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De Valk Almeria
Puerto de Almerimar Darsena de la Batea 1, No. 42 , Almerimar, 04711, Spain
+34 950 497 825

Veuillez mentionner lorsque vous contactez le vendeur de ce bateau
Lagoon 440
Bateau d'occasion | Identifiant du bateau: 2693697
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Information relatives aux prix
€239 000 EUR       (environ £199 266 GBP)
Régime fiscal / TVa: Non payé(e)/exclu(e)
Informations générales
Année 2006
Concepteur Van Peteghem/Lauriot Prévost
Longueur totale 13,6 Mètres
Longueur de flottaison 12,8 Mètres
Largeur 7,7 Mètres
Tirant d’eau 1,3 Mètres
Déplacement 12 150 kg
Coque GRP
Emplacement Contact De Valk Almeria, Spain
Moteur 2 x Volvo Penta
Heures moteur 4000
Carburant Diesel
Vitesse maximum 1 606 km/h
Nombre de cabines 4
Nombre de couchettes 10
Capacité en eau potable


Lagoon 440
Under sail the Lagoon 440 is surprisingly quick. It is beautifully built, the layout is perfect for family cruising with 4 cabins, extra bunks and 3 heads, and it's fun to sail. A benefit of the fly bridge is that the cockpit transforms into a lovely and uncluttered entertainment area. There is also a console to port with a wet bar. The nav station in the salon allows you to run the 440 from inside, using either the joystick or autopilot. EduKat has been continuously maintained and been used as a Danish government sponsored educational boat for children. Available for viewing in South Spain.

Jörg Hellmich at De Valk Almeria is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.

We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:

- full yacht specifications, with over 206 details
- 70 more pictures
- 28 pages downloadable brochure

With offices across Europe and 797 other yachts for sale we are never away!
Photos supplémentaires

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De Valk Yacht Brokers 

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