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Mr Nemanja Čampar

Dajbabe bb, 81101 Podgorica, Montenegro

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Zar Formenti 65 Classic Luxury
Barco nuevo | ID del barco: 2824468
Información sobre el precio
Price include boat with engine Yamaha F200
€95.000 EUR       (aproximadamente £79.249 GBP)
Información general
Nombre del barco ZAR 65 Classic Luxury
Eslora total 6,5 Metros
Manga 2,6 Metros
Desplazamiento 400 kg
Ubicación Tivat, Montenegro
Motor Yamaha F200
Capacidad de pasajeros 12
Capacidad de agua potable
Alojamiento Homologation “CE cat. “C”

Length m 6,50

Width m 2,55

Internal walking length m 6,40

Internal walking width m 2,00

Intertubular width m 1,50

Tubular diameter cm 53

Watertight compartments n. 6

Seating capacity n. 12

Maximum power applicable kW 166/HP 225

Minimum power applicable (minimum performance) HP 85/CV115

Power recommended (average performance) HP 140/180

Max. weight installable motors kg 400

CE certification with “C” design category and CE type testing. (A+a form)


Zar Formenti 65 Classic Luxury
The ZAR 65 is big, spacious and comfortable: a real fl agship!

Places and volumes at will without any waste. Everything is functional, thought and built with precise goals.

Born for the comfort and to enjoy the navigation and the open air life, the ZAR 65 is also able to give special performances emotions to all its lucky owners. The ZAR 65 is fast and safe, soft on the waves, manageable and nimble also in the worst see conditions, because of a very deep and long hull, unthinkable in a 6,5 mt. R.I.B.

ZAR 65 CLASSIC LUXURY + Yamaha 200
Zar Formenti 65 Classic Luxury
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