Dedicated New Modern Facility Opens in Newcastle, UK
A world leading manufacturer of yacht coatings, Awlgrip has recently opened its newest Awlmix colour matching and production facility, relocating from its former offices in Felling, Newcastle, UK to new premises within the Felling site. As with all Awlmix facilities, the new UK division provides custom colours for Awlgrip and Awlcraft 2000 product ranges, and is the European home of the recently launched Awlcraft SE range of metallics, pearls and effect coatings, which are also available in custom colours.
Well-equipped to provide custom colours from 1 quart to over 15 gallons, the new 2000sq.ft building comprises a dedicated colour-matching office, mixing area, preparation area and a state-of-art spray booth for application trials and customer panel preparation.
The latest Awlmix colour facility boasts three chemists on-site, who are all highly trained in the latest colour-matching techniques. They use advanced colour-matching software and equipment to formulate and manufacture custom colours to the high level of accuracy demanded by our customers.
The Awlmix system provides numerous benefits to captains and crew globally, such as ensuring that no matter where in the world, freshly produced colour-matched paint is quickly and easily available as the new sample is made using the same formulation as the original supply and to the same high quality and specification as any Awlgrip factory produced material. Whether matching a toilet seat or a purple Bentley, Awlmix is an ideal choice for custom colours, no matter how large or small the job.
For further information on Awlmix, custom colours, Awlgrip, or to locate your nearest Awlmix distributor or Technical Service Representative, visit awlgrip.com