Why More Women Are Getting into Boating

Women sailing

Historically, boating has been an activity primarily pursued by men. But recently, more women are buying boats and actively using them.

What is the root cause of this demographic shift? Can we expect more women to buy boats in the future? And what can we do to make this space more welcoming to all types of people?

Why More Women Are Getting into Boating

Let's start by analysing some of the factors that have pushed more women to get into boating.

  • Changing attitudes on sex and gender. Some of this trend is attributable to changing attitudes on sex and gender in general. In the UK, United States and throughout the West, people are making a more concentrated effort to ensure that people of all sexes and genders are treated equally. Modern feminists and other pro-equality groups are making gains in politics, the media, and public discourse to ensure that all people are treated fairly and with respect. This means introducing women to more opportunities that weren't available to them previously, as well as breaking down barriers of gender norms that otherwise relegated people to specific activities based on their sex or gender.
  • Diversity and inclusion efforts. Organisations like She of the Sea (SOTS) have also emerged to place a greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion in matters related to boating and aquatic sports. Influential individuals, charities, and other entities have all spoken up about the importance of equal opportunities – and have recruited more women into this space.
  • Impressive female yacht owners. Yachts have always been a symbol of luxury, wealth, and status, but unfortunately, these symbols have been disproportionately available to men. These days, there are more iconic and impressive female yacht owners showing off their wealth and living life in style – like J.K Rowling, Wendy Schmidt, Elena Ambrosiadou, and Heidi Horten. There are also countless social media influencers, authors, and celebrities who are women and avid supporters of boating as a hobby. With more mentors and heroes to look up to, girls and young women are expressing more interest in boating.
  • Isolation and the COVID-19 pandemic. At least some of this surge is attributable to isolation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, people with all types of backgrounds were motivated to find recreational, stimulating activities that could keep them sane without introducing them to infectious diseases or other hazards. Women were no exception to this effect; both men and women bought more boats during this time.
  • Yacht chartering. Women are also participating in boating through yacht chartering, which has exploded in popularity over the last several years. It's an affordable way to get a taste of luxury, and it's suitable even to people with minimal boating experience.
  • Better marketing and advertising. On top of all this, boat manufacturers and marketplaces are making more of a concentrated effort to market and advertise to women. Historically, the disproportionate interest of men has been at least partially attributable to marketers exclusively focusing on them. Now that more advertisements are going after women, specifically, more women are expressing interest in the hobby.

Why It’s a Good Thing That More Women Are Getting into Boating

Ultimately, it's a good thing for everyone that more women are getting into boating.

These are just some of the reasons why:

  • More diverse hobbyist groups. Diversity is a good thing. When a group of people features more diversity between individuals, it becomes capable of generating better ideas, offering more perspectives, and providing better support to the people within the group. As the boating world becomes populated with more balanced representations of gender and race, all members of the boating community stand to benefit.
  • More mentors and influencers for girls and young women. As more women become prominent leaders in the boating world, girls and young women benefit from more relatable role models. The right role model can change a person's life.
  • Stimulated demand (and innovation). When more women buy yachts, it increases aggregate demand, enabling yacht manufacturers and other product innovators in the industry to generate more ideas, invent more products, and facilitate better distribution. In other words, it means everyone will have a wider selection of boating products to choose from – and potentially lower prices for those products as well.

Creating a More Open Space

What steps can you take to create a more open space for women boaters and yacht enthusiasts?

  • Treat everyone with welcome and respect. The most important thing you can do is treat everyone with welcome and respect, especially if you're the leader of a yachting organisation or a hobby group relevant to the boating world. Don't discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, or any other factor, and make sure that everyone in your group feels respected as a peer. Never make snap judgments about a person’s knowledge, experience, or interest based on who they are or how they look.
  • Provide more resources and support. You can also attempt to provide more resources and support to women boaters who want or need it. Depending on your situation, that could mean making a more concentrated effort to recruit female group members, donating to an organisation that supports women yachters, or simply helping the women you know master the fundamentals.
  • Avoid segregation. Diversity is the goal, so avoid segregating by sex/gender. There's nothing wrong with starting a boat club for women, by women, but we should also strive to make more equitable spaces that are inviting for everyone.
  • Understand that every individual is unique. Avoid generalising people based on their immutable qualities. “Women boaters” aren’t a homogenous group; every individual is going to have unique thoughts and perspectives worth considering.

Regardless of your gender, the first step in getting more involved in boating as a hobby is getting a boat of your very own. And lucky for you, TheYachtMarket has a wide variety of new and used vessels to choose from.

If you’re ready to start your boating journey, or if you’re searching for your next upgrade, check out what we have to offer!

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