RNLI Top Tip 3 – Tell others where you are going
Make sure someone ashore knows your plans and understands what to do if they become concerned for your well being.
Vessel Details
The MCA voluntary safety identification scheme (CG66) in the UK is easy to join and is free. The scheme aims to help the coast guard to help you quickly, should you get into trouble and could save your life. Details are on the MCA web site at www.mcga.gov.uk and follow the links.
Your shore contact should know the boat’s name, where you planned to go and what time you are expected back. Should your plans change, as they do with wind and tides involved, let your shore contact know.
The RNLI have been called to a number of incidents for over due boats only to find the boat has changed its plan, or has arrived back but the crew have adjourned to a local hostelry to celebrate. The RNLI crews would rather be ashore themselves than on a wild goose chase at sea.
Contingency Plan
Always have a contingency plan should anything go wrong. Before you go, consider places where you can take refuge if conditions deteriorate or if you suffer an accident or injury. It is sensible and good practice to make sure you are not over-reliant on your GPS set and can navigate yourself safely if it should fail to work.
Advice On-Board
The RNLI provides a free, friendly and confidential discussion service for boat owners. It is designed for all types of leisure boats. The Safety Equipment Advisor will come along and discuss with you all aspects of Sea Safety Equipment. They use a form as an aid to keep the discussion on a logical track and it takes from one hour upwards, dependant on the size of vessel and the number of questions raised. Trailable vessels can be assessed back at the storage location or on the water front. Larger craft are usually better assessed afloat, but at lay up or refit time.
The RNLI don’t assess commercial vessels, workboats or larger vessels over 13.7 metres.
Follow Up
If you want to follow up any of these points or have any other sea safety issues don’t hesitate to contact the Lifeboat Sea Safety Officer at your local Lifeboat station. If there is not one appointed yet the station can give you a contact in a nearby station who will be only to happy to help in any way. Free sea safety advice is always available.
‘Invite us onto your boat before we invite you onto ours’
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Thanks to the author, PT Corner, for permission to publish this article.