Kongsberg Maritime has received an order from Patria Aviation Oy for the supply of KONGSBERG sonar systems, to be used aboard the Finnish Navy's Rauma Class Fast Attack Craft. The order was taken 2nd July 2010 and is part of a larger project to upgrade the vessels, which started service in the early nineties.
Four Rauma Class vessels will benefit from KONGSBERG sonar systems, which have been proven to perform over decades of use aboard military vessels. The upgrades will be carried out by main contractor Patria and will take place between 2010 and 2013 with all four vessels expected to be operational in 2014 until at least 2020. The project has been implemented to ensure the Ramua Class' readiness for today's threats.
"We're pleased that Patria has selected us to be part of this important upgrade project for the Finnish Navy," comments Trond Helland, Product Sales Manager Subsea, Naval Sonars. "Confidence in our Naval sonars is very high as they are already in use by a number of naval customers throughout the world aboard frigates, corvettes, coast guard vessels and fast patrol boats."
Kongsberg Maritime has developed sonars for use by Naval vessels for over four decades, for applications including anti-submarine warfare and mine hunting. The company also offers a range of high quality, proven COTS solutions for naval applications including underwater positioning, single and multibeam echosounders, sub-bottom profilers and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.