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Piazzetta dell'Imbarcadero 51/l, Aprilia Marittima (UD), 33053, Italy
+39 331 2772 779

Veuillez mentionner lorsque vous contactez le vendeur de ce bateau
Capoforte 240 CX
Bateau d'occasion | Identifiant du bateau: 2820862
Information relatives aux prix
€107 000 EUR       (environ £89 259 GBP)
Régime fiscal / TVa: Payé(e)/inclus(e)
Informations générales
Année 2023
Longueur totale 7,5 Mètres
Largeur 2,5 Mètres
Déplacement 1 950 kg
Coque grp
Emplacement Adria Nord, Italy
Moteur 1 x Yamaha
Heures moteur 25
Carburant Petrol/Gasoline
Vitesse maximum 70 km/h
Vitesse de croisière 46 km/h
Nombre de couchettes 2
Capacité de passagers 2
Capacité en eau potable


Capoforte 240 CX
Condition: as new, Propulsion: outboarder


compass, echo sounder, GPS, shore supply 220V, bimini top, harbour cover, full cover, refrigerator

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.Stav: jako nový, Pohon: přívěsný motor


kompas, sonar, GPS, přípojka 220V, stříška bimini, přístavní kryt, celý kryt, chladnička

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


  • Compass
  • Depth Instrument
  • GPS


Stand: som ny, Drev: påhængsmotor


kompas, ekkolod, GPS, landtilslutning, bimini-overtræk, havne-overtræk, fuldt overtræk, køleskab

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


Zustand: wie neu, Antrieb: Außenborder


Kompass, Echolot, GPS, Landanschluss 220V, Bimini-Top, Hafen-Persenning, Ganz-Persenning, Kühlschrank

Schöner Fisherman mit Kabine, super geeignet für die Laguna

Jahr 2023 nur eine Saison gefahren, Winterlagerung immer in der Halle, GPS, Echolot, Interner Kühlschrank, Toilette, Ganzpersenning, Camperabdeckung, Bimini, Tadelloses Boot wie neu

Der 225 PS starke Yamaha-Motor wurde auf 300 PS gesteigert


Estado: casi nuevo, Propulsión: fueraborda


compás, sonar, GPS, conexión a tierra 220V, bimini-top, toldo de puerto, toldo para cobertura total, refrigerador

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


Condition: comme neuf, Propulsion: hors bord


compas, sondeur, GPS, prise de quai 220 V, bimini, taud de port, tauds complets, réfrigérateur

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


Condizione: come nuovo, Propulsione: fuoribordo


bussola, ecoscandaglio, GPS, attacco corrente 220v a terra, bimini top, copri barca in porto, telone totale, frigo

Bell Fisherman con cabina, ottimo per la Laguna

Guidata solo una stagione nel 2023, rimessaggio invernale sempre al coperto, GPS, ecoscandaglio, frigorifero interno, WC, copertura totale, copri camper, bimini, barca immacolata come nuova

Il motore Yamaha da 225 CV fu portato a 300 CV


Toestand: als nieuw, Aandrijving: buitenboordmotor


kompas, echolood, GPS, 220V landstroom aansluiting, bimini top, havenkap, volledige kap, koelkast

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


Stan: prawie nowy, Napęd: napęd zaburtowy


kompas, echosonda, GPS, przyłącze lądowe 220V, bimini, plandeka portowa, plandeka na całość, lodówka

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


Estado de conservação: como novo, Propulsão: fora de borda


bússola, sonda, GPS, ligação 220 V, bimini, capa para marina, capa, frigorifico

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


Durum: yeni gibi, Tahrik: dıştan takmalı motor


pusula, derinlik ölçer, GPS, sahil elektriği 220V, bimini tente, limanlık örtü, tam örtü, buzdolabı

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.


Состояние: как новая, Привод: подвесной двигатель


компас, эхолот, GPS, блок питания на берегу 220В, навесной тент, портовый брезент, полное покрытие, холодильник

Nice Fisherman with cabin, ideal for the Laguna.

Run only for one season in 2023, always wintered indoors. GPS, depth sounder, internal refrigerator, toilet, full awning, camper cover, bimini. Immaculate boat, like new.

The 225 hp Yamaha engine has been upgraded to 300 hp.

Photos supplémentaires