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Mr Adam Cox
Burton Waters
Burton Waters, LN1 2WN, United Kingdom
01522 567404

Please mention when contacting the seller of this boat
Prestige 420
Used boat | Boat ID: 2802619
Price information
£399,950 GBP       (approximately £399,950 GBP)
Tax / VAT status: Paid / Included
General information
Year 2019
Length overall 13.1 Metres
Beam 4.1 Metres
Location Lincoln, United Kingdom
Engine hours 180
Fuel Diesel


Prestige 420

Manufacturer Provided Description

The PRESTIGE 420 benefits from a signature aesthetic that is dynamic and unsurpassed. Highlighted on the exterior by her light Flybridge and timeless lines, the style of the GARRONI design cabinet is also beautifully expressed on the interior, cleverly combining the bright open living spaces on the main deck with the very private spaces of the two cabins with separate entrances, a unique feat on a 42-footer. The secure and comfortable hull designed by Jernej Jakopin for the Cummins QSB 6.7 engine delivers on its promises with exceptional sea keeping and manoeuvrability.

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