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De Valk Almeria
Puerto de Almerimar Darsena de la Batea 1, No. 42 , Almerimar, 04711, Spain
+34 950 497 825

Veuillez mentionner lorsque vous contactez le vendeur de ce bateau
Patagonia 39
Bateau d'occasion | Identifiant du bateau: 2700325
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Information relatives aux prix
€79 000 EUR       (environ £65 902 GBP)
Régime fiscal / TVa: Payé(e)/inclus(e)
Informations générales
Année 1998
Concepteur Claude PHILIPPE
Longueur totale 12,0 Mètres
Largeur 4,1 Mètres
Tirant d’eau 1,8 Mètres
Déplacement 12 000 kg
Coque steel
Emplacement Contact De Valk Almeria, Spain
Moteur 1 x SOLE DIESEL
Heures moteur 298
Carburant Diesel
Vitesse maximum 13 km/h
Nombre de cabines 3
Nombre de couchettes 4
Capacité en eau potable


Patagonia 39
Mikeno VI was designed by Claude Philippe and built in Brittany, France by Laïte Sailing who specialise in steel and aluminium construction. She has been totally refurbished since her purchase in 2018 (recently painted), with an extensive list of new sails, equipment and electronics installed including a new engine all amounting to some €60,000. She is self-sufficient, stable and solid; suited for long distance cruising in any waters. The current owner has an amazing and detailed history of updates made and voyages completed since purchasing her. (

Zoë Ann Clark at De Valk Almeria is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.

We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:

- full yacht specifications, with over 176 details
- 63 more pictures
- 28 pages downloadable brochure

With offices across Europe and 798 other yachts for sale we are never away!
Photos supplémentaires

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De Valk Yacht Brokers 

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