus diesen können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


oven, freezer, air conditioning, echo sounder, wind indicator, autopilot, GPS, VHF radio, plotter, radar, NAVTEX, generator, inverter, CD, thruster - bow thruster, thruster - stern thruster, refrigerator, gangway, TV

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton

Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2

Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112

Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed

Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.trouba, mraznička, klimatizace, sonar, anemometr, autopilot, GPS, VHF vysílačka, plotr, radar, Navtex, generátor, invertor/střídač, CD, pomocný propeler příďový, pomocný propeler záďový, chladnička, lávka, TV

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton

Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2

Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112

Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed

Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


  • Depth Instrument
  • Wind Instrument
  • Autopilot
  • GPS
  • VHF
  • Plotter
  • Radar


  • Generator


  • Freezer
  • Heating


bageovn, fryser, ankerkæde, ekkolod, vindmåler, selvstyrer, GPS, VHF radio, kortplotter, radar, Navtex, generator, omformer, CD, bovpropel, hækpropel , køleskab, landgangsbro, TV

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton

Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2

Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112

Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed

Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


horno, congelador, aire acondicionado, sonar, anemómetro, piloto automático, GPS, radio VHF, lector de mapas, radar, NAVTEX, generador, inversor, CD, impulsor de proa, impulsor de popa, refrigerador, pasarela, TV

Embarque en emocionantes expediciones a bordo del Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulosamente diseñado en colaboración entre Arksen y Humphreys Yacht Design y elaborado por Arksen en el Reino Unido. El diseño interior y la selección de materiales sostenibles son obra de la galardonada Design Unlimited. Ella puede acomodar cómodamente a seis invitados y dos tripulantes.

PROJECT OCEAN encarna el enfoque de Arksen en la seguridad, robustez y un viaje sin interrupciones que combina comodidad, seguridad y eficiencia. Construida para cumplir con las normas de regulación comercial (MCA), esta embarcación ofrece una accesibilidad inigualable, permitiéndole explorar destinos remotos con confianza y tranquilidad. Diseñada para manejar cualquier obstáculo, PROJECT OCEAN le permite embarcarse en aventuras notables con una seguridad inquebrantable.

Esta embarcación es un testimonio de la ingeniería innovadora, combinando sin esfuerzo una eficiencia notable con una comodidad inigualable. Su avanzado sistema de propulsión híbrido, tecnología de estabilización de última generación y ejemplar ingeniería de sistemas optimizan la eficiencia mientras reducen emisiones, ruido y vibraciones. Respaldada por estabilizadores de aleta y giroscopios activos, PROJECT OCEAN asegura una comodidad y estabilidad supremas durante su viaje.

Diseñada para una operación simple y un mantenimiento mínimo, PROJECT OCEAN le permite sumergirse completamente en la emoción de la exploración. El sistema de propulsión híbrido ofrece múltiples redundancias y mantenimiento en servicio, asegurando que su enfoque permanezca en sus aventuras y reduciendo la necesidad de tiempo de inactividad. Su construcción de aluminio proporciona una resistencia excepcional, resistencia a la corrosión y aislamiento, minimizando el nivel de mantenimiento requerido.

La elección de una superestructura de aluminio fue importante, ya que reduce su impacto ambiental. El aluminio está hecho de un 40% de contenido reciclado y es completamente reciclable al final de su vida útil, reflejando un fuerte compromiso con la sostenibilidad.

PROJECT OCEAN ha sido diseñada e ingenierizada para la navegación progresiva de "preservación", un primero en el yachting. Esto significa que tiene un verdadero rango transoceánico de 7,000 nm (comparable a yates de motor tres veces su tamaño). Tiene la capacidad de cambiar a modo de cero emisiones y funcionamiento silencioso en su destino, gracias a la matriz solar y la propulsión híbrida. El ancla virtual también permite que la embarcación visite entornos marinos protegidos y no deje rastro.

Arksen y Humphreys Yacht Design han logrado esto desarrollando una forma de casco de bajo desplazamiento/longitud muy eficiente e incorporando características como timones de flujo retorcido para minimizar la resistencia. Esto beneficiará naturalmente los costos operativos de los propietarios y reducirá las emisiones. El diseño de su casco se complementa con el sistema de propulsión híbrido Praxis. PROJECT OCEAN logra un funcionamiento casi silencioso en todo momento, ya que los motores eléctricos y generadores están montados e aislados para limitar el ruido y las vibraciones.

Embarque en sus aventuras sabiendo que está pisando suavemente sobre el medio ambiente, permitiendo que las futuras generaciones disfruten de las maravillas de nuestro planeta.

Complementando sus capacidades excepcionales, PROJECT OCEAN cuenta con una cubierta de madera Tesumo a medida con un panel de corcho fresado en 3D que sigue el contorno de la estructura de la cubierta en la parte inferior y proporciona una superficie perfectamente plana en la parte superior. Además de reducir el adhesivo requerido durante la instalación, la capa de corcho proporciona aislamiento acústico y térmico adicional.

La gran cubierta de popa fue diseñada para ser un espacio flexible para el almacenamiento de hasta un bote auxiliar de 5.5 m, con una grúa de alta capacidad o para permitir investigaciones oceánicas vitales. Los propietarios que asumen el Compromiso de Tiempo en el Mar de Arksen obtienen acceso a una red global de científicos que buscan realizar investigaciones en algunos de los lugares más hermosos y frágiles. Tiene la oportunidad de obtener una experiencia única para usted y sus invitados, al tiempo que proporciona acceso vital al océano para científicos e investigadores marinos. Este notable atributo distingue a este Arksen 85 de embarcaciones similares del mismo tamaño, mejorando sus aventuras y abrazando el espíritu de exploración.

Embarque en un viaje extraordinario a bordo de PROJECT OCEAN, donde la fiabilidad, robustez y descubrimiento asombroso convergen. Este verdadero yate de exploración asegura su seguridad, comodidad inigualable y operación sin esfuerzo. Con un mantenimiento mínimo y un profundo respeto por el medio ambiente, allana el camino para expediciones notables que redefinen su perspectiva.

El precio es exclusivo de IVA

Aspectos destacados

Nueva construcción 99% completada por Arksen en la Isla de Wight

Sistema de propulsión híbrido para alta eficiencia, menores emisiones, funcionamiento silencioso, bajas vibraciones

Construcción de aluminio para un costo ambiental mínimo y completamente reciclable; excelente calidad en términos de peso, resistencia, resistencia a la corrosión y aislamiento

Sistema de estabilización a cero velocidad

Construida para cumplir con la regulación comercial (MCA) y por debajo de la línea de carga de 24 metros

Bajos costos de mantenimiento y operación

Amplia capacidad de almacenamiento para un bote auxiliar de hasta 5.5 metros y juguetes

3 cabinas para huéspedes para hasta 6 huéspedes

Cocina abierta en la cubierta principal

Especificaciones Constructor Arksen Modelo 85 Longitud (LOA) 27.3m Año 2024 Tonelaje Bruto 112 Calado 1.55m Manga 7.01m Rango 7,000 NM Ubicación Southampton

Alojamientos Cabinas 3 Duerme 6 Camas dobles 2 Baños 4 Cabinas de tripulación 1 Tripulación duerme 2

Dimensiones y capacidad LOA 27.3m Calado máximo 1.55m Tanque de combustible 18,000 L Agua dulce 6,000 L Tanque de retención 1,400 L Tonelaje Bruto 112 Desplazamiento 112

Construcción Material del casco Aluminio Configuración del casco Desplazamiento rápido Velocidad máxima 14 nudos Velocidad de crucero 12 nudos Rango 7,000 NM Estabilizadores Estándar y a cero velocidad

Casco y dimensiones

Tipo: Arksen 85

Casco: Aluminio

Superestructura: Aluminio

Constructor: Arksen Ltd

Modelo: Arksen 85

Año de construcción: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Longitud del casco: 26.22m

Manga: 7.01m

Calado: 1.55m

Desplazamiento: Carga completa 112 toneladas

Velocidad de crucero: 9-12 nudos

Velocidad máxima: 14 nudos

Rango máximo: 7,000 nm

Rango eléctrico máximo: 30 nm

Diseño: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Equipo mecánico

Motores: 3 x 200kW Generadores diésel de velocidad variable (Sistema híbrido Praxis)

Propulsión: 2 x 250 kw Motores eléctricos

Capacidad de combustible: 18,000 litros

Capacidad de agua dulce: 6,000 litros

Tanque de aguas negras: 900 litros

Tanque de lodo de 550 litros

Sistema de pulido de combustible Keenan

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplicador de agua RO, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Ablandador de agua

Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales Hamman Compact 0125

Propulsores: OYS 36kW Propulsor de proa fijo/ OYS 36kW Propulsor de popa abatible

Control: Sistema de control de posición y maniobra inalámbrico con joystick

Estabilización: Estabilizadores de aleta Humphree

1 x SK 09 y 1 x SK 18 Estabilizadores giroscópicos Seakeeper

Sistema de control de conducción Humphree Interceptor

Aire acondicionado: Sistema de aire acondicionado MAR-IX

Calefacción: Caldera diésel CWarm 33


Generadores: 3 x 200kW Generadores diésel de velocidad variable

Baterías: – 160kWh Baterías de propulsión/casa LiFePO4 en sala de baterías A60

– 200 Ah Batería de servicio de 24V DC LiFePO4

– 300 Ah Batería de emergencia de 24V DC LiFePO4

– 100 Ah Batería GMDSS de 24V DC LiFePO4

Poder de muelle: 3 Fases 63A 50Hz o 60Hz, carretes de cable de poder de muelle Glendinning

Poder AC: – 3 Fases 400V 50Hz AC para consumidores primarios

– Fase única 230V 50Hz AC Red doméstica

Poder solar: 6kW Salida máxima


4 x Pantallas táctiles de 24” en el puente principal para navegación, control y monitoreo

2 x Pantallas táctiles de 24” en el puente inferior para navegación, control y monitoreo

2 x Escáneres de radar de matriz abierta Furuno DR12A NXT

Compás giroscópico compacto estándar Anschutz 22 con repetidores de rumbo en cada puente

Compás GPS Furuno SCX-20

Compás de flujo sólido Furuno PG700

Piloto automático Furuno, cabeza de control en cada puente

GPS Furuno GP170

GPS de respaldo Furuno GP39

AIS Clase A Furuno FA-170

Instrumentos Furuno FI-70 en el puente principal, puente inferior, cabina de tripulación

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD en la cabina de tripulación

Cámara estabilizada FLIR M364C

4 x Cámaras CCTV externas, 2 x Cámaras en sala de máquinas, 1 x Cámara en sala de baterías

Grabador de video en red


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF con teléfonos en el puente superior e inferior

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Terminal Inmarsat C Furuno Felcom 9

Datos satelitales Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus

Datos satelitales KVH VSAT V7HPS

Navtex Furuno NX700B

Rastreador Yellowbrick YB3i

Router 4G Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2

Red WiFi a bordo

Audio y video

Televisor Sony de 55” en un elevador en el salón principal

Televisor Sony de 40” en elevador en el salón superior

Televisor Sony de 43” en la sala de estar/oficina

Televisor Samsung de 32” en la cabina principal

Apple TV, Chromecast y conexión de red para cada televisor

Audio Sonos en cada cabina y salón

Audio Sonos en las áreas de asientos de la cubierta principal y la cubierta superior de popa

Audio portátil Sonos Move para espacios externos

Servidor de medios OutClass-R

Control Crestron de sistemas AV y hotel

Equipo de cubierta

Ancla primaria de acero inoxidable Ultra de 130 kg SHHP

Ancla secundaria de acero inoxidable Lewmar de 80 kg

140m de cadena de eslabones cortos de acero inoxidable de 14mm por ancla

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Winches de acero inoxidable verticales con Gypsy y tambor de enrollado

2 x Winches de acero inoxidable Andersen 62 auto-tensores para manejo de líneas en la cubierta de popa

2 x Winches de retroceso Lewmar EST REVO para control de aparejos y elevación

Grúa hidráulica Opacmare 3078-45 para manejo de botes auxiliares

Pasarela plegable de fibra de carbono Carbogale


Suite principal configurada como dormitorio doble con baño privado, más sala de estar/biblioteca/oficina/cabina con acceso directo

La cabina de invitados de babor puede configurarse como doble, gemela o triple

La cabina de invitados de estribor puede configurarse como individual o doble

Cabina de tripulación gemela

Espacio de lavandería/utilidad/almacenamiento

Vestíbulo trasero de la cubierta principal con almacenamiento y baño/ducha de día

Cocina de planta abierta y gran área de asientos/comedor en la cubierta principal. Oficina/área de puente oculta en la parte delantera.

Área de asientos/comedor en la cubierta del puente. Oficina de barcos/mesa de cartas. Área del puente en la parte delantera.

Área de asientos/comedor en la parte trasera de la cubierta principal. Toldos para sombra. Área de servicio/barbacoa.

Área de asientos/comedor/tumbonas en la parte delantera de la cubierta principal. Toldos para sombra.

Áreas de asientos en la cubierta del puente en la parte delantera y trasera

Cubiertas externas cubiertas de madera sostenible Tesumo

Descargo de responsabilidad

Las especificaciones son según lo indicado por el propietario y/o fabricante, no se pueden derivar derechos de esto.

Las especificaciones son proporcionadas por el propietario y/o fabricante, no se pueden derivar derechos de esto.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


four, congélateur, climatisation, sondeur, girouette, autopilote, GPS, VHF, plotter, radar, NAVTEX, générateur, inverseur, CD, propulseur d'étrave, propulseur de poupe, réfrigérateur, passerelle, TV

Embarquez pour des expéditions passionnantes à bord de l'Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, méticuleusement conçu en collaboration entre Arksen et Humphreys Yacht Design et habilement fabriqué par Arksen au Royaume-Uni. Le design intérieur et la sélection de matériaux durables sont réalisés par le multi-récompensé Design Unlimited. Elle peut accueillir confortablement six invités et deux membres d'équipage.

PROJECT OCEAN incarne l'accent mis par Arksen sur la sécurité, la robustesse et un voyage sans faille alliant confort, sécurité et efficacité. Construit pour répondre aux normes de réglementation commerciale (MCA), ce navire offre une accessibilité inégalée, vous permettant d'explorer des destinations éloignées en toute confiance et tranquillité d'esprit. Conçu pour surmonter tout obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN vous permet de vous lancer dans des aventures remarquables avec une assurance inébranlable.

Ce navire est un témoignage de l'ingénierie innovante, combinant harmonieusement une efficacité remarquable avec un confort inégalé. Son système de propulsion hybride avancé, sa technologie de stabilisation à la pointe et son ingénierie des systèmes exemplaire optimisent l'efficacité tout en réduisant les émissions, le bruit et les vibrations. Soutenu par des stabilisateurs à ailerons actifs et gyroscopiques, PROJECT OCEAN garantit un confort et une stabilité suprêmes tout au long de votre voyage.

Conçu pour une simplicité d'opération et un entretien minimal, PROJECT OCEAN vous permet de vous immerger pleinement dans l'excitation de l'exploration. Le système de propulsion hybride offre une redondance multiple et un entretien en service, garantissant que votre attention reste sur vos aventures et réduisant le besoin de temps d'arrêt. Sa construction en aluminium offre une résistance exceptionnelle, une résistance à la corrosion et une isolation, minimisant le niveau d'entretien requis.

Le choix d'une superstructure en aluminium était important, car il réduit son impact environnemental. L'aluminium est composé de 40 % de contenu recyclé et est entièrement recyclable en fin de vie, reflétant un fort engagement envers la durabilité.

PROJECT OCEAN a été conçu et conçu pour une croisière progressive, "de préservation" — une première dans le yachting. Cela signifie qu'elle a une véritable autonomie transocéanique de 7 000 nm (comparable aux yachts à moteur trois fois sa taille). Elle a la capacité de passer en mode zéro émission et de fonctionner silencieusement à votre destination, grâce au panneau solaire et à la propulsion hybride. L'ancre virtuelle permet également au navire de visiter des environnements marins protégés sans laisser de trace.

Arksen et Humphreys Yacht Design ont réalisé cela en développant une forme de coque à faible rapport déplacement/longueur très efficace et en incorporant des caractéristiques telles que des gouvernails à flux tordus pour minimiser la résistance. Cela bénéficiera naturellement aux coûts d'exploitation des propriétaires et réduira les émissions. Le design de sa coque est complété par le système de propulsion hybride Praxis. PROJECT OCEAN atteint un fonctionnement quasi silencieux à tout moment, car les moteurs électriques et les générateurs sont montés et isolés pour limiter le bruit et les vibrations.

Embarquez pour vos aventures en sachant que vous marchez légèrement sur l'environnement, permettant aux générations futures de profiter des merveilles de notre planète.

Complétant ses capacités exceptionnelles, PROJECT OCEAN dispose d'un pont en bois Tesumo sur mesure avec un sous-couche en liège fraisée en 3D qui suit le contour de la structure du pont sur le dessous et fournit une surface parfaitement plate sur le dessus. En plus de réduire l'adhésif requis lors de l'installation, la couche de liège offre une isolation acoustique et thermique supplémentaire.

Le grand pont arrière a été conçu pour être un espace flexible de stockage pour un annexe de 5,5 m, avec une grue à haute capacité ou pour permettre des recherches océaniques vitales. Les propriétaires qui prennent l'Arksen Sea Time Pledge ont accès à un réseau mondial de scientifiques cherchant à mener des recherches dans certains des endroits les plus beaux et les plus fragiles. Vous avez l'opportunité de vivre une expérience finalement unique pour vous et vos invités tout en fournissant un accès vital à l'océan pour les scientifiques et les chercheurs marins. Cette caractéristique remarquable distingue cet Arksen 85 des navires similaires de la même taille, enrichissant vos aventures et embrassant l'esprit d'exploration.

Embarquez pour un voyage extraordinaire à bord de PROJECT OCEAN, où fiabilité, robustesse et découvertes époustouflantes convergent. Ce véritable yacht d'exploration garantit votre sécurité, un confort inégalé et une opération sans effort. Avec un entretien minimal et un profond respect pour l'environnement, elle ouvre la voie à des expéditions remarquables qui redéfinissent votre perspective.

Le prix est hors TVA

Points forts

Nouveau bâtiment 99 % terminé par Arksen sur l'île de Wight

Système de propulsion hybride pour une efficacité élevée, des émissions réduites, un fonctionnement silencieux, de faibles vibrations

Construit en aluminium pour un coût environnemental minimal et entièrement recyclable ; excellente qualité en termes de poids, de résistance, de résistance à la corrosion et d'isolation

Système de stabilisation à vitesse nulle

Construit selon la réglementation commerciale (MCA) et en dessous de la ligne de charge de 24 mètres

Coûts d'entretien et d'exploitation faibles

Capacité de stockage ample pour un annexe de 5,5 mètres et des jouets

3 cabines pour invités pour un maximum de 6 invités

Cuisine ouverte sur le pont principal

Spécifications Constructeur Arksen Modèle 85 Longueur (LOA) 27,3 m Année 2024 Tonnage brut 112 Tirant d'eau 1,55 m Largeur 7,01 m Autonomie 7 000 NM Emplacement Southampton

Hébergements Cabines 3 Couchages 6 Lits jumeaux 2 Toilettes 4 Cabines d'équipage 1 Équipage Couchages 2

Dimensions & Capacité LOA 27,3 m Tirant d'eau max 1,55 m Réservoir de carburant 18 000 L Eau douce 6 000 L Réservoir de retenue 1 400 L Tonnage brut 112 Déplacement 112

Construction Matériau de la coque Aluminium Configuration de la coque Déplacement rapide Vitesse max 14 nœuds Vitesse de croisière 12 nœuds Autonomie 7 000 NM Stabilisateurs Standard et à vitesse nulle

Coque & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Coque: Aluminium

Superstructure: Aluminium

Constructeur: Arksen Ltd

Modèle: Arksen 85

Année de construction: 2023

L.O.A: 27,40 m

Longueur de la coque: 26,22 m

Largeur: 7,01 m

Tirant d'eau: 1,55 m

Déplacement: Charge complète 112 tonnes

Vitesse de croisière: 9-12 nœuds

Vitesse max: 14 nœuds

Autonomie max: 7 000 nm

Autonomie électrique max: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Équipement mécanique

Moteurs: 3 x 200 kW Générateurs diesel à vitesse variable (Système hybride Praxis)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kW Moteurs électriques

Capacité de carburant: 18 000 litres

Capacité d'eau douce: 6 000 litres

Réservoir d'eaux usées: 900 litres

Réservoir de boues de 550 litres

Système de purification de carburant Keenan

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Adoucisseur d'eau

Usine de traitement des eaux usées Hamman Compact 0125

Propulseurs: OYS 36 kW Propulseur d'étrave fixe/ OYS 36 kW Propulseur de poupe rabattable

Contrôle: Système de contrôle sans fil, joystick pour le maintien de la position et la manœuvre

Stabilisation: Stabilisateurs à ailerons Humphree

1 x SK 09 et 1 x SK 18 Stabilisateurs gyroscopiques Seakeeper

Système de contrôle de conduite Humphree Interceptor

Climatisation: Système de climatisation MAR-IX

Chauffage: Chaudière diesel CWarm 33


Générateurs: 3 x 200 kW Générateurs diesel à vitesse variable

Batteries: – 160 kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/Batteries de maison dans la salle de batterie A60

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Banque de batteries de service

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Banque de batteries d'urgence

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Banque de batteries GMDSS

Alimentation à quai: 3 Phases 63A 50Hz ou 60Hz, enrouleurs de câble d'alimentation à quai Glendinning

Alimentation AC: – 3 Phases 400V 50Hz AC pour les consommateurs principaux

– Monophasé 230V 50Hz AC Circuit domestique

Énergie solaire: 6 kW Puissance maximale


4 x Écrans tactiles de 24” au pont principal pour la navigation, le contrôle et la surveillance

2 x Écrans tactiles de 24” au pont inférieur pour la navigation, le contrôle et la surveillance

2 x Scanners radar à réseau ouvert Furuno DR12A NXT

Compas gyroscopique compact standard 22 Anschutz avec répéteurs de cap à chaque pont

Compas GPS Furuno SCX-20

Compas à fluxgate gyroscopique solide Furuno PG700

Autopilote Furuno, tête de contrôle à chaque pont

GPS Furuno GP170

GPS de secours Furuno GP39

AIS de classe A Furuno FA-170

Instruments Furuno FI-70 au pont principal, au pont inférieur, dans la cabine d'équipage

MFD Furuno TZT3 9F dans la cabine d'équipage

Caméra stabilisée FLIR M364C

4 x Caméras CCTV externes, 2 x Caméras de salle des machines, 1 x Caméra de salle de batterie

Enregistreur vidéo en réseau


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF avec combinés au pont supérieur et inférieur

Thrane LT-3100S Iridium GMDSS

Terminal Inmarsat C Furuno Felcom 9

Données satellites Iridium Certus Sailor 4300

Données satellites KVH VSAT V7HPS

Navtex Furuno NX700B

Traceur Yellowbrick YB3i

Routeur 4G Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2

Réseau WiFi à bord

Audio & Vidéo

TV Sony 55” sur un élévateur dans le salon principal

TV Sony 40” sur élévateur dans le salon supérieur

TV Sony 43” dans le coin bureau

TV Samsung 32” Frame dans la cabine principale

Apple TV, Chromecast et connexion réseau pour chaque TV

Audio Sonos dans chaque cabine et salon

Audio Sonos sur le pont principal et les zones de sièges arrière du pont supérieur

Audio portable Sonos Move pour les espaces extérieurs

Serveur multimédia OutClass-R

Contrôle Crestron des systèmes AV et hôteliers

Équipement de pont

Ancre principale en acier inoxydable Ultra 130 kg SHHP

Deuxième ancre en acier inoxydable Lewmar Claw 80 kg

140 m de chaîne en acier inoxydable à maillons courts de 14 mm par ancre

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Windlass en acier inoxydable avec Gypsy et tambour de remorquage

2 x winches auto-tailing en acier inoxydable Andersen 62 pour la manipulation des lignes du pont arrière

2 x winches de retour Lewmar EST REVO pour le contrôle des bras et de levage

Grue hydraulique Opacmare 3078-45 pour la manipulation de l'annexe

Passerelle pliante en fibre de carbone Carbogale


Suite principale configurée en chambre double avec salle de bain, plus coin bibliothèque/bureau/cabine avec accès direct

Cabine d'invité bâbord pouvant être configurée en double, twin ou triple

Cabine d'invité tribord pouvant être configurée en simple ou double

Cabine d'équipage jumeaux

Buanderie/espace utilitaire/de stockage

Hall d'entrée arrière du pont principal avec rangement et toilettes/douche de jour

Cuisine ouverte et grand espace de sièges/salle à manger sur le pont principal. Bureau/zone de pont dissimulée à l'avant.

Espace de sièges/salle à manger sur le pont supérieur. Bureau du navire/table à cartes. Zone de pont à l'avant.

Espace de sièges/salle à manger à l'arrière du pont principal. Auvent pour l'ombre. Zone de service/barbecue.

Espace de sièges/salle à manger/bain de soleil à l'avant du pont principal. Auvents pour l'ombre.

Zones de sièges sur le pont avant et arrière

Terrasses extérieures recouvertes de bois durable Tesumo


Les spécifications sont fournies par le propriétaire et/ou le fabricant, aucun droit ne peut en être dérivé.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


forno, freezer, condizionatore, ecoscandaglio, vento, autopilota, GPS, vhf, plotter, radar, NAVTEX, generatore, inverter, lettore cd, elica di prua, elica di poppa, frigo, passerella, tv

Intraprendi emozionanti spedizioni a bordo dell'Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, progettato meticolosamente in collaborazione tra Arksen e Humphreys Yacht Design e realizzato con maestria da Arksen nel Regno Unito. Design degli interni e selezione di materiali sostenibili a cura di Design Unlimited, vincitore di più premi. Può ospitare comodamente sei ospiti e due membri dell'equipaggio.

PROJECT OCEAN incarna l'attenzione di Arksen per la sicurezza, la robustezza e un viaggio senza soluzione di continuità che unisce comfort, sicurezza ed efficienza. Costruita per soddisfare gli standard di regolamentazione commerciale (MCA), questa imbarcazione offre un'accessibilità senza pari, permettendoti di esplorare destinazioni remote con fiducia e tranquillità. Progettata per affrontare qualsiasi ostacolo, PROJECT OCEAN ti consente di intraprendere avventure straordinarie con una sicurezza incrollabile.

Questa imbarcazione è una testimonianza di ingegneria innovativa, combinando senza sforzo un'efficienza straordinaria con un comfort senza pari. Il suo avanzato sistema di propulsione ibrida, la tecnologia di stabilizzazione all'avanguardia e l'ingegneria dei sistemi esemplare ottimizzano l'efficienza riducendo al contempo le emissioni, il rumore e le vibrazioni. Supportata da stabilizzatori a pinna attivi e giroscopici, PROJECT OCEAN garantisce un comfort e una stabilità supremi durante il tuo viaggio.

Progettata per la semplicità di funzionamento e la manutenzione minima, PROJECT OCEAN ti consente di immergerti completamente nell'emozione dell'esplorazione. Il sistema di propulsione ibrida offre più ridondanza e manutenzione in servizio, assicurando che la tua attenzione rimanga sulle tue avventure e riducendo la necessità di inattività. La sua costruzione in alluminio offre eccezionale resistenza, resistenza alla corrosione e isolamento, minimizzando il livello di manutenzione richiesto.

La scelta di una sovrastruttura in alluminio è stata importante, poiché riduce il suo impatto ambientale. L'alluminio è realizzato con il 40% di contenuto riciclato ed è completamente riciclabile alla fine della sua vita, riflettendo un forte impegno per la sostenibilità.

PROJECT OCEAN è stata progettata e ingegnerizzata per una navigazione progressiva, "di preservazione" — una novità nel settore nautico. Ciò significa che ha un'autonomia transoceanica di 7.000 miglia nautiche (paragonabile a yacht a motore tre volte le sue dimensioni). Ha la capacità di passare alla modalità a zero emissioni e di funzionare in silenzio alla tua destinazione, grazie al pannello solare e alla propulsione ibrida. L'ancora virtuale consente anche all'imbarcazione di visitare ambienti marini protetti e di non lasciare traccia.

Arksen e Humphreys Yacht Design hanno raggiunto questo obiettivo sviluppando una forma dello scafo a bassa dislocazione/lunghezza molto efficiente e incorporando caratteristiche come i timoni a flusso torcido per minimizzare la resistenza. Questo avvantaggerà naturalmente i costi di gestione dei proprietari e ridurrà le emissioni. Il design dello scafo è completato dal sistema di propulsione ibrida Praxis. PROJECT OCEAN raggiunge un funzionamento quasi silenzioso in ogni momento poiché i motori elettrici e i generatori sono montati e isolati per limitare rumore e vibrazioni.

Intraprendi le tue avventure sapendo di camminare leggermente sull'ambiente, permettendo alle generazioni future di godere delle meraviglie del nostro pianeta.

A complemento delle sue eccezionali capacità, PROJECT OCEAN presenta un ponte in legno Tesumo su misura con un sottopavimento in sughero fresato in 3D che segue il contorno della struttura del ponte nella parte inferiore e fornisce una superficie perfettamente piana nella parte superiore. Oltre a ridurre l'adesivo necessario durante l'installazione, lo strato di sughero fornisce ulteriore isolamento acustico e termico.

Il grande ponte di poppa è stato progettato per essere uno spazio flessibile per lo stoccaggio di un tender fino a 5,5 metri, con una gru ad alta capacità o per consentire ricerche oceaniche vitali. I proprietari che aderiscono all'Arksen Sea Time Pledge ottengono accesso a una rete globale di scienziati che cercano di condurre ricerche in alcune delle località più belle e fragili. Hai l'opportunità di vivere un'esperienza unica per te e i tuoi ospiti, fornendo al contempo un accesso vitale all'oceano per scienziati e ricercatori marini. Questa straordinaria caratteristica distingue questo Arksen 85 da imbarcazioni simili della stessa dimensione, arricchendo le tue avventure e abbracciando lo spirito di esplorazione.

Intraprendi un viaggio straordinario a bordo di PROJECT OCEAN, dove affidabilità, robustezza e scoperte mozzafiato si incontrano. Questo vero yacht da esplorazione garantisce la tua sicurezza, un comfort senza pari e un funzionamento senza sforzo. Con una manutenzione minima e un profondo rispetto per l'ambiente, apre la strada a spedizioni straordinarie che ridefiniscono la tua prospettiva.

Il prezzo è escluso IVA


Nuova costruzione completata al 99% da Arksen nell'Isola di Wight

Sistema di propulsione ibrida per alta efficienza, basse emissioni, funzionamento silenzioso, basse vibrazioni

Costruzione in alluminio per un costo ambientale minimo e completamente riciclabile; eccellente qualità in termini di peso, resistenza, resistenza alla corrosione e isolamento

Sistema di stabilizzazione a zero velocità

Costruita secondo le normative commerciali (MCA) e sotto la linea di carico di 24 metri

Bassa manutenzione e costi di gestione

Ampia capacità di stoccaggio per tender e giochi fino a 5,5 metri

3 cabine per ospiti per un massimo di 6 ospiti

Cucina aperta sul ponte principale

Specifiche Costruttore Arksen Modello 85 Lunghezza (LOA) 27,3m Anno 2024 Tonnellaggio lordo 112 Pescaggio 1,55m Larghezza 7,01m Autonomia 7.000 NM Luogo Southampton

Alloggi Camere 3 Posti letto 6 Letti matrimoniali 2 Bagni 4 Cabine equipaggio 1 Equipaggio posti letto 2

Dimensioni e Capacità LOA 27,3m Pescaggio massimo 1,55m Serbatoio carburante 18.000 L Acqua dolce 6.000 L Serbatoio di raccolta 1.400 L Tonnellaggio lordo 112 Dislocamento 112

Costruzione Materiale dello scafo Alluminio Configurazione dello scafo Dislocamento veloce Velocità massima 14 nodi Velocità di crociera 12 nodi Autonomia 7.000 NM Stabilizzatori Standard e Zero Speed

Scafo e Dimensioni

Tipo: Arksen 85

Scafo: Alluminio

Sovrastruttura: Alluminio

Costruttore: Arksen Ltd

Modello: Arksen 85

Anno di costruzione: 2023

L.O.A: 27,40m

Lunghezza dello scafo: 26,22m

Larghezza: 7,01m

Pescaggio: 1,55m

Dislocamento: Carico completo 112 tonnellate

Velocità di crociera: 9-12 nodi

Velocità massima: 14 nodi

Autonomia massima: 7.000 nm

Autonomia elettrica massima: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Attrezzature Meccaniche

Motori: 3 x 200kW Generatori Diesel a Velocità Variabile (Sistema Ibrido Praxis)

Propulsione: 2 x 250 kw Motori Elettrici

Capacità carburante: 18.000 litri

Capacità acqua dolce: 6.000 litri

Serbatoio acque nere: 900 litri

Serbatoio fanghi 550 litri

Sistema di Pulizia Carburante Keenan

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Addolcitore d'Acqua

Impianto di Trattamento Acque Reflue Hamman Compact 0125

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Thruster di prua fisso/ OYS 36kW Thruster di poppa a scomparsa

Controllo: Sistema di controllo wireless, joystick per mantenere la posizione e manovrare

Stabilizzazione: Stabilizzatori a pinna Humphree

1 x SK 09 e 1 x SK 18 Stabilizzatori Giroscopici Seakeeper

Sistema di Controllo Ride Humphree Interceptor

Aria Condizionata: Sistema di Aria Condizionata MAR-IX

Riscaldamento: Caldaia Diesel CWarm 33


Generatori: 3 x 200kW Generatori Diesel a Velocità Variabile

Batterie: – 160kWh Batterie di Propulsione/Casa LiFePO4 nella Stanza Batteria A60

– 200 Ah Batteria di Servizio LiFePO4 24V DC

– 300 Ah Batteria di Emergenza LiFePO4 24V DC

– 100 Ah Batteria GMDSS LiFePO4 24V DC

Energia di Terra: 3 Fasi 63A 50Hz o 60Hz, tamburi per cavi di alimentazione Glendinning

Energia AC: – 3 Fasi 400V 50Hz AC per i consumatori primari

– Fase Singola 230V 50Hz Rete Domestica AC

Energia Solare: 6kW Uscita Massima


4 x 24” Touchscreen al ponte principale per navigazione, controllo e monitoraggio

2 x 24” Touchscreen al ponte inferiore per navigazione, controllo e monitoraggio

2 x Scanner Radar Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array

Compasso Giroscopico Anschutz Standard 22 Compatto con ripetitori di rotta su ciascun ponte

Compasso GPS Furuno SCX-20

Compasso Fluxgate Giroscopico Solid State Furuno PG700

Autopilota Furuno, testa di controllo su ciascun ponte

GPS Furuno GP170

GPS di Backup Furuno GP39

AIS Classe A Furuno FA-170

Strumenti Furuno FI-70 al ponte principale, ponte inferiore, cabina equipaggio

MFD Furuno TZT3 9F nella cabina equipaggio

Camera Stabilizzata FLIR M364C

4 x Telecamere CCTV Esterne, 2 x Motore, 1 x Stanza Batteria

Registratore Video di Rete


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF con telefoni a ponte superiore e inferiore

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Terminale Inmarsat C Furuno Felcom 9

Dati Satellitari Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus

Dati Satellitari KVH VSAT V7HPS

Navtex Furuno NX700B

Tracker Yellowbrick YB3i

Router 4G Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2

Rete WiFi a Bordo

Audio e Video

TV Sony 55” su un sollevatore nel salone principale

TV Sony 40” su un sollevatore nel salone superiore

TV Sony 43” nella cabina studio

TV Samsung 32” Frame nella cabina principale

Apple TV, Chromecast e connessione di rete per ciascun TV

Audio Sonos in ciascuna cabina e salone

Audio Sonos nelle aree di seduta del ponte principale e del ponte superiore a poppa

Audio portatile Sonos Move per spazi esterni

Server Multimediale OutClass-R

Controllo Crestron dei Sistemi AV e Alberghieri

Attrezzature da Ponte

Ancora primaria in acciaio inossidabile Ultra 130 kg SHHP

Ancora secondaria in acciaio inossidabile Lewmar Claw 80kg

140m di catena a link corto in acciaio inossidabile da 14mm per ogni ancora

2 x Lewmar V8 3-fasi Argano in acciaio inossidabile con Gypsy e Tamburo di Avvolgimento

2 x winch in acciaio inossidabile Andersen 62 autoavvolgenti per la gestione delle linee del ponte di poppa

2 x winch Lewmar EST REVO per il controllo del braccio e del sollevamento

Gru idraulica Opacmare 3078-45 per la gestione del tender

Passerella pieghevole in fibra di carbonio Carbogale


Master Suite configurata come camera matrimoniale con bagno privato, più studio/biblioteca/cabina con accesso diretto

Cabina ospiti di sinistra configurabile come matrimoniale, doppia o tripla

Cabina ospiti di destra configurabile come singola o matrimoniale

Cabina equipaggio doppia

Spazio lavanderia/utilità/stoccaggio

Lobby posteriore del ponte principale con stoccaggio e bagno/doccia diurno

Cucina open space e ampia area di seduta/pranzo sul ponte principale. Ufficio/area ponte nascosta a prua.

Area di seduta/pranzo sul ponte di comando. Ufficio della nave/tavolo da carteggio. Area del ponte a prua.

Area di seduta/pranzo sul ponte principale a poppa. Tenda per ombra. Area di servizio/BBQ.

Area di seduta/pranzo/prenotazione sul ponte principale a prua. Tende per ombra.

Aree di seduta sul ponte di comando a prua e a poppa

Ponti esterni coperti in legno sostenibile Tesumo


Le specifiche sono fornite dal proprietario e/o dal produttore, da esse non possono derivare diritti.

Le specifiche sono fornite dal proprietario e/o dal produttore, da esse non possono derivare diritti.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


oven, diepvries, airconditioning, echolood, windmeetinstrumenten, autopilot, GPS, VHF-radio, plotter, radar, NAVTEX, generator, omvormer, cd, schroef - boegschroef, schroef - hekschroef, koelkast, gangway, tv

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2 Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112 Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


piekarnik, zamrażarka, klimatyzacja, echosonda, wiatromierz, autopilot, GPS, radionadajnik UKF, ploter do map, radar, NAVTEX, generator, falownik, odtwarzacz CD, dziobowy ster strumieniowy, rufowy ster strumieniowy, lodówka, trap, telewizor

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton

Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2

Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112

Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed

Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


forno, congelador, ar condicionado, sonda, anemómetro, piloto automático, GPS, VHF, plotter, radar, Navtex, gerador, inversor, CD, hélice de proa, hélice de popa, frigorifico, passerelle, TV

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton

Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2

Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112

Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed

Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


fırın, dondurucu, klima, derinlik ölçer, rüzgar göstergesi, otopilot, GPS, VHF telsiz, chartplotter, radar, NAVTEX, jeneratör, inverter, CD, baş pervane, kıç pervane, buzdolabı, pasarella, TV

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton

Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2

Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112

Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed

Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.


духовка, морозилка, кондиционер, эхолот, анемометр, автопилот, GPS, радио ультракоротких волн, плоттер, радар, НАВТЕКС, генератор, инвертер, CD-плеер, подруливающее устройство в носовой части, подруливающие устройство кормовое, холодильник, трап, телевизор

Embark on thrilling expeditions aboard the Arksen 85 PROJECT OCEAN, meticulously designed in collaboration between Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design and expertly crafted by Arksen in the UK. Interior design and sustainable material selection by multi-award-winning, Design Unlimited. She can comfortably accommodate six guests and two crew.

PROJECT OCEAN embodies Arksen’s focus on safety, robustness and a seamless journey blending comfort, security and efficiency. Built to meet commercial regulation (MCA) standards, this vessel offers unrivalled accessibility, empowering you to explore remote destinations with confidence and peace of mind. Designed to handle any obstacle, PROJECT OCEAN lets you embark on remarkable adventures with unwavering assurance.

This vessel is a testament to innovative engineering, seamlessly combining remarkable efficiency with unmatched comfort. Its advanced hybrid propulsion system, state-of-the-art stabilization technology and exemplary systems engineering optimize efficiency while reducing emissions, noise and vibrations. Supported by active fin and gyro stabilizers, PROJECT OCEAN ensures supreme comfort and stability throughout your voyage.

Designed for simplicity of operation and minimal maintenance, PROJECT OCEAN allows you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of exploration. The hybrid propulsion system offers multiple redundancy and in-service maintenance, ensuring your focus remains on your adventures and reducing the need for downtime. Her aluminium construction provides exceptional strength, corrosion resistance and insulation, minimizing the level of maintenance required.

The choice of an aluminium superstructure was an important one, as it reduces her environmental impact. The aluminium is made from 40% recycled content and is fully recyclable at the end of life, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainability.

PROJECT OCEAN has been designed and engineered for progressive, “preservation” cruising — a first in yachting. This means she has a truly transoceanic 7,000nm range (comparable to motor yachts three times her size). She has the ability to switch to zero emissions mode and silent running at your destination, thanks to the solar array and hybrid propulsion. The virtual anchor also enables the vessel to visit protected marine environments and leave no trace.

Arksen and Humphreys Yacht Design have achieved this by developing a very efficient low displacement/length ratio hull form and incorporating features such as twisted flow rudders to minimize resistance. This will naturally benefit the owners’ running costs and reduce emissions. Her hull design is complemented by the Praxis hybrid propulsion system. PROJECT OCEAN achieves near-silent running at all times as the electric motors and generators are mounted and insulated to limit noise and vibrations.

Embark on your adventures knowing you’re treading lightly on the environment, enabling future generations to enjoy our planet’s wonders.

Complementing her exceptional capabilities, PROJECT OCEAN features a custom-fitted Tesumo timber deck with a 3D milled cork panel underlay that follows the contour of the deck structure on the underside and provides a perfectly flat surface on the top. In addition to reducing the adhesive required during installation, the cork layer provides additional acoustic and thermal insulation.

The large aft deck was designed to be a flexible space for storage for up to a 5.5m tender, with a high-capacity crane or to allow for vital ocean research. Owners who take the Arksen Sea Time Pledge gain access to a global network of scientists looking to conduct research in some of the most beautiful and fragile locations. You have the opportunity to gain an ultimately unique experience for you and your guests while also providing vital ocean access for marine scientists and researchers. This remarkable attribute sets this Arksen 85 apart from similar vessels of the same size, enhancing your adventures and embracing the spirit of exploration.

Embark on an extraordinary journey aboard PROJECT OCEAN, where reliability, robustness and breath-taking discovery converge. This true exploration yacht ensures your safety, unrivalled comfort and effortless operation. With minimal maintenance and profound respect for the environment, she paves the way for remarkable expeditions that redefine your perspective.

Price is Exclusive VAT


New build 99% completed by Arksen on the Isle of Wight

Hybrid propulsion system for high efficiency, lower emissions, silent running, low vibrations

Aluminum-built for minimal environmental cost and fully recyclable; excellent quality in terms of weight, strength, corrosion resistance and insulation

Zero speed stabilization system

Built to commercial regulation (MCA) and below 24-meter load line

Low maintenance and running costs

Ample storage capacity for up to 5.5 meter tender and toys

3 guest cabins for up to 6 guests

Open galley on the main deck

Specifications Builder Arksen Model 85 Length (LOA) 27.3m Year 2024 Gross Tonn. 112 Draft 1.55m Beam 7.01m Range 7,000 NM Location Southampton

Accommodations Staterooms 3 Sleeps 6 Twin Beds 2 Heads 4 Crew Cabins 1 Crew Sleeps 2

Dimensions & Capacity LOA 27.3m Max Draft 1.55m Fuel Tank 18,000 L Fresh Water 6,000 L Holding Tank 1,400 L Gross Tonn. 112 Displacement 112

Construction Hull Material Aluminum Hull Config Fast Displacement Max Speed 14 Knots Cruising Speed 12 Knots Range 7,000 NM Stabilizers Standard and Zero Speed

Hull & Dimensions

Type: Arksen 85

Hull: Aluminum

Superstructure: Aluminum

Builder: Arksen Ltd

Model: Arksen 85

Year built: 2023

L.O.A: 27.40m

Hull length: 26.22m

Displacement: Full Load 112 tonnes

Cruising Speed: 9-12 knots

Max Speed: 14 knots

Max Range: 7,000 nm

Max Electric Range: 30 nm

Design: Arksen / Humphreys Yacht Design

Mechanical Equipment

Engines: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators (Praxis Hybrid System)

Propulsion: 2 x 250 kw Electric Motors

Fuel Capacity: 18,000 litres

Fresh Water capacity: 6,000 litres

Black water tank: 900 litres

550 litres sludge tank

Keenan Fuel Polishing System

Cathelco Seafresh H2016 Mk3 Duplex RO Water Maker, 2 x 276 lph

Cathelco HEM Water Softener

Hamman Compact 0125 Sewage Treatment Plant

Thrusters: OYS 36kW Fixed Bow Thruster/ OYS 36kW Swing Down Stern Thruster

Control: Wireless, joystick control position keeping and manoeuvring system

Stabilisation: Humphree Fin Stabilisers

1 x SK 09 and 1 x SK 18 Seakeeper Gyro Stabilisers

Humphree Interceptor Ride Control System

Air Conditioning: MAR-IX Air Conditioning System

Heating: CWarm 33 Diesel Boiler


Generators: 3 x 200kW Variable Speed Diesel Generators

Batteries: – 160kWh LiFePO4 Propulsion/House Batteries in A60 Battery Room

– 200 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Service Battery Bank

– 300 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC Emergency Battery Bank

– 100 Ah LiFePO4 24V DC GMDSS Battery Bank

Shore Power: 3 Phase 63A 50Hz or 60Hz, Glendinning shore power cable reels

AC Power: – 3-Phase 400V 50Hz AC Power to primary consumers

– Single Phase 230V 50Hz AC Domestic ring main

Solar Power: 6kW Maximum output


4 x 24” Touchscreens at the main bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x 24” Touchscreens at the lower bridge for navigation, control and monitoring

2 x Furuno DR12A NXT Open Array Radar Scanners

Anschutz Standard 22 Compact Gyro Compass with heading repeaters at each bridge

Furuno SCX-20 GPS Compass

Furuno PG700 Solid State Rate Gyro Fluxgate Compass

Furuno Autopilot, control head at each bridge

Furuno GP170 GPS

Furuno GP39 Backup GPS

Furuno FA-170 Class A AIS

Furuno FI-70 Instruments at main bridge, lower bridge, crew cabin

Furuno TZT3 9F MFD in crew cabin

FLIR M364C Stabilised Camera

4 x External, 2 x Engine Room, 1 x Battery Room CCTV Cameras

Network Video Recorder


2 x Furuno FM4850 VHF with handsets at the upper and lower bridge

Thrane LT-3100S Iridum GMDSS

Furuno Felcom 9 Inmarsat C Terminal

Sailor 4300 Iridium Certus Satellite Data

KVH VSAT V7HPS Satellite Data

Furuno NX700B Navtex

Yellowbrick YB3i Tracker

Pepwave MAX BR1 Mk2 4G Router

Onboard WiFi Network

Audio & Video

Sony 55” TV on a lift in the main saloon

Sony 40” TV on lift in upper saloon

Sony 43” TV in snug/office

Samsung 32” Frame TV in master cabin

Apple TV, Chromecast and network connection for each TV

Sonos Audio in each cabin and saloon

Sonos Audio at main deck and upper deck aft seating areas

Sonos Move portable audio for external spaces

OutClass-R Media Server

Crestron Control of AV and Hotel Systems

Deck Equipment

Ultra 130 kg SHHP Stainless Steel primary anchor

Lewmar Claw 80kg Stainless Steel secondary anchor

140m of 14mm stainless steel short link chain per anchor

2 x Lewmar V8 3-ph Vertical Stainless Steel windlass with Gypsy and Warping Drum

2 x Andersen 62 stainless steel self-tailing winches for aft deck line handling

2 x Lewmar EST REVO back winding winches for outrigger and lifting control

Opacmare 3078-45 hydraulic crane for tender handling

Carbogale carbon fibre folding gangway


Master Suite configured as double ensuite bedroom, plus snug/library/office/cabin with direct access

Port guest cabin can be configured as double, twin, or triple

Starboard guest cabin can be configured as single or double

Twin crew cabin

Laundry/utility/storage space

Main deck aft lobby with storage and day head/shower

Open plan galley and large seating/dining area on the main deck. Office/concealed bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on bridge deck. Ships office/chart table. Bridge area forward.

Seating/dining area on main deck aft. Awning for shade. Servery/BBQ area.

Seating/dining/sunbathing area on the main deck forward. Awnings for shade.

Seating areas on the bridge deck forward and aft

External decks covered in Tesumo sustainable timber


De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/ of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend.

The specifications are provided by the owner and/ of manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this.

Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und/ oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.

Mehr lesen

1 x Praxis Hybrid System
Anzahl der Kabinen
Dieser Arksen 85 wurde 105 Mal angesehen
Händler Informationen

Smits Jachtmakelaardij

Mr. René Smits
Noord-Linschoterzandweg 20A
3425 EK
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