Princess F55
Twin Volvo D13-900 (2x 900mhp) diesel engines 190 hours• White hull • Walnut interior wood satin finish • Teak laid flybridge deck, side decks, foredeck and coach walkthrough • Allure pack update • Onan 17.5Kw generator • Full Navigation pack • Volvo joystick system • Third steering in cockpit • Bow and stern thrusters • Air conditioning • Continental 220V/240V Sockets • Hydraulic platform • Foldaway swimming ladder • Saloon dining table • Side boarding doors to cockpit area • 50" UHD TV • Fusion systems and speakers in saloon, owners cabin and flybridge
DRIVE "Volvo joystick control (dual station) with low speed manoeuvring in 'docking mode' and steering at any speed in 'driving mode'. Operates engines, steering and thruster(s) including stern thruster when fitted (includes uprating standard bow thruster to 210KgF variable speed)" Third station controls in cockpit including thruster controls and emergency stop Hold function docking facility, includes fitting a 210 kgf variable speed sternthruster where joystick is fitted HULL COLOUR "White Gel Coat Finish Radar arch infill panel (Flybridge seat back)and engine air intake vent finished in graphite grey metallic paint (with dark grey water line and black antifouling, hull and bathing platform fendering is white with stainless steel insert) Aft canopy feature chamfer in white GRP finish as standard" INTERIOR FURNITURE Walnut interior wood Satin finish (includes all galley units) (galley floor is planked walnut as standard) Trädurk i aktre delen i salongen (som durken i pentry) i valnöt Standard helm console is Grey soft touch with Quartz III Putty leather helm seats Safe Fit 2 x Audrey flexible bunk light one on each side of stateroom bed LAYOUT Saloon folding leaf dining table Sideboard in master cabin instead of sofas STYLING Elevate the overall styling and ambiance of your yacht with design elements selected exclusively from the Design Studio Collection "ALLURE COLLECTION II (no hardtop) Interior styling include -Quilting detail with contrast piping and panelling to lower helm seats -Pininfarina design steering wheel to lower helm Exterior styling include: -Quilting detail with contrast piping and panelling to flybridge helm seats -Pininfarina design steering wheel to flybridge helm - (no Teak step nosings) -Flybridge console finished in Oyster Grey- -Flybridge wetbar in finished in Oyster Grey -Foredeck sunbed cushions and adjustable headrests -Exterior upholstery in Comfort Exterior III Met Ice with Macadamia contrast panels and piping" GALLEY "Galley worktops are Sylmar White Solid Surface as standard to match the bar top (NB. Cockpit bar top will match galley worktop selection)" Other galley top colour: Carrara White BATHROOMS Bathroom countertops are Carrara White Solid Surface (gloss finish) Bathroom floors in Carrara White Heated floors in both WC COLOUR SCHEME Colour scheme can be selected from the Quartz VIII or Milan IX range of fabrics as standard Upgrade to premium carpets: Elements Symphony Dresden Fitted bedcovers with square quilt DECK HARDWARE Transom platform to have electro-hydraulic raise/lower facility (450Kg SWL) with keyway plates Teak laid side decks, foredeck and coachroof walkthrough Teak laid flybridge deck Side boarding doors to cockpit area Additional 20m of 10mm anchor chain to give a total of 60 metres Chain counter on fore windlass on upper and lower helm Scandinavian drop-down pulpit fore Teak table fitted on foredeck Stainless steel anchor in place of standard (25Kg) GENERATOR ONAN 17.5kW/50 Hz generator in place of standard. (the 17.5kW generator is recommended when gyro stabilisers or aircon are specified) ELECTRICAL Continental 220v/240v sockets Dishwasher in galley (slimline, 9 place setting) BBQ fitted to flybridge wetbar Fit heated towel rail in bathroom Combination Washing machine/Dryer fitted below companionway stairs "Exterior Lighting Upgrade Package Low level accent strip lights below flybridge wetbar, accent spots (3) on transom, additional 7 deck lights to side deck and foredeck area (total 13), pop up lanterns to flybridge forward dinette (2)" Penta China Table lamp to aft saloon sideboard (gloss white finish) (104319) Dimmer på takbelysning i masterkabin, främre kabin, styrbord kabin i tillägg till standard dimmers i salong och sittbrunn 2x Shorepower cable incl adapter AUDIO VISUAL & COMMUNICATIONS "STANDARD SYSTEM Deck Saloon - 50” LED TV on a powered lift with Fusion Apollo MS-RA770 with AM/FM/Bluetooth/DAB/WIFI and external USB. Paired with Fusion speakers (2). Master stateroom – Fusion SRX-400 Radio/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. Paired with Fusion speakers (2). Flybridge – Fusion SRX-400 Radio/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. Paired with waterproof Fusion speakers (2), linked to saloon audio unit Includes 2 x Fusion ARX-70 wireless remotes in black (supplied loose for later fitting)" "Master stateroom TV & Audio Package 43” LED TV with Fusion MS-RA770 with wi-fi/DAB and external USB, in place of Fusion SRX- 400" "Cockpit Audio Package 2 x Waterproof Fusion speakers linked to saloon audio unit with local control (Fusion SRX-400)" NAVIGATION "The Princess 55 is fitted with Garmin 16"" multifunction displays (with chartplotter/GPS with external aerial) at both control positions as well as dual station autopilot. Volvo engines have a 7"" display for engine instrumentation at both control positions and MAN engines a 9"" display. Where Volvo engines are fitted the 16"" screen incorporates Volvo software to allow engine instrumentation and autopilot function displays (as well as the 7"" display) (NB If a second 16"" screen is ordered it will be fitted immediately in front of the helm with the engine instrumentation display to starboard)" Garmin XHD colour radar with 24", 4Kw Radome (with display on standard 16" screen with allows separate or split displays with standard chartplotter and engine instrumentation) Second 16" colour multifunction display at the upper helm Garmin AIS Class B transponder interfaced with chartplotters Garmin electronic chart BLUECHART G3 VEU721L NORTHERN EUROPÉ Garmin 315i (dual station) VHF/DSC with intercom AIRCONDITIONING "Airconditioning/heating reverse cycle (78,000 BTU) suitable for temperatures to 40°C (tropical) With controls in all cabins and outlets in all areas (including bathrooms) Recommended generator : 17.5Kw" Windscreen demist system using warm air heater powered from calorifier MOSQUITO SCREENS Mosquito screens for all opening portlights HOLDING TANK / TOILETS Electric discharge of holdingtank EXTERIOR UPHOLSTERY / CANVAS / COVERS Cockpit, Flybridge and foredeck seating Vouge Eucalyptus with Met Macadamia contrast Reticulated foam for foredeck and flybridge cushions Exterior covers - Grey canvas Separata kapell för sittbrunnssoffa, bord och dynor på fördäck ACCESSORIES Princess Glasses (6 wine, 6 tumbler) *Decorative stying scatterd cusions and throws are not included but can be purchased from broker Steering System Joystick Control Swedish DRIVLINA Volvo Penta joystick på dubbla styrplatser med 'low speed' manövrering i 'docking mode' och styrning oavsett fart i 'driving mode'. Kontrollerar båda motorerna, styrning, bogpropeller och häckpropeller om sådan monterats (inkluderar uppgradedring av standard bogpropeller till 210kg variabel hastighet) Tredje styrplats i sittbrunn inkl bogpropeller och nödstopp Hold-funktion på bogpropeller inklusive 210 kg variabel häckpropeller SKROVFÄRG White Gel Coat Finish Radar arch infill panel (Flybridge seat back)and engine air intake vent finished in graphite grey metallic paint (with dark grey water line and black antifouling, hull and bathing platform fendering is white with stainless steel insert) Aft canopy feature chamfer in white GRP finish as standard INTERIÖR Valnötsinteriör, mattlackerad (durken i pentry är i valnöt som standard) Trädurk i aktre delen i salongen (som durken i pentry) i valnöt Förarpanel i Grey soft touch och förarstolar i skinn Quartz III Putty LAYOUT Matsalsbord med utfällbara sidor Sideboard in master cabin instead of sofas STYLING Elevate the overall styling and ambiance of your yacht with design elements selected exclusively from the Design Studio Collection "ALLURE COLLECTION II Interior styling include -Quilting detail with contrast piping and panelling to lower helm seats -Pininfarina design steering wheel to lower helm Exterior styling include: -Quilting detail with contrast piping and panelling to flybridge helm seats -Pininfarina design steering wheel to flybridge helm - (no teak nosings) -Flybridge console finished in Oyster Grey- -Flybridge wetbar in finished in Oyster Grey -Foredeck sunbed cushions and adjustable headrests -Exterior upholstery in Comfort Exterior III Met Ice with Macadamia contrast panels and piping" PENTRY Pentrybänk i Sylmar White Solid yta som standard för att matcha barbänken (NB. Sittbrunnsbaren kommer matcha valet i pentry) Uppgradering av pentrybänk till annat färgval: Carrara white BADRUM Badrumsbänk i Carrara White Solid yta (blank finish) Badrumsdurk i Carrara white Golvvärme i båda WC FÄRGSÄTTNING Textilier från Quartz VIII eller Milan IX är standard Upgradering till premium mattor: Elements Symphony Dresden Fitted bedcovers with square quilt DÄCKSUTRUSTNING Elhydraulisk sänkbar badplattform (450kg SWL) med gummibåtssystem Teak på skarndäck och fördäck Teak på flybridge Sidodörrar i skrovsidan vid sittbrunn Ytterligare 20m av 10mm ankarkätting förut (totalt 60 meter) Räkneverk på kätting till ankarspel förut monterad på inre och flybridge styrplatser Skandinavisk drop-down pulpit förut Fast monterat teakbord på fördäck Rostfritt ankare istället för standard (25kg) GENERATOR ONAN 17,5kW / 50Hz generator (med hydrohush avgassystem) istället för standard (rekommenderas vid klimatanläggning eller gyro) ELEKTRISK UTRUSTNING Kontinentala 220V/240V uttag (Skandinavien) Diskmaskin i pentryt (slimline, 9 personers) Elektrisk grill i wetbar på flybridge Handdukstork i masterkabin Kombinerad tvättmaskin/torktumlare "Uppgradering yttre belysning Durkbelysning under flybridge wetbar och konsol, 3 spotlights på aktern, ytterligare 7 däckslampor på skarndäck och fördäck (totalt 13), pop-up lanternor på flybridge främre dinette (2)" Bordslampa Penta China på sidobänk salong (vit blank finish) (104319) Dimmer på takbelysning i masterkabin, främre kabin, styrbord kabin i tillägg till standard dimmers i salong och sittbrunn 2x Landströmskabel inkl adapter Fit 2 x Audrey flexible bunk light one on each side of stateroom bed UNDERHÅLLNING "STANDARD SYSTEM Deck Saloon - 50” LED TV on a powered lift with Fusion Apollo MS-RA770 with AM/FM/Bluetooth/DAB/WIFI and external USB. Paired with Fusion speakers (2). Master stateroom – Fusion SRX-400 Radio/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. Paired with Fusion speakers (2). Flybridge – Fusion SRX-400 Radio/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. Paired with waterproof Fusion speakers (2), linked to saloon audio unit Includes 2 x Fusion ARX-70 wireless remotes in black (supplied loose for later fitting)" "Master stateroom TV & Audio Package 43” LED TV with Fusion MS-RA770 with wi-fi/DAB and external USB, in place of Fusion SRX- 400" "Cockpit Audio Package 2 x Waterproof Fusion speakers linked to saloon audio unit with local control (Fusion SRX-400)" NAVIGATION "Princess 55 är standardutrustad med Garmin 16"" multifunktionsdisplayer (med kartplotter/GPS med extern antenn) och autopilot på båda styrplatserna. Volvo Penta motorer har en 7"" display för motorinstrumenteringen på respektive styrplats och MAN motorer en 9"" display. När Volvo motorer valts inkluderar 16"" skärmen Volvos motodata och autopilot (liksom 7"" displayen) (Om en andra 16"" skärm väljs monteras motordisplayen direkt framför styrplatsen och standard 16"" screen vid sidan om)" Garmin XHD färgradar med 24", 4kW Radome (med visning på standard 16" skärmar) Andra 16" färgdisplay på övre styrplats Garmin AIS Class B sändare och mottagare Garmin sjökort BLUECHART G3 VEU721L NORTHERN EUROPÉ Garmin 315i (dual station) VHF/DSC med intercom KLIMATANLÄGGNING Reversibel klimatanläggning/värmare: (78,000 Btu - tropisk specifikation upp till 40°C, inkl utblås i alla kabiner och badrum) Rekommenderad generator : 17,5 kW Defrostersystem på frontrutor med luft uppvärmd via varmvattensystem MYGGNÄT Myggnät för alla skrovfönster SEPTIKTANK / TOALETTER Elektrisk tömning av septiktank TEXTILIER EXTERIÖRT Exteriördynor i Vouge Eucalyptus med Met Macadamia kontrast Vattenavstötande skum i dynor på fördäck och flybridge Grå kapellduk Separata kapell för sittbrunnssoffa, bord och dynor på fördäck TILLBEHÖR Princessglas - 1 vinglas, 1 dricksglas - 6 personer *Dekorativa kuddar och plädar ingår en i utrustningen men kan köpas till genom mäklaren Danish FULL SPECIFICATION
DRIVE "Volvo joystick control (dual station) with low speed manoeuvring in 'docking mode' and steering at any speed in 'driving mode'. Operates engines, steering and thruster(s) including stern thruster when fitted (includes uprating standard bow thruster to 210KgF variable speed)" Third station controls in cockpit including thruster controls and emergency stop Hold function docking facility, includes fitting a 210 kgf variable speed sternthruster HULL COLOUR "White Gel Coat Finish Radar arch infill panel (Flybridge seat back)and engine air intake vent finished in graphite grey metallic paint (with dark grey water line and black antifouling, hull and bathing platform fendering is white with stainless steel insert) Aft canopy feature chamfer in white GRP finish as standard" INTERIOR FURNITURE Walnut interior wood Satin finish (includes all galley units) (galley floor is planked walnut as standard) Trädurk i aktre delen i salongen (som durken i pentry) i valnöt Standard helm console is Grey soft touch with Quartz III Putty leather helm seats Safe Fit 2 x Audrey flexible bunk light one on each side of stateroom bed LAYOUT Saloon folding leaf dining table Sideboard in master cabin instead of sofas STYLING Elevate the overall styling and ambiance of your yacht with design elements selected exclusively from the Design Studio Collection "ALLURE COLLECTION II (no hardtop) Interior styling include -Quilting detail with contrast piping and panelling to lower helm seats -Pininfarina design steering wheel to lower helm Exterior styling include: -Quilting detail with contrast piping and panelling to flybridge helm seats -Pininfarina design steering wheel to flybridge helm - (no Teak step nosings) -Flybridge console finished in Oyster Grey- -Flybridge wetbar in finished in Oyster Grey -Foredeck sunbed cushions and adjustable headrests -Exterior upholstery in Comfort Exterior III Met Ice with Macadamia contrast panels and piping" GALLEY "Galley worktops are Sylmar White Solid Surface as standard to match the bar top (NB. Cockpit bar top will match galley worktop selection)" Other galley top colour: Carrara White BATHROOMS Bathroom countertops are Carrara White Solid Surface (gloss finish) Bathroom floors in Carrara White Heated floors in both WC COLOUR SCHEME Colour scheme can be selected from the Quartz VIII or Milan IX range of fabrics as standard Upgrade to premium carpets: Elements Symphony Dresden Fitted bedcovers with square quilt DECK HARDWARE Transom platform to have electro-hydraulic raise/lower facility (450Kg SWL) with keyway plates Teak laid side decks, foredeck and coachroof walkthrough Teak laid flybridge deck Side boarding doors to cockpit area Additional 20m of 10mm anchor chain to give a total of 60 metres Chain counter on fore windlass on upper and lower helm Scandinavian drop-down pulpit fore Teak table fitted on foredeck Stainless steel anchor in place of standard (25Kg) GENERATOR ONAN 17.5kW/50 Hz generator in place of standard. (the 17.5kW generator is recommended when gyro stabilisers or aircon are specified) ELECTRICAL Continental 220v/240v sockets Dishwasher in galley (slimline, 9 place setting) BBQ fitted to flybridge wetbar Fit heated towel rail in bathroom Combination Washing machine/Dryer fitted below companionway stairs "Exterior Lighting Upgrade Package Low level accent strip lights below flybridge wetbar, accent spots (3) on transom, additional 7 deck lights to side deck and foredeck area (total 13), pop up lanterns to flybridge forward dinette (2)" Penta China Table lamp to aft saloon sideboard (gloss white finish) (104319) Dimmer på takbelysning i masterkabin, främre kabin, styrbord kabin i tillägg till standard dimmers i salong och sittbrunn 2x Shorepower cable incl adapter AUDIO VISUAL & COMMUNICATIONS "STANDARD SYSTEM Deck Saloon - 50” LED TV on a powered lift with Fusion Apollo MS-RA770 with AM/FM/Bluetooth/DAB/WIFI and external USB. Paired with Fusion speakers (2). Master stateroom – Fusion SRX-400 Radio/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. Paired with Fusion speakers (2). Flybridge – Fusion SRX-400 Radio/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth. Paired with waterproof Fusion speakers (2), linked to saloon audio unit Includes 2 x Fusion ARX-70 wireless remotes in black (supplied loose for later fitting)" "Master stateroom TV & Audio Package 43” LED TV with Fusion MS-RA770 with wi-fi/DAB and external USB, in place of Fusion SRX- 400" "Cockpit Audio Package 2 x Waterproof Fusion speakers linked to saloon audio unit with local control (Fusion SRX-400)" NAVIGATION "The Princess 55 is fitted with Garmin 16"" multifunction displays (with chartplotter/GPS with external aerial) at both control positions as well as dual station autopilot. Volvo engines have a 7"" display for engine instrumentation at both control positions and MAN engines a 9"" display. Where Volvo engines are fitted the 16"" screen incorporates Volvo software to allow engine instrumentation and autopilot function displays (as well as the 7"" display) (NB If a second 16"" screen is ordered it will be fitted immediately in front of the helm with the engine instrumentation display to starboard)" Garmin XHD colour radar with 24", 4Kw Radome (with display on standard 16" screen with allows separate or split displays with standard chartplotter and engine instrumentation) Second 16" colour multifunction display at the upper helm Garmin AIS Class B transponder interfaced with chartplotters Garmin electronic chart BLUECHART G3 VEU721L NORTHERN EUROPÉ Garmin 315i (dual station) VHF/DSC with intercom AIRCONDITIONING "Airconditioning/heating reverse cycle (78,000 BTU) suitable for temperatures to 40°C (tropical) With controls in all cabins and outlets in all areas (including bathrooms) Recommended generator : 17.5Kw" Windscreen demist system using warm air heater powered from calorifier MOSQUITO SCREENS Mosquito screens for all opening portlights HOLDING TANK / TOILETS Electric discharge of holdingtank EXTERIOR UPHOLSTERY / CANVAS / COVERS Cockpit, Flybridge and foredeck seating Vouge Eucalyptus with Met Macadamia contrast Reticulated foam for foredeck and flybridge cushions Exterior covers - Grey canvas Separata kapell för sittbrunnssoffa, bord och dynor på fördäck ACCESSORIES Princess Glasses (6 wine, 6 tumbler) *Decorative stying scatterd cusions and throws are not included but can be purchased from broker The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. |