Arksen 65 (2025) Zu verkaufen in Snelrewaard, Niederlande

£3.083.465 GBP
Listenpreis €3.720.000 EURPreisangebot in Fremdwährung anfordern

KI-generierte Zusammenfassung

Die Arksen 65 ist eine 20,46 Meter lange Expeditionsyacht mit Standort in den Niederlanden, die für Langstreckenerkundungen und nachhaltige Kreuzfahrten konzipiert ist. Mit einem robusten Rumpf aus teilweise recyceltem Aluminium und einer Reichweite von 3.700 Seemeilen eignet sie sich dank ihrer begrenzten Durchfahrtshöhe sowohl für Ozeanüberquerungen als auch für die Navigation in europäischen Binnengewässern. Das Schiff bietet modernen Komfort mit Funktionen wie Klimaanlage, einer voll ausgestatteten Küche mit Ofen und Gefrierschrank, mehreren Navigationssystemen wie GPS und Radar und einer Option für ein Hybridantriebssystem. Die Yacht bietet Platz für 4–6 Kojen mit einer Masterkabine über die gesamte Breite und verfügt über Außensitzplätze für acht Personen, was viel Platz für Unterhaltung bietet. Zu den weiteren Optionen gehören Sonnenkollektoren und flexible Innenraumkonfigurationen, was sie zu einer luxuriösen und praktischen Wahl für Abenteurer macht, die ein nachhaltiges maritimes Erlebnis suchen.

Allgemeine Angaben
Arksen 65
New boot für verkauf
£3.083.465 GBP | Listenpreis €3.720.000 EURPreisangebot in Fremdwährung anfordern
20,46 meter
5,20 meter
1,17 meter
Snelrewaard, Niederlande

Über diesen Bereich Arksen 65


Backofen, Gefrierschrank, Klimaanlage, Echolot, Windmessanlage, Autopilot, GPS, UKW-Funk, Kartenplotter, Radar, Steuerstand außen, Generator, Inverter, Ruder - Bugstrahlruder, Ruder - Heckstrahlruder, Kühlschrank

Begrenzte Durchfahrtshöhe für umfassende Erkundungen

Die neue Arksen 65 wurde entwickelt, um überall zu reisen, genau wie ihre größeren Schwesterschiffe, und um den Raum und die Kapazität zu bieten, damit ein Paar, eine Familie oder eine kleine Gruppe komfortabel leben und für längere Zeit reisen kann. Aufgrund der begrenzten festen Durchfahrtshöhe hat die Arksen 65 auch die Möglichkeit, die europäischen Flüsse, Seen und Kanäle zu erkunden.

Der angegebene Preis ist ein Preis abzüglich Mehrwertsteuer


20,46 m


1,17 m


31,5 t


2x 119 KW (160 PS) Hybrid optional


9.200 L


1.540 L


3.700 nm


9 Knoten




UK MCA MGN280(M) Kategorie 2 Code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Egal, ob Sie im Herzen einer historischen Stadt anlegen oder die Ruhe eines Ankerplatzes ganz für sich genießen, der Ess- und Lounge-Bereich auf dem Achterdeck ist der perfekte Ort, um einen Cocktail bei Sonnenuntergang zu genießen, während Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten auf sich wirken lassen. Der erhöhte Außensteuerstand mit optionaler Verglasung bietet nicht nur einen aufregenden Blick auf das, was kommt, sondern schützt auch die Personen auf dem Achterdeck vor dem Wind.


Mit einer Reichweite von 3.700 Seemeilen bei Reisegeschwindigkeit und der Möglichkeit, einen transatlantischen oder transpazifischen Überquerung zu machen, macht die Arksen 65 das Erkunden der Welt erreichbarer als je zuvor in einem Schiff dieser Größe. Mit mehr Zugang zu abgelegenen Orten kommt dieses Entdeckungsschiff wirklich zur Geltung. Sie hat einen Rumpf aus teilweise recyceltem Aluminium. Das Material ist leicht, aber dennoch robust und stark genug, um einigen der härtesten Bedingungen auf See standzuhalten.


Die Arksen 65 bietet ihren Eigentümern die Autonomie, ihren eigenen Weg zu wählen und von den ausgetretenen Pfaden abzuweichen, während die Systeme an Bord sicherstellen, dass Sie nie weit entfernt sind von Kontakt zur Außenwelt, wenn Sie das möchten.

Die praktischen Anforderungen des Lebens auf See oder über die Binnengewässer ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch dieses Schiff, von dem einfachen Zugang zur Seite mit ergonomisch platzierten Handläufen bis hin zu dem fantastischen Blick rund um den Steuerstand, in Kombination mit dem Komfort von zu Hause, weit weg von zu Hause, macht dies zu einem ausgezeichneten abenteuerlichen Begleiter.


Die Fähigkeit, die Auswirkungen eines Produkts zu reduzieren, beginnt mit einem sorgfältigen Design. Durchdachte Entscheidungen und intelligente Planung in einem frühen Stadium können die Lebensdauer und den Fußabdruck eines Produkts drastisch verändern.

Produkte länger in Gebrauch zu halten, ihren ursprünglichen Wert zu bewahren und Ressourcenverschwendung zu reduzieren, sind wichtige Bestandteile des zirkulären Designs.

Wir entwickeln Schiffe, die all den Komfort, die Autonomie, die Reichweite, die Sicherheit und den Stil bieten, die Sie erwarten dürfen, aber die auch eine geeignete Plattform bieten, um das breiteste Spektrum an Forschungsaktivitäten zu unterstützen. Über unser Sea Time Pledge können alle Eigentümer unvergessliche Erfahrungen sammeln, indem sie Wissenschaftlern Zeit an Bord bieten, um wichtige maritime Forschung durchzuführen.

Außenbereich für acht Personen

Das Achterdeck der Arksen 65 bietet einen großartigen Unterhaltungsbereich, komplett mit einem BBQ-Küchenblock, einer Bank nach hinten und einer Sitzpolsterung, sodass bis zu acht Gäste bequem um den doppelten Tisch sitzen können.


Wie der Rest der Arksen Explorer-Flotte genießt die 65 die gleiche großartige Aussicht von den Fenstern auf dem Hauptdeck. Egal, ob Sie sich entspannen, kochen oder speisen, Sie sind von einer wunderschönen Aussicht umgeben. Auf dem Unterdeck gibt es noch drei Kabinen; eine volle Breite Masterkabine vorne und zwei Doppelkabinen mittschiffs und hinten.


Die Arksen 65 bietet eine Reihe von externen Optionen, von einem offenen oder verglasten Außensteuerstand, lackiertem Rumpf bis hin zu einer Auswahl an alternativen Holzdecks. Das Achterdeck kann optional frei von Sitzgelegenheiten gehalten werden, um zusätzliche Wassersport- und Unterwassergeräte zu ermöglichen. Es gibt auch die Option für ein hybrides Antriebssystem und Solarpanels.

Beiboote bis zu 3,4 m können auf oder über der Badeplattform verstaut oder auch auf dem Achterdeck mit der Option für ein offenes Deck untergebracht werden.


Die Arksen 65 wurde für das unerschrockene Paar entworfen, das weiter erkunden möchte als je zuvor auf einer sicheren und zuverlässigen Plattform. Das effiziente Design des Rumpfes umfasst zwei VIP-Kabinen mit der Option einer flexiblen dritten Kabine, die eine Doppelkabine/Büro/Kombüse oder Stauraum sein kann.

Clevere Systeme für stressfreies Cruisen

Ein großer Teil der Arksen-Philosophie ist, dass die Systeme eines Schiffes sehr sorgfältig durchdacht und eingerichtet werden müssen. Wartungs- und Reparaturfreundlichkeit stehen im Mittelpunkt. Arksen nutzt ein akribisches 3D-Design, um den Innenraum zu maximieren, während der Zugang zu Systemen für Wartung und Reparatur auf diesem Schiffsformat von wesentlicher Bedeutung bleibt. All diese praktischen Überlegungen sind clever hinter schönen Möbeln und Verkleidungen versteckt.


oven, freezer, air conditioning, echo sounder, wind indicator, autopilot, GPS, VHF radio, plotter, radar, steering position outside, generator, inverter, thruster - bow thruster, thruster - stern thruster, refrigerator

Limited air draft for extensive exploration

The new Arksen 65 is designed to travel anywhere just like its larger sister ships can, and to provide the space and capacity for a couple, family, or small group to live and travel comfortably for longer periods. Due to its limited fixed air draft, the Arksen 65 also has the ability to explore European rivers, lakes, and canals.

The mentioned price is a starting price excluding VAT


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9,200 L


1,540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Whether you are moored in the heart of a historic city or enjoying the tranquility of an anchorage all to yourself, the dining and lounge area on the aft deck is the perfect place to enjoy that cocktail at sunset while taking in the sights. The elevated outside steering position with optional glazing not only offers an exciting view of what lies ahead but also protects those on the aft deck from the wind.


With a range of 3,700 nautical miles at cruising speed, plus the ability to make a transatlantic or transpacific crossing, the Arksen 65 makes exploring the world more accessible than ever in a vessel of this size. With more access to remote locations, this exploration vessel truly shines. It has a hull built from partially recycled aluminum. The material is lightweight yet robust and strong enough to withstand some of the harshest conditions at sea.


The Arksen 65 offers its owners the autonomy to choose their own path and venture off the beaten track, while the onboard systems ensure that you are never far from contact with the outside world if you wish.

The practical demands of life at sea or through inland waters run like a common thread throughout this vessel, from the easy access to the side deck with ergonomically placed handrails to the fantastic views all around from the helm, combined with the comfort of home away from home, making this an excellent adventurous companion.


The ability to reduce the impact of a product begins with careful design. Thoughtful choices and smart planning at an early stage can drastically change the lifespan and footprint of a product.

Keeping products in use longer, retaining their original value, and reducing resource waste are key components of circular design.

We develop vessels that offer all the comfort, autonomy, range, safety, and style you would expect, but that also provide a suitable platform to support the widest range of research activities. Through our Sea Time Pledge, all owners can gain unforgettable experiences by providing time onboard for scientists to conduct essential maritime research.

Exterior seating for eight

The aft deck on the Arksen 65 offers a great entertaining space, complete with a BBQ kitchen unit, a bench facing aft, and seating so that up to eight guests can comfortably sit around the double table.

Interior comfort

Like the rest of the Arksen Explorer fleet, the 65 enjoys the same great views from the windows on the main deck. Whether you are relaxing, cooking, or dining, you are surrounded by stunning views. On the lower deck, there are three more cabins; a full beam master cabin at the front and two twin cabins midship and aft.

Exterior Options

The Arksen 65 offers a number of external options, from an open or glass-enclosed outside steering position, painted hull to a choice of alternative wooden decks. The aft deck can optionally be kept free of seating to allow for additional watersport and underwater equipment. There is also the option for a hybrid drive system and solar panels.

Tenders up to 3.4 m can be stored on or above the swim platform or also on the aft deck with the option for an open deck.

Interior Options

The Arksen 65 is designed for the intrepid couple who want to explore further than ever before on a safe and reliable platform. The efficient hull design includes two VIP cabins with the option of a flexible third cabin that can be a double sleeping cabin / office / galley or storage space.

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

A large part of the Arksen philosophy is that the systems of a vessel must be very carefully thought out and arranged. Ease of maintenance and repair is central. Arksen utilizes meticulous 3D design to maximize interior space while ensuring ease of access to systems for maintenance and repair remains essential on this size of vessel. All these practical considerations are cleverly tucked away behind beautiful furnishings and paneling.trouba, mraznička, klimatizace, sonar, anemometr, autopilot, GPS, VHF vysílačka, plotr, radar, kormidelna vnější, generátor, invertor/střídač, pomocný propeler příďový, pomocný propeler záďový, chladnička

Limited air draft for extensive exploration

The new Arksen 65 is designed to travel anywhere just like its larger sister ships can, and to provide the space and capacity for a couple, family, or small group to live and travel comfortably for longer periods. Due to its limited fixed air draft, the Arksen 65 also has the ability to explore European rivers, lakes, and canals.

The mentioned price is a starting price excluding VAT


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9,200 L


1,540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Whether you are moored in the heart of a historic city or enjoying the tranquility of an anchorage all to yourself, the dining and lounge area on the aft deck is the perfect place to enjoy that cocktail at sunset while taking in the sights. The elevated outside steering position with optional glazing not only offers an exciting view of what lies ahead but also protects those on the aft deck from the wind.


With a range of 3,700 nautical miles at cruising speed, plus the ability to make a transatlantic or transpacific crossing, the Arksen 65 makes exploring the world more accessible than ever in a vessel of this size. With more access to remote locations, this exploration vessel truly shines. It has a hull built from partially recycled aluminum. The material is lightweight yet robust and strong enough to withstand some of the harshest conditions at sea.


The Arksen 65 offers its owners the autonomy to choose their own path and venture off the beaten track, while the onboard systems ensure that you are never far from contact with the outside world if you wish.

The practical demands of life at sea or through inland waters run like a common thread throughout this vessel, from the easy access to the side deck with ergonomically placed handrails to the fantastic views all around from the helm, combined with the comfort of home away from home, making this an excellent adventurous companion.


The ability to reduce the impact of a product begins with careful design. Thoughtful choices and smart planning at an early stage can drastically change the lifespan and footprint of a product.

Keeping products in use longer, retaining their original value, and reducing resource waste are key components of circular design.

We develop vessels that offer all the comfort, autonomy, range, safety, and style you would expect, but that also provide a suitable platform to support the widest range of research activities. Through our Sea Time Pledge, all owners can gain unforgettable experiences by providing time onboard for scientists to conduct essential maritime research.

Exterior seating for eight

The aft deck on the Arksen 65 offers a great entertaining space, complete with a BBQ kitchen unit, a bench facing aft, and seating so that up to eight guests can comfortably sit around the double table.

Interior comfort

Like the rest of the Arksen Explorer fleet, the 65 enjoys the same great views from the windows on the main deck. Whether you are relaxing, cooking, or dining, you are surrounded by stunning views. On the lower deck, there are three more cabins; a full beam master cabin at the front and two twin cabins midship and aft.

Exterior Options

The Arksen 65 offers a number of external options, from an open or glass-enclosed outside steering position, painted hull to a choice of alternative wooden decks. The aft deck can optionally be kept free of seating to allow for additional watersport and underwater equipment. There is also the option for a hybrid drive system and solar panels.

Tenders up to 3.4 m can be stored on or above the swim platform or also on the aft deck with the option for an open deck.

Interior Options

The Arksen 65 is designed for the intrepid couple who want to explore further than ever before on a safe and reliable platform. The efficient hull design includes two VIP cabins with the option of a flexible third cabin that can be a double sleeping cabin / office / galley or storage space.

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

A large part of the Arksen philosophy is that the systems of a vessel must be very carefully thought out and arranged. Ease of maintenance and repair is central. Arksen utilizes meticulous 3D design to maximize interior space while ensuring ease of access to systems for maintenance and repair remains essential on this size of vessel. All these practical considerations are cleverly tucked away behind beautiful furnishings and paneling.


  • Depth Instrument
  • Wind Instrument
  • Autopilot
  • GPS
  • VHF
  • Plotter
  • Radar


  • Generator


  • Freezer
  • Heating


bageovn, fryser, ankerkæde, ekkolod, vindmåler, selvstyrer, GPS, VHF radio, kortplotter, radar, udvendig styrepult, generator, omformer, bovpropel, hækpropel , køleskab

Limited air draft for extensive exploration

The new Arksen 65 is designed to travel anywhere just like its larger sister ships can, and to provide the space and capacity for a couple, family, or small group to live and travel comfortably for longer periods. Due to its limited fixed air draft, the Arksen 65 also has the ability to explore European rivers, lakes, and canals.

The mentioned price is a starting price excluding VAT


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9,200 L


1,540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Whether you are moored in the heart of a historic city or enjoying the tranquility of an anchorage all to yourself, the dining and lounge area on the aft deck is the perfect place to enjoy that cocktail at sunset while taking in the sights. The elevated outside steering position with optional glazing not only offers an exciting view of what lies ahead but also protects those on the aft deck from the wind.


With a range of 3,700 nautical miles at cruising speed, plus the ability to make a transatlantic or transpacific crossing, the Arksen 65 makes exploring the world more accessible than ever in a vessel of this size. With more access to remote locations, this exploration vessel truly shines. It has a hull built from partially recycled aluminum. The material is lightweight yet robust and strong enough to withstand some of the harshest conditions at sea.


The Arksen 65 offers its owners the autonomy to choose their own path and venture off the beaten track, while the onboard systems ensure that you are never far from contact with the outside world if you wish.

The practical demands of life at sea or through inland waters run like a common thread throughout this vessel, from the easy access to the side deck with ergonomically placed handrails to the fantastic views all around from the helm, combined with the comfort of home away from home, making this an excellent adventurous companion.


The ability to reduce the impact of a product begins with careful design. Thoughtful choices and smart planning at an early stage can drastically change the lifespan and footprint of a product.

Keeping products in use longer, retaining their original value, and reducing resource waste are key components of circular design.

We develop vessels that offer all the comfort, autonomy, range, safety, and style you would expect, but that also provide a suitable platform to support the widest range of research activities. Through our Sea Time Pledge, all owners can gain unforgettable experiences by providing time onboard for scientists to conduct essential maritime research.

Exterior seating for eight

The aft deck on the Arksen 65 offers a great entertaining space, complete with a BBQ kitchen unit, a bench facing aft, and seating so that up to eight guests can comfortably sit around the double table.

Interior comfort

Like the rest of the Arksen Explorer fleet, the 65 enjoys the same great views from the windows on the main deck. Whether you are relaxing, cooking, or dining, you are surrounded by stunning views. On the lower deck, there are three more cabins; a full beam master cabin at the front and two twin cabins midship and aft.

Exterior Options

The Arksen 65 offers a number of external options, from an open or glass-enclosed outside steering position, painted hull to a choice of alternative wooden decks. The aft deck can optionally be kept free of seating to allow for additional watersport and underwater equipment. There is also the option for a hybrid drive system and solar panels.

Tenders up to 3.4 m can be stored on or above the swim platform or also on the aft deck with the option for an open deck.

Interior Options

The Arksen 65 is designed for the intrepid couple who want to explore further than ever before on a safe and reliable platform. The efficient hull design includes two VIP cabins with the option of a flexible third cabin that can be a double sleeping cabin / office / galley or storage space.

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

A large part of the Arksen philosophy is that the systems of a vessel must be very carefully thought out and arranged. Ease of maintenance and repair is central. Arksen utilizes meticulous 3D design to maximize interior space while ensuring ease of access to systems for maintenance and repair remains essential on this size of vessel. All these practical considerations are cleverly tucked away behind beautiful furnishings and paneling.


horno, congelador, aire acondicionado, sonar, anemómetro, piloto automático, GPS, radio VHF, lector de mapas, radar, cabina de mando exterior, generador, inversor, impulsor de proa, impulsor de popa, refrigerador

Altura de paso limitada para exploración extensa

El nuevo Arksen 65 está diseñado para viajar a cualquier lugar, al igual que sus hermanas mayores, y para ofrecer el espacio y la capacidad para que una pareja, familia o pequeño grupo viva y viaje cómodamente durante períodos prolongados. Debido a la altura de paso fija limitada, el Arksen 65 también tiene la posibilidad de explorar los ríos, lagos y canales europeos.

El precio mencionado es un precio inicial sin IVA


20.46 m


5.20 m


1.17 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Híbrido opcional


9.200 L


1.540 L


3,700 nm


9 nudos




Código de categoría 2 UK MCA MGN280(M)


Humphreys Yacht Design


Ya sea que esté anclado en el corazón de una ciudad histórica o disfrutando de la tranquilidad de un lugar de anclaje, el espacio de comedor y salón en la cubierta trasera es el lugar perfecto para disfrutar de ese cóctel al atardecer mientras absorbe las vistas. La estación de mando exterior elevada con acristalamiento opcional no solo ofrece una emocionante vista de lo que está por venir, sino que también protege a quienes están en la cubierta trasera del viento.


Con un alcance de 3700 millas náuticas a velocidad de crucero, además de la capacidad de realizar una travesía transatlántica o transpacífica, el Arksen 65 hace que explorar el mundo sea más accesible que nunca en un barco de este tamaño. Con más acceso a ubicaciones remotas, este barco de exploración realmente brilla. Tiene un casco construido de aluminio parcialmente reciclado. El material es ligero, pero lo suficientemente robusto y fuerte como para resistir algunas de las condiciones más difíciles en el mar.


El Arksen 65 ofrece a sus propietarios la autonomía para elegir su propio camino y desviarse de los caminos trillados, mientras que los sistemas a bordo aseguran que nunca esté lejos de contacto con el mundo exterior si así lo desea.

Las exigencias prácticas de la vida en el mar o a través de las vías navegables interiores son un hilo conductor en este barco, desde el fácil acceso al costado con barandillas ergonómicamente colocadas hasta la fantástica vista alrededor de la estación de mando, combinada con la comodidad de un hogar lejos de casa, lo que lo convierte en un excelente compañero de aventuras.


La capacidad de reducir el impacto de un producto comienza con un diseño cuidadoso. Las elecciones reflexivas y la planificación inteligente en una etapa temprana pueden cambiar drásticamente la vida útil y la huella de un producto.

Mantener los productos en uso por más tiempo, conservar su valor original y reducir el desperdicio de recursos son componentes clave del diseño circular.

Desarrollamos barcos que ofrecen toda la comodidad, autonomía, alcance, seguridad y estilo que puede esperar, pero que también proporcionan una plataforma adecuada para apoyar la más amplia gama de actividades de investigación. A través de nuestro Sea Time Pledge, todos los propietarios pueden tener experiencias inolvidables al ofrecer tiempo a bordo a científicos para realizar investigaciones marítimas esenciales.

Asientos exteriores para ocho

La cubierta trasera del Arksen 65 ofrece un gran espacio de entretenimiento, completo con una cocina BBQ, un banco hacia atrás y un relleno de sillas para que un máximo de ocho invitados se sienten cómodamente alrededor de la mesa doble.

Comodidad interior

Al igual que el resto de la flota Arksen Explorer, el 65 disfruta de la misma gran vista desde las ventanas en la cubierta principal. Ya sea que esté relajándose, cocinando o cenando, estará rodeado de una hermosa vista. En la cubierta inferior hay tres cabinas más; una cabina principal de ancho completo en la parte delantera y dos cabinas dobles en el medio y en la parte trasera.

Opciones exteriores

El Arksen 65 ofrece una serie de opciones externas, desde una estación de mando exterior abierta o de vidrio, casco pintado hasta una selección de cubiertas de madera alternativas. La cubierta trasera se puede mantener opcionalmente libre de asientos para permitir equipo adicional de deportes acuáticos y submarinos. También hay una opción para un sistema de propulsión híbrido y paneles solares.

Las lanchas de hasta 3,4 m se pueden almacenar en o sobre la plataforma de baño o también en la cubierta trasera con la opción de cubierta abierta.

Opciones interiores

El Arksen 65 está diseñado para la pareja intrépida que desea explorar más allá que nunca en una plataforma segura y confiable. El diseño eficiente del casco incluye dos cabinas VIP con la opción de una tercera cabina flexible que puede ser una cabina doble / oficina / cocina o espacio de almacenamiento.

Sistemas inteligentes para cruceros sin estrés

Una gran parte de la filosofía de Arksen es que los sistemas de un barco deben ser cuidadosamente pensados y diseñados. La facilidad de mantenimiento y reparación es fundamental. Arksen utiliza un diseño 3D meticuloso para maximizar el espacio interior, mientras que la facilidad de acceso a los sistemas para mantenimiento y reparación sigue siendo esencial en un barco de este tamaño. Todas estas consideraciones prácticas están inteligentemente ocultas detrás de hermosos muebles y paneles.


four, congélateur, climatisation, sondeur, girouette, autopilote, GPS, VHF, plotter, radar, position de conduite extérieure, générateur, inverseur, propulseur d'étrave, propulseur de poupe, réfrigérateur

Hauteur de passage limitée pour une exploration étendue

Le nouvel Arksen 65 est conçu pour voyager partout, tout comme ses grands navires sœurs, et pour offrir l'espace et la capacité nécessaires à un couple, une famille ou un petit groupe pour vivre et voyager confortablement pendant de longues périodes. Grâce à sa hauteur de passage fixe limitée, l'Arksen 65 a également la possibilité d'explorer les rivières, lacs et canaux européens.

Le prix mentionné est un prix de départ hors TVA


20,46 m


5,20 m


1,17 m


31,5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybride en option


9.200 L


1.540 L


3 700 nm


9 nœuds




UK MCA MGN280(M) Catégorie 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Que vous soyez amarré au cœur d'une ville historique ou que vous profitiez de la tranquillité d'un mouillage, l'espace de restauration et de détente sur le pont arrière est l'endroit parfait pour déguster ce cocktail au coucher du soleil tout en admirant les paysages. La station de pilotage extérieure surélevée avec vitrage optionnel offre non seulement une vue excitante sur ce qui s'en vient, mais protège également ceux qui se trouvent sur le pont arrière du vent.


Avec une autonomie de 3700 milles marins à vitesse de croisière, ainsi que la possibilité de réaliser une traversée transatlantique ou transpacifique, l'Arksen 65 rend l'exploration du monde plus accessible que jamais dans un navire de cette taille. Avec un meilleur accès à des lieux isolés, ce navire d'exploration se révèle vraiment à son avantage. Il possède une coque construite en aluminium partiellement recyclé. Ce matériau est léger, mais suffisamment robuste et solide pour résister à certaines des conditions les plus difficiles en mer.


L'Arksen 65 offre à ses propriétaires l'autonomie de choisir leur propre chemin et de s'écarter des sentiers battus, tandis que les systèmes à bord garantissent que vous n'êtes jamais loin d'un contact avec le monde extérieur si vous le souhaitez.

Les exigences pratiques de la vie en mer ou à travers les voies navigables intérieures se retrouvent tout au long de ce navire, de l'accès facile à la plateforme latérale avec des rampes ergonomiquement placées à la vue fantastique autour de la station de pilotage, combinée au confort d'un chez-soi loin de chez soi, en fait un excellent compagnon d'aventure.


La capacité de réduire l'impact d'un produit commence par un design réfléchi. Des choix judicieux et une planification intelligente à un stade précoce peuvent changer radicalement la durée de vie et l'empreinte d'un produit.

Maintenir les produits en usage plus longtemps, préserver leur valeur initiale et réduire le gaspillage de ressources sont des éléments clés du design circulaire.

Nous développons des navires qui offrent tout le confort, l'autonomie, l'autonomie, la sécurité et le style que vous pouvez attendre, mais qui offrent également une plateforme adaptée pour soutenir le plus large éventail d'activités de recherche. Grâce à notre Sea Time Pledge, tous les propriétaires peuvent vivre des expériences inoubliables en offrant du temps à bord à des scientifiques pour mener des recherches maritimes essentielles.

Sièges extérieurs pour huit

Le pont arrière de l'Arksen 65 offre un excellent espace de divertissement, complet avec un barbecue, un canapé à l'arrière et un rembourrage de sièges pour que jusqu'à huit invités puissent s'asseoir confortablement autour de la table double.

Confort intérieur

Tout comme le reste de la flotte Arksen Explorer, le 65 bénéficie de la même vue magnifique depuis les fenêtres du pont principal. Que vous vous détendiez, cuisiniez ou dîniez, vous serez entouré d'une vue magnifique. Au niveau inférieur, il y a encore trois cabines ; une cabine principale pleine largeur à l'avant et deux cabines doubles au milieu et à l'arrière.

Options extérieures

L'Arksen 65 propose plusieurs options extérieures, d'une station de pilotage ouverte ou vitrée, d'une coque peinte à un choix de ponts en bois alternatifs. Le pont arrière peut être optionnellement dégagé de sièges pour permettre un équipement de sports nautiques et sous-marins supplémentaire. Il y a également l'option d'un système de propulsion hybride et de panneaux solaires.

Des annexes jusqu'à 3,4 m peuvent être rangées sur ou au-dessus de la plateforme de baignade ou également sur le pont arrière avec l'option d'un pont ouvert.

Options intérieures

L'Arksen 65 est conçu pour le couple intrépide qui souhaite explorer plus loin que jamais sur une plateforme sûre et fiable. Le design efficace de la coque comprend deux cabines VIP avec l'option d'une troisième cabine flexible qui peut être une cabine double / bureau / cuisine ou espace de rangement.

Systèmes intelligents pour une croisière sans stress

Une grande partie de la philosophie d'Arksen est que les systèmes d'un navire doivent être soigneusement réfléchis et aménagés. La facilité d'entretien et de réparation est au cœur des préoccupations. Arksen utilise un design 3D minutieux pour maximiser l'espace intérieur, tout en maintenant la facilité d'accès aux systèmes pour l'entretien et la réparation, ce qui est essentiel sur un navire de cette taille. Toutes ces considérations pratiques sont intelligemment dissimulées derrière de beaux meubles et lambris.


forno, freezer, condizionatore, ecoscandaglio, vento, autopilota, GPS, vhf, plotter, radar, plancia esterna, generatore, inverter, elica di prua, elica di poppa, frigo

Altezza di passaggio limitata per un'esplorazione estesa

Il nuovo Arksen 65 è progettato per viaggiare ovunque, proprio come le sue sorelle maggiori, e per offrire spazio e capacità a una coppia, una famiglia o un piccolo gruppo per vivere e viaggiare comodamente per periodi prolungati. Grazie all'altezza di passaggio fissa limitata, l'Arksen 65 ha anche la possibilità di esplorare fiumi, laghi e canali europei.

Il prezzo indicato è un prezzo di partenza al netto dell'IVA


20,46 m


5,20 m


1,17 m


31,5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) ibrido opzionale


9.200 L


1.540 L


3.700 nm


9 nodi




UK MCA MGN280(M) Categoria 2 codice


Humphreys Yacht Design


Che tu sia ormeggiato nel cuore di una città storica o che stia godendo della tranquillità di un ancoraggio tutto per te, lo spazio per mangiare e rilassarsi sul ponte di poppa è il posto perfetto per gustare quel cocktail al tramonto mentre assorbi i panorami. La postazione di comando esterna rialzata con vetri opzionali non solo offre una vista emozionante su ciò che sta per arrivare, ma protegge anche coloro che si trovano sul ponte di poppa dal vento.


Con un'autonomia di 3700 miglia nautiche a velocità di crociera, oltre alla possibilità di effettuare una traversata transatlantica o transpacifica, l'Arksen 65 rende l'esplorazione del mondo più accessibile che mai su una nave di queste dimensioni. Con maggiore accesso a luoghi remoti, questa nave da esplorazione si esprime davvero. Ha uno scafo costruito in alluminio parzialmente riciclato. Il materiale è leggero, ma comunque robusto e abbastanza forte da resistere ad alcune delle condizioni più difficili in mare.


L'Arksen 65 offre ai suoi proprietari l'autonomia di scegliere la propria strada e di deviare dai sentieri battuti, mentre i sistemi a bordo garantiscono che non si sia mai lontani dal contatto con il mondo esterno, se lo si desidera.

Le esigenze pratiche della vita in mare o attraverso le acque interne si intrecciano in questo scafo, dall'accesso facile al lato con corrimano ergonomicamente posizionati fino alla vista fantastica intorno alla postazione di comando, combinata con il comfort di casa lontano da casa, rendendo questo un eccellente compagno d'avventura.


La capacità di ridurre l'impatto di un prodotto inizia con un design attento. Scelte ponderate e una pianificazione intelligente in una fase iniziale possono cambiare drasticamente la durata e l'impronta di un prodotto.

Mantenere i prodotti in uso più a lungo, preservare il loro valore originale e ridurre lo spreco di risorse sono componenti chiave del design circolare.

Sviluppiamo navi che offrono tutto il comfort, l'autonomia, l'autonomia, la sicurezza e lo stile che ci si aspetta, ma che offrono anche una piattaforma adeguata per supportare il più ampio spettro di attività di ricerca. Attraverso il nostro Sea Time Pledge, tutti i proprietari possono vivere esperienze indimenticabili offrendo tempo a bordo a scienziati per condurre ricerche marittime essenziali.

Posti a sedere esterni per otto

Il ponte di poppa dell'Arksen 65 offre un'ottima area per intrattenere, completa di un barbecue e un divano rivolto all'indietro e una seduta in modo che un massimo di otto ospiti possano sedere comodamente attorno al tavolo doppio.

Comfort interno

Proprio come il resto della flotta Arksen Explorer, il 65 gode della stessa vista fantastica dalle finestre sul ponte principale. Che tu stia rilassandoti, cucinando o cenando, sarai circondato da una vista splendida. Sotto coperta ci sono altre tre cabine; una cabina master a tutta larghezza a prua e due cabine doppie a metà e a poppa.

Opzioni esterne

L'Arksen 65 offre una serie di opzioni esterne, da una postazione di comando esterna aperta o in vetro, scafo dipinto a una scelta di ponti in legno alternativi. Il ponte di poppa può essere mantenuto opzionalmente libero da posti a sedere per consentire attrezzature per sport acquatici e subacquee aggiuntive. È anche disponibile l'opzione per un sistema di propulsione ibrido e pannelli solari.

Le tender fino a 3,4 m possono essere riposte sopra o sotto la piattaforma da bagno o anche sul ponte di poppa con l'opzione di ponte aperto.

Opzioni interne

L'Arksen 65 è progettato per la coppia intrepida che desidera esplorare oltre quanto mai prima su una piattaforma sicura e affidabile. Il design efficiente dello scafo include due cabine VIP con l'opzione di una terza cabina flessibile che può essere una cabina doppia / ufficio / cucina o spazio di stoccaggio.

Sistemi intelligenti per una crociera senza stress

Una grande parte della filosofia Arksen è che i sistemi di una nave devono essere progettati e organizzati con grande attenzione. La facilità di manutenzione e riparazione è al centro. Arksen utilizza un attento design 3D per massimizzare lo spazio interno, mentre la facilità di accesso ai sistemi per la manutenzione e la riparazione rimane essenziale su una nave di queste dimensioni. Tutte queste considerazioni pratiche sono abilmente nascoste dietro mobili e rivestimenti eleganti.


oven, diepvries, airconditioning, echolood, windmeetinstrumenten, autopilot, GPS, VHF-radio, plotter, radar, stuurpositie buiten, generator, omvormer, schroef - boegschroef, schroef - hekschroef, koelkast

Beperkte doorvaarthoogte voor uitgebreide verkenning

De nieuwe Arksen 65 is ontworpen om overal te kunnen reizen net als haar grotere zusterschepen kunnen, en om de ruimte en capaciteit te bieden voor een stel, gezin of kleine groep om comfortabel te leven en te reizen voor langere perioden. Door de beperkte vaste doorvaarthoogte heeft de Arksen 65 ook de mogelijkheid om de Europese rivieren meren en kanalen te verkennen.

De genoemde prijs is een vanaf prijs ex BTW


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9.200 L


1.540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Of u nu aangemeerd ligt in het hart van een historische stad of helemaal voor uzelf geniet van de rust van een ankerplaats, de eet- en loungeruimte op het achterdek is de perfecte plek om te genieten van die cocktail bij zonsondergang terwijl u de bezienswaardigheden in u opneemt. De verhoogde buitenstuurstand met optionele beglazing biedt niet alleen een opwindend uitzicht op wat komen gaat, maar beschermt ook degenen op het achterdek tegen wind.


Met een bereik van 3700 zeemijl op kruissnelheid, plus de mogelijkheid om een trans-Atlantische of trans-Pacifische oversteek te maken, maakt de Arksen 65 het verkennen van de wereld bereikbaarden dan ooit in een schip van deze omvang. Met meer toegang tot afgelegen locaties komt dit ontdekkingsschip echt tot zijn recht. Ze heeft een romp gebouwd van gedeeltelijk gerecycled aluminium. Het materiaal is lichtgewicht, maar toch robuust en sterk genoeg om enkele van de zwaarste omstandigheden op zee te weerstaan.


De Arksen 65 biedt zijn eigenaren de autonomie om hun eigen weg te kiezen en van de gebaande paden af te wijken, terwijl de systemen aan boord ervoor zorgen dat u nooit ver weg bent van contact met de buitenwereld als u dat wilt.

De praktische eisen van het leven op zee of via de binnenwateren lopen als een rode draad door dit schip, van de gemakkelijke toegang tot het zijdek met ergonomisch geplaatste leuningen tot het fantastische uitzicht rondom op de stuurstand, in combinatie met het comfort van thuis ver van huis, maakt dit een uitstekende avontuurlijke metgezel.


Het vermogen om de impact van een product te verminderen, begint met een zorgvuldig ontwerp. Doordachte keuzes en slimme planning in een vroeg stadium kunnen de levensduur en voetafdruk van een product drastisch veranderen.

Producten langer in gebruik houden, hun oorspronkelijke waarde behouden en verspilling van hulpbronnen verminderen, zijn belangrijke onderdelen van circulair ontwerp.

Wij ontwikkelen schepen die al het comfort, de autonomie, de actieradius, de veiligheid en de stijl bieden die u mag verwachten, maar die ook een geschikt platform bieden om het breedste scala aan onderzoeksactiviteiten te ondersteunen. Via onze Sea Time Pledge kunnen alle eigenaren onvergetelijke ervaringen opdoen door tijd aan boord te bieden aan wetenschappers om essentieel maritiem onderzoek uit te voeren.

Exterior seating for eight

Het achterdek op de Arksen 65 biedt een geweldige vermakelijke ruimte, compleet met een BBQ-keukenblok, een bank naar achteren en een stoelvulling zodat maximaal acht gasten comfortabel rond de dubbele tafel kunnen zitten.

Interior comfort

Net als de rest van de Arksen Explorer-vloot, geniet de 65 van hetzelfde geweldige uitzicht vanaf de ramen op het hoofddek. Of u nu ontspant, kookt of dineert, u wordt omringd door een prachtig uitzicht. Op het benedendek zijn er nog drie hutten; een full beam master voorin en twee tweepersoonshutten midscheeps en achter.

Exterior Options

De Arksen 65 biedt een aantal externe opties, van een open of glazen buitenstuurstand, geschilderde romp tot een keuze uit alternatieve houten dekken. Het achterdek kan optioneel vrij worden gehouden van zitplaatsen om extra watersport- en onderwateruitrusting mogelijk te maken. Ook is er de optie voor een Hybride aandrijf systeem en zonnepanelen.

Tenders tot 3,4 m kunnen op of boven het zwemplateau worden opgeborgen of ook op het achterdek met de optie voor open dek.

Interior Options

De Arksen 65 is ontworpen voor het onverschrokken stel dat verder wil verkennen dan voorheen op een veilig en betrouwbaar platform. Het efficiënte ontwerp van de romp omvat twee VIP-hutten met de optie van een flexibele derde hut die een tweepersoons slaaphut / kantoor / kombuis of opslagruimte kan zijn

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

Een groot deel van de Arksen-filosofie is dat de systemen van een schip zeer zorgvuldig moeten worden doordacht en ingericht. Onderhouds- en reparatiegemak staan centraal. Arksen maakt gebruik van een nauwgezet 3D-ontwerp om de binnenruimte te maximaliseren, terwijl het gemak van toegang tot systemen voor onderhoud en reparatie essentieel blijft op dit formaat schip. Al deze praktische overwegingen zijn slim weggestopt achter mooie meubels en lambrisering.


piekarnik, zamrażarka, klimatyzacja, echosonda, wiatromierz, autopilot, GPS, radionadajnik UKF, ploter do map, radar, zewnętrzne stanowisko sterowania, generator, falownik, dziobowy ster strumieniowy, rufowy ster strumieniowy, lodówka

Limited air draft for extensive exploration

The new Arksen 65 is designed to travel anywhere just like its larger sister ships can, and to provide the space and capacity for a couple, family, or small group to live and travel comfortably for longer periods. Due to its limited fixed air draft, the Arksen 65 also has the ability to explore European rivers, lakes, and canals.

The mentioned price is a starting price excluding VAT


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9,200 L


1,540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Whether you are moored in the heart of a historic city or enjoying the tranquility of an anchorage all to yourself, the dining and lounge area on the aft deck is the perfect place to enjoy that cocktail at sunset while taking in the sights. The elevated outside steering position with optional glazing not only offers an exciting view of what lies ahead but also protects those on the aft deck from the wind.


With a range of 3,700 nautical miles at cruising speed, plus the ability to make a transatlantic or transpacific crossing, the Arksen 65 makes exploring the world more accessible than ever in a vessel of this size. With more access to remote locations, this exploration vessel truly shines. It has a hull built from partially recycled aluminum. The material is lightweight yet robust and strong enough to withstand some of the harshest conditions at sea.


The Arksen 65 offers its owners the autonomy to choose their own path and venture off the beaten track, while the onboard systems ensure that you are never far from contact with the outside world if you wish.

The practical demands of life at sea or through inland waters run like a common thread throughout this vessel, from the easy access to the side deck with ergonomically placed handrails to the fantastic views all around from the helm, combined with the comfort of home away from home, making this an excellent adventurous companion.


The ability to reduce the impact of a product begins with careful design. Thoughtful choices and smart planning at an early stage can drastically change the lifespan and footprint of a product.

Keeping products in use longer, retaining their original value, and reducing resource waste are key components of circular design.

We develop vessels that offer all the comfort, autonomy, range, safety, and style you would expect, but that also provide a suitable platform to support the widest range of research activities. Through our Sea Time Pledge, all owners can gain unforgettable experiences by providing time onboard for scientists to conduct essential maritime research.

Exterior seating for eight

The aft deck on the Arksen 65 offers a great entertaining space, complete with a BBQ kitchen unit, a bench facing aft, and seating so that up to eight guests can comfortably sit around the double table.

Interior comfort

Like the rest of the Arksen Explorer fleet, the 65 enjoys the same great views from the windows on the main deck. Whether you are relaxing, cooking, or dining, you are surrounded by stunning views. On the lower deck, there are three more cabins; a full beam master cabin at the front and two twin cabins midship and aft.

Exterior Options

The Arksen 65 offers a number of external options, from an open or glass-enclosed outside steering position, painted hull to a choice of alternative wooden decks. The aft deck can optionally be kept free of seating to allow for additional watersport and underwater equipment. There is also the option for a hybrid drive system and solar panels.

Tenders up to 3.4 m can be stored on or above the swim platform or also on the aft deck with the option for an open deck.

Interior Options

The Arksen 65 is designed for the intrepid couple who want to explore further than ever before on a safe and reliable platform. The efficient hull design includes two VIP cabins with the option of a flexible third cabin that can be a double sleeping cabin / office / galley or storage space.

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

A large part of the Arksen philosophy is that the systems of a vessel must be very carefully thought out and arranged. Ease of maintenance and repair is central. Arksen utilizes meticulous 3D design to maximize interior space while ensuring ease of access to systems for maintenance and repair remains essential on this size of vessel. All these practical considerations are cleverly tucked away behind beautiful furnishings and paneling.


forno, congelador, ar condicionado, sonda, anemómetro, piloto automático, GPS, VHF, plotter, radar, leme no exterior, gerador, inversor, hélice de proa, hélice de popa, frigorifico

Limited air draft for extensive exploration

The new Arksen 65 is designed to travel anywhere just like its larger sister ships can, and to provide the space and capacity for a couple, family, or small group to live and travel comfortably for longer periods. Due to its limited fixed air draft, the Arksen 65 also has the ability to explore European rivers, lakes, and canals.

The mentioned price is a starting price excluding VAT


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9,200 L


1,540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Whether you are moored in the heart of a historic city or enjoying the tranquility of an anchorage all to yourself, the dining and lounge area on the aft deck is the perfect place to enjoy that cocktail at sunset while taking in the sights. The elevated outside steering position with optional glazing not only offers an exciting view of what lies ahead but also protects those on the aft deck from the wind.


With a range of 3,700 nautical miles at cruising speed, plus the ability to make a transatlantic or transpacific crossing, the Arksen 65 makes exploring the world more accessible than ever in a vessel of this size. With more access to remote locations, this exploration vessel truly shines. It has a hull built from partially recycled aluminum. The material is lightweight yet robust and strong enough to withstand some of the harshest conditions at sea.


The Arksen 65 offers its owners the autonomy to choose their own path and venture off the beaten track, while the onboard systems ensure that you are never far from contact with the outside world if you wish.

The practical demands of life at sea or through inland waters run like a common thread throughout this vessel, from the easy access to the side deck with ergonomically placed handrails to the fantastic views all around from the helm, combined with the comfort of home away from home, making this an excellent adventurous companion.


The ability to reduce the impact of a product begins with careful design. Thoughtful choices and smart planning at an early stage can drastically change the lifespan and footprint of a product.

Keeping products in use longer, retaining their original value, and reducing resource waste are key components of circular design.

We develop vessels that offer all the comfort, autonomy, range, safety, and style you would expect, but that also provide a suitable platform to support the widest range of research activities. Through our Sea Time Pledge, all owners can gain unforgettable experiences by providing time onboard for scientists to conduct essential maritime research.

Exterior seating for eight

The aft deck on the Arksen 65 offers a great entertaining space, complete with a BBQ kitchen unit, a bench facing aft, and seating so that up to eight guests can comfortably sit around the double table.

Interior comfort

Like the rest of the Arksen Explorer fleet, the 65 enjoys the same great views from the windows on the main deck. Whether you are relaxing, cooking, or dining, you are surrounded by stunning views. On the lower deck, there are three more cabins; a full beam master cabin at the front and two twin cabins midship and aft.

Exterior Options

The Arksen 65 offers a number of external options, from an open or glass-enclosed outside steering position, painted hull to a choice of alternative wooden decks. The aft deck can optionally be kept free of seating to allow for additional watersport and underwater equipment. There is also the option for a hybrid drive system and solar panels.

Tenders up to 3.4 m can be stored on or above the swim platform or also on the aft deck with the option for an open deck.

Interior Options

The Arksen 65 is designed for the intrepid couple who want to explore further than ever before on a safe and reliable platform. The efficient hull design includes two VIP cabins with the option of a flexible third cabin that can be a double sleeping cabin / office / galley or storage space.

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

A large part of the Arksen philosophy is that the systems of a vessel must be very carefully thought out and arranged. Ease of maintenance and repair is central. Arksen utilizes meticulous 3D design to maximize interior space while ensuring ease of access to systems for maintenance and repair remains essential on this size of vessel. All these practical considerations are cleverly tucked away behind beautiful furnishings and paneling.


fırın, dondurucu, klima, derinlik ölçer, rüzgar göstergesi, otopilot, GPS, VHF telsiz, chartplotter, radar, dışarıda dümenci yeri, jeneratör, inverter, baş pervane, kıç pervane, buzdolabı

Limited air draft for extensive exploration

The new Arksen 65 is designed to travel anywhere just like its larger sister ships can, and to provide the space and capacity for a couple, family, or small group to live and travel comfortably for longer periods. Due to its limited fixed air draft, the Arksen 65 also has the ability to explore European rivers, lakes, and canals.

The mentioned price is a starting price excluding VAT


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9,200 L


1,540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Whether you are moored in the heart of a historic city or enjoying the tranquility of an anchorage all to yourself, the dining and lounge area on the aft deck is the perfect place to enjoy that cocktail at sunset while taking in the sights. The elevated outside steering position with optional glazing not only offers an exciting view of what lies ahead but also protects those on the aft deck from the wind.


With a range of 3,700 nautical miles at cruising speed, plus the ability to make a transatlantic or transpacific crossing, the Arksen 65 makes exploring the world more accessible than ever in a vessel of this size. With more access to remote locations, this exploration vessel truly shines. It has a hull built from partially recycled aluminum. The material is lightweight yet robust and strong enough to withstand some of the harshest conditions at sea.


The Arksen 65 offers its owners the autonomy to choose their own path and venture off the beaten track, while the onboard systems ensure that you are never far from contact with the outside world if you wish.

The practical demands of life at sea or through inland waters run like a common thread throughout this vessel, from the easy access to the side deck with ergonomically placed handrails to the fantastic views all around from the helm, combined with the comfort of home away from home, making this an excellent adventurous companion.


The ability to reduce the impact of a product begins with careful design. Thoughtful choices and smart planning at an early stage can drastically change the lifespan and footprint of a product.

Keeping products in use longer, retaining their original value, and reducing resource waste are key components of circular design.

We develop vessels that offer all the comfort, autonomy, range, safety, and style you would expect, but that also provide a suitable platform to support the widest range of research activities. Through our Sea Time Pledge, all owners can gain unforgettable experiences by providing time onboard for scientists to conduct essential maritime research.

Exterior seating for eight

The aft deck on the Arksen 65 offers a great entertaining space, complete with a BBQ kitchen unit, a bench facing aft, and seating so that up to eight guests can comfortably sit around the double table.

Interior comfort

Like the rest of the Arksen Explorer fleet, the 65 enjoys the same great views from the windows on the main deck. Whether you are relaxing, cooking, or dining, you are surrounded by stunning views. On the lower deck, there are three more cabins; a full beam master cabin at the front and two twin cabins midship and aft.

Exterior Options

The Arksen 65 offers a number of external options, from an open or glass-enclosed outside steering position, painted hull to a choice of alternative wooden decks. The aft deck can optionally be kept free of seating to allow for additional watersport and underwater equipment. There is also the option for a hybrid drive system and solar panels.

Tenders up to 3.4 m can be stored on or above the swim platform or also on the aft deck with the option for an open deck.

Interior Options

The Arksen 65 is designed for the intrepid couple who want to explore further than ever before on a safe and reliable platform. The efficient hull design includes two VIP cabins with the option of a flexible third cabin that can be a double sleeping cabin / office / galley or storage space.

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

A large part of the Arksen philosophy is that the systems of a vessel must be very carefully thought out and arranged. Ease of maintenance and repair is central. Arksen utilizes meticulous 3D design to maximize interior space while ensuring ease of access to systems for maintenance and repair remains essential on this size of vessel. All these practical considerations are cleverly tucked away behind beautiful furnishings and paneling.


духовка, морозилка, кондиционер, эхолот, анемометр, автопилот, GPS, радио ультракоротких волн, плоттер, радар, расположение рулевого управления внешнее, генератор, инвертер, подруливающее устройство в носовой части, подруливающие устройство кормовое, холодильник

Limited air draft for extensive exploration

The new Arksen 65 is designed to travel anywhere just like its larger sister ships can, and to provide the space and capacity for a couple, family, or small group to live and travel comfortably for longer periods. Due to its limited fixed air draft, the Arksen 65 also has the ability to explore European rivers, lakes, and canals.

The mentioned price is a starting price excluding VAT


20.46 m


31.5 t


2x 119 KW (160hp) Hybrid optional


9,200 L


1,540 L


3,700 nm


9 knots




UK MCA MGN280(M) Category 2 code


Humphreys Yacht Design


Whether you are moored in the heart of a historic city or enjoying the tranquility of an anchorage all to yourself, the dining and lounge area on the aft deck is the perfect place to enjoy that cocktail at sunset while taking in the sights. The elevated outside steering position with optional glazing not only offers an exciting view of what lies ahead but also protects those on the aft deck from the wind.


With a range of 3,700 nautical miles at cruising speed, plus the ability to make a transatlantic or transpacific crossing, the Arksen 65 makes exploring the world more accessible than ever in a vessel of this size. With more access to remote locations, this exploration vessel truly shines. It has a hull built from partially recycled aluminum. The material is lightweight yet robust and strong enough to withstand some of the harshest conditions at sea.


The Arksen 65 offers its owners the autonomy to choose their own path and venture off the beaten track, while the onboard systems ensure that you are never far from contact with the outside world if you wish.

The practical demands of life at sea or through inland waters run like a common thread throughout this vessel, from the easy access to the side deck with ergonomically placed handrails to the fantastic views all around from the helm, combined with the comfort of home away from home, making this an excellent adventurous companion.


The ability to reduce the impact of a product begins with careful design. Thoughtful choices and smart planning at an early stage can drastically change the lifespan and footprint of a product.

Keeping products in use longer, retaining their original value, and reducing resource waste are key components of circular design.

We develop vessels that offer all the comfort, autonomy, range, safety, and style you would expect, but that also provide a suitable platform to support the widest range of research activities. Through our Sea Time Pledge, all owners can gain unforgettable experiences by providing time onboard for scientists to conduct essential maritime research.

Exterior seating for eight

The aft deck on the Arksen 65 offers a great entertaining space, complete with a BBQ kitchen unit, a bench facing aft, and seating so that up to eight guests can comfortably sit around the double table.

Interior comfort

Like the rest of the Arksen Explorer fleet, the 65 enjoys the same great views from the windows on the main deck. Whether you are relaxing, cooking, or dining, you are surrounded by stunning views. On the lower deck, there are three more cabins; a full beam master cabin at the front and two twin cabins midship and aft.

Exterior Options

The Arksen 65 offers a number of external options, from an open or glass-enclosed outside steering position, painted hull to a choice of alternative wooden decks. The aft deck can optionally be kept free of seating to allow for additional watersport and underwater equipment. There is also the option for a hybrid drive system and solar panels.

Tenders up to 3.4 m can be stored on or above the swim platform or also on the aft deck with the option for an open deck.

Interior Options

The Arksen 65 is designed for the intrepid couple who want to explore further than ever before on a safe and reliable platform. The efficient hull design includes two VIP cabins with the option of a flexible third cabin that can be a double sleeping cabin / office / galley or storage space.

Clever systems for stress-free cruising

A large part of the Arksen philosophy is that the systems of a vessel must be very carefully thought out and arranged. Ease of maintenance and repair is central. Arksen utilizes meticulous 3D design to maximize interior space while ensuring ease of access to systems for maintenance and repair remains essential on this size of vessel. All these practical considerations are cleverly tucked away behind beautiful furnishings and paneling.

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Anzahl der Kabinen
Dieser Arksen 65 wurde 130 Mal angesehen
Händler Informationen

Smits Jachtmakelaardij

Mr. René Smits
Noord-Linschoterzandweg 20A
3425 EK
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