The Comprehensive Guide to Boat Safety

If you want to continue enjoying your boat with your family or your closest friends, it's important that you know how to operate it safely and responsibly. The trouble is, there are many areas of safety to keep in mind, from ongoing maintenance to keep your boat in the best possible condition to knowing what to do in an emergency.

The Value of Staying Safe While Yachting

Why is safety so important?

The obvious answer is that it's going to keep you and all your passengers safe from harm. Many people underestimate this effect not because they consciously disregard the health or safety of other people, but because they downplay the risks associated with boating. The truth is, there are many things that can go wrong when enjoying your boat, from technical issues like a failed engine to more serious and imminent threats, like someone drowning. Knowing how to prevent catastrophes and knowing how to respond in an emergency situation can minimise the possibility of and mitigate the severity of incidents like this.

Furthermore, prioritising safety means getting more time to enjoy your favourite activities and greater reliability for your vessel. If you're the captain of the ship, it may also help you avoid potential liability issues and higher insurance costs.

In any case, staying safe is relatively inexpensive, but it has major positive effects on you, your boat, and the people around you.

Choosing the Right Boat

Ideally, you'll start by choosing the right boat for your needs. It's important to choose something that is suitable for whatever activities and interests you want to pursue. Don't buy something that's under-equipped or over-equipped if you want to avoid certain risks and hazards.

It's also important to purchase a boat with a high degree of reliability. Pay close attention to the reputations of the manufacturer and distributor before pulling the trigger and be wary of any negative reviews that might indicate a lack of reliability. Some boats are simply safer than others, in part because of how they were made.

Perfecting Your Skills as Captain

Once you have a good vessel in place, you can work on perfecting your skills as a captain. Whether you have the official title or not, you're going to be the person responsible for the operation of your vessel and the safety of everyone onboard. The better you understand how to operate your boat, and the better versed you are in maritime safety, the better you'll be able to take care of your boat and its passengers.

These are some of the most important areas to study:

  • Operation. Obviously, you'll need to become intimately familiar with how to operate your boat. You'll need to be able to helm the vessel, manoeuvre it, and deal with unexpected situations when they arise. If you feel confident about your ability to handle your boat even in the midst of a powerful storm, you're in a good spot. Otherwise, there's still plenty of room for improvement.
  • Navigation. Next, you'll need to focus on your ability to navigate. Thanks to modern GPS and similar technologies, it's easier than ever for people to get from one place to another. But what happens if those technologies fail? Would you be able to find your way back home? Ideally, you'll be able to navigate in a variety of circumstances and using a variety of different tools and technologies.
  • Laws and regulations. You should also be aware of local laws and regulations. This is a good practice even if safety isn't one of your priorities, as it can save you from hefty fines and deeper trouble. However, it's important to realise that many statutes and regulations are designed with safety in mind, and it's in your best interest to follow them.
  • Swimming. You may have intentions to never enter the water on your own, but it's still a good idea to improve your own swimming skills. This way, if you're thrown overboard, you'll have a much higher chance of survival, and if someone else is thrown overboard, you may be able to help save them.
  • Survival. It's also wise to develop certain survival skills, so you have a better chance of surviving in the face of extreme circumstances. Even simple things, like learning the principles of conservation if you're ever stranded in the water, can drastically increase your chances of survival in the wake of a major emergency.

Maintaining and Repairing Your Vessel

If you want to make sure your vessel remains reliable, you'll need to conduct ongoing maintenance and repairs on it. At least once a year, you should have your yacht professionally serviced or do the work yourself. Routine maintenance items, like changing the oil and inspecting the engine, can help you prevent or at least identify issues that might compromise your safety.

On top of this, it's a good idea to conduct a quick inspection of your vessel before any voyage. This doesn't have to be comprehensive or especially time-consuming, but it can help you make sure you have all the essential elements necessary for a safe journey.

Making a Plan

Your safety strategy began unfolding long before your boat ever leaves the dock. These are some of the most important ways to prepare:

  • Check the weather. Always pay attention to the weather, right up until you're ready to leave. The forecast can change, and you certainly don't want to be caught in the middle of a powerful storm. In adverse conditions, consider cancelling or postponing your trip.
  • Review the details. Take a moment to review the details of your intended plans. Where are you going? How are you going to get there? Are there any special risks that might interfere with your plans and how can you accommodate them?
  • Make a float plan. A float plan is a formal document detailing where you're going, when you're going, and what your intentions are. If you aren't back at the expected time, the authorities can use this float plan to start a search for you. Think of it as a kind of insurance policy that will make it easier for you and your passengers to be rescued. The RYA’s SafeTrx app is also a great (and free) way to let your loved ones know where you are and can automatically send text messages to your emergency contacts if you exceed your ETA.

Stocking Your Boat

You should also make an effort to stock your boat with the technologies, resources, and other items that you might need to prevent or respond to an emergency situation.

These are some of your best options:

  • A VHF radio. A marine VHF radio enables you to communicate with other nearby vessels, and quite reliably. Make sure you have one, make sure it's operational, and make sure you know how to use it if you ever need to signal an emergency.
  • Visual signals. Additionally, you should have multiple forms of visual signalling available. Flares, lights, and mirrors can all assist you in getting the attention of other vessels if necessary.
  • Audio signals. Similarly, it pays to have backup forms of audio communication. A satellite phone is typically a reliable backup form of communication, but you should also have audio signals like a horn in place.
  • Throwable floatation devices. Every yacht should be equipped with some throwable flotation devices. If any members of your crew are thrown overboard, this can keep them afloat and tethered to the vessel, buying enough time for a successful rescue.
  • Lifejackets. Lifejackets save lives. It's hard to overstate just how important it is to have properly fitted life jackets for every passenger onboard your vessel, as well as yourself. You might not like the way they look or feel, but wearing one greatly increases your chances of survival if you fall overboard.
  • A fire extinguisher. Many people don't think about fire when they're on the water, for obvious reasons. But even relatively simple mechanical issues can eventually result in a conflagration. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher onboard.
  • An anchor with appropriate line. You should also have an anchor with an appropriate line attached. This way, you can keep your vessel stationery if it's no longer operational. This makes rescue much more likely.
  • A first aid kit. Most boats benefit from having a first aid kit on board, even if it has only the essentials. If someone is hurt, you'll be able to step in and act quickly to prevent the injury from becoming worse or buy time until proper medical attention is available.
  • A knife. A sharp knife is a utilitarian tool that can assist with a wide variety of tasks. You may be grateful you have one in an emergency situation.
  • Oars or paddles. Depending on the size of your boat, it may be prudent to have oars or paddles onboard. In some cases, you may be able to propel the vessel forward when it's not operational.
  • A bailing device. A bailing device is a bucket, or a similar tool designed to help you bail water out of a boat that keeps taking on more water. It may not be able to reverse the situation, but it can buy you some time for rescue.
  • A flashlight and tools. Also make sure you have a flashlight and other common tools aboard your vessel. This is especially important if you're familiar with the mechanical components of your boat and are capable of making small repairs.

Additional Ways to Prevent Emergency Situations

These are some additional strategies that can help you prevent emergency situations from arising:

  • Educate your guests. Make sure you give all your passengers a crash course in boat safety. The better they understand the risks associated with this activity, and the more familiar they are with proper safety protocols, the safer your entire boat will be.
  • Know your territory. Spend some time getting familiar with the territory you're going to explore. What are the laws and regulations here? What are the biggest risks and threats to consider? Who would you contact for help? And how would you contact them?
  • Evaluate risks. Try to speculate on and calculate risks associated with your journeys. This is something you can begin doing before you venture out, but you should continue doing it throughout each voyage. Identify and estimate the impact of each individual risk, then decide whether it’s appropriate to take intervening measures to eliminate or mitigate it.
  • Err on the side of caution. In practice, it's almost always better to err on the side of caution. In other words, if you're torn between two options or decisions, choose the one that's safer. It can make a big difference in the safety of you and your passengers.
  • Avoid excessive drinking. Many of us like to drink alcohol or party on our boats. But it's important to remember that intoxication can lead to worse decision making and increased risk taking. Make sure you and your passengers drink responsibly.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. Always pay attention to your surroundings, even if you're intimately familiar with them and believe that you're alone. Rocks, other vessels, and other types of hazards can be hard to notice in certain situations.
  • Go slowly. The slower you travel, the safer you'll be. You'll have much more time to respond to unexpected situations and if there's ever an impact, the damage will be mitigated. This is especially important in shallow waters or in areas where hazards are abundant.
  • Act quickly and calmly. If you do encounter an emergency situation, it's important to act as quickly and calmly as possible. Maintaining your composure will help you make better decisions in the moment, while simultaneously allowing you to keep your passengers calm. And as you might imagine, most emergency situations demand a relatively fast intervention.

Remember, safe boating starts with finding the perfect vessel for your needs. You'll need something that's fully capable of doing everything you want to do, and something with a high degree of reliability. Thankfully, there are thousands of options to choose from, and it's easier than ever to review them and compare them online. Start your search today!

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