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Piazzetta dell'Imbarcadero 51/l, Aprilia Marittima (UD), 33053, Italy
+39 331 2772 779

Veuillez mentionner lorsque vous contactez le vendeur de ce bateau
Jeanneau 440S
Bateau d'occasion | Identifiant du bateau: 2823256
Information relatives aux prix
€249 800 EUR       (environ £208 383 GBP)
Régime fiscal / TVa: Payé(e)/inclus(e)
Informations générales
Nom du bateau Jeanneau Prestige 440S HT
Année 2011
Longueur totale 13,4 Mètres
Largeur 4,2 Mètres
Tirant d’eau 1,1 Mètres
Déplacement 13 000 kg
Coque grp
Emplacement , Germany
Moteur 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 500
Heures moteur 450
Carburant Diesel
Vitesse maximum 65 km/h
Vitesse de croisière 46 km/h
Nombre de cabines 2
Nombre de couchettes 4
Capacité de passagers 4
Capacité en eau potable


Jeanneau 440S
Condition: as new, Propulsion: pod drive, Water tank: 400 ltr


microwave, air conditioning, glass ceramic cook top, compass, echo sounder, autopilot, GPS, radar, generator, shore supply 220V, radio, anchor, pressurized water system, warm water system, teak deck, wetbar, holding tank, refrigerator, bathing platform, TV

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much moreStav: jako nový, Pohon: IPS náhon, Nádrž na vodu: 400 ltr


mikrovlná trouba, klimatizace, varná deska sklokeramická, kompas, sonar, autopilot, GPS, radar, generátor, přípojka 220V, rádio, kotva, tlakový vodní systém, teplovodní systém, týková paluba, palubní minibar, septiková nádrž, chladnička, koupací plošina, TV

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


  • Compass
  • Depth Instrument
  • Autopilot
  • GPS
  • Radar


  • Anchor


  • Generator


  • Microwave
  • Heating


Stand: som ny, Drev: IPS/pod drev, Vandtank: 400 ltr


mikroovn, ankerkæde, ceran kogeplade, kompas, ekkolod, selvstyrer, GPS, radar, generator, landtilslutning, radio, anker, trykvandsanlæg, varmtvandsanlæg, teakdæk, vandgennemløbskøler, fækalietank, køleskab, badeplatform, TV

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


Zustand: wie neu, Antrieb: IPS/Pod-Antrieb, Wassertank: 400 ltr


Mikrowelle, Klimaanlage, Kochfeld Ceran, Kompass, Echolot, Autopilot, GPS, Radar, Generator, Landanschluss 220V, Radio, Anker, Druckwasseranlage, Warmwasseranlage, Teakdeck, Wetbar, Fäkalientank, Kühlschrank, Badeplattform, TV

Schöne Prestige 440S mit Joystick Steuerung..

Vortriebstark, schick und innovativ: Die PRESTIGE 440S besticht durch schlanke Linien und feuriges Temperament. Ihre Rumpfform und die IPS-Motoren ermöglichen außergewöhnliche Fahrleistungen und hohen Komfort auf See. Die angebotene Yacht stammt aus Weftgepflegter 2. Hand und steht, mit umfangreicher Ausstattung, gut da.

Fäkalientanks 1x120L und 1x 50L, 2 Kochfeld Gas, Mikrowelle, Heizung Webastor, 2 x Fernseher, WC el., Aussenpolster Neu 2022, Salon Polster Neu 2023, und vieles mehr


Estado: casi nuevo, Propulsión: propulsor azimutal, Tanque de agua: 400 l


microondas, aire acondicionado, vitrocerámica encimera, compás, sonar, piloto automático, GPS, radar, generador, conexión a tierra 220V, radio, ancla, sistema de agua a presión, sistema de agua caliente, cubierta de teca, wetbar, tanque de heces fecales, refrigerador, plataforma de baño, TV

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


Condition: comme neuf, Propulsion: IPS/POD, Réservoir d’eau: 400 l


micro-ondes, climatisation, plaques vitrocéramiques, compas, sondeur, autopilote, GPS, radar, générateur, prise de quai 220 V, radio, ancre, système d'eau pressurisé, système d'eau chaude, pont en teck, wet bar, réservoir de rétention, réfrigérateur, plateforme de bain, TV

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


Condizione: come nuovo, Propulsione: propulsore azimutale, Serbatoio d’acqua: 400 ltr


microonde, condizionatore, fornello in vetroceramica, bussola, ecoscandaglio, autopilota, GPS, radar, generatore, attacco corrente 220v a terra, radio, ancora, impianto acqua pressurizzato, acqua calda, ponte in teak, wetbar, serbatoio acque nere, frigo, piattaforma da bagno, tv

Bellissima Prestige 440S

Potente, chic e innovativo: il PRESTIGE 440S colpisce per le sue linee snelle e il suo temperamento focoso. La forma dello scafo e i motori IPS consentono prestazioni eccezionali e un elevato livello di comfort in mare. Lo yacht in offerta proviene da un'imbarcazione di seconda mano ben mantenuta ed è in buone condizioni con un'ampia attrezzatura.

Serbatoi delle acque nere 1x120L e 1x 50L, 2 fornelli a gas, forno a microonde, riscaldamento Webastor, 2 televisori, WC elettrico, tappezzeria esterna nuova 2022, tappezzeria salone nuova 2023 e molto altro


Toestand: als nieuw, Aandrijving: roerpropeller, Watertank: 400 ltr


magnetron, airconditioning, kookplaat keramisch, kompas, echolood, autopilot, GPS, radar, generator, 220V landstroom aansluiting, radio, anker, stromend water systeem, warm water systeem, teak dek, wetbar, fecaliëntank, koelkast, zwemplatform, tv

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


Stan: prawie nowy, Napęd: napęd azymutalny, Zbiornik na wodę: 400 ltr


kuchenka mikrofalowa, klimatyzacja, ceramiczna płyta grzewcza, kompas, echosonda, autopilot, GPS, radar, generator, przyłącze lądowe 220V, radio, kotwica, instalacja wodna ciśnieniowa, podgrzewacz wody, pokład z drewna tekowego, barek pokładowy, zbiornik na fekalia, lodówka, pokład kąpielowy, telewizor

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


Estado de conservação: como novo, Propulsão: IPS / pod drive, Depósito de água: 400 ltr


micro-ondas, ar condicionado, fogão cerâmico, bússola, sonda, piloto automático, GPS, radar, gerador, ligação 220 V, radio, âncora, sistema de água doce a pressão, sistema água quente, convés em teca, wetbar, tanque de águas negras, frigorifico, plataforma de banho, TV

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


Durum: yeni gibi, Tahrik: azimut tahrik, Su tankı: 400 l


mikrodalga, klima, cam seramik tezgah, pusula, derinlik ölçer, otopilot, GPS, radar, jeneratör, sahil elektriği 220V, radyo, demir, basınçlı su sistemi, sıcak su sistemi, tik güverte, havuzluk mutfağı, pis su tankı, buzdolabı, yüzme platformu, TV

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more


Состояние: как новая, Привод: азимутальное подруливающее устройство, Бак для воды: 400 л


микроволновая печь, кондиционер, стеклокерамическая варочная панель, компас, эхолот, автопилот, GPS, радар, генератор, блок питания на берегу 220В, радио, якорь, напорная система водоснабжения, система горячего водоснабжения, палуба из тикового дерева, небольшой палубный бар, сточная цистерна, холодильник, площадка для купания, телевизор

nice Prestige 440S

Powerful, stylish, and innovative: The PRESTIGE 440S impresses with its sleek lines and fiery temperament. Its hull shape and IPS engines enable exceptional performance and high levels of comfort at sea. This yacht is from a well-maintained second owner and, with extensive equipment, is in excellent condition.

Holding tanks (1x120L and 1x50L), two gas cooktops, microwave, Webasto heating, two TVs, electric toilet, new exterior upholstery (2022), new salon upholstery (2023), and much more

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