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De Valk Sneek
Zwolsmanweg 7, Sneek, 8606 KC, Netherlands
+31 (0)515 42 80 30

Please mention when contacting the seller of this boat
Hershine 61 Pilothouse
Used boat | Boat ID: 2726394
Picture 1
Price information
€699,000 EUR       (approximately £587,757 GBP)
Tax / VAT status: Paid / Included
General information
Year 2006
Length overall 19.6 Metres
Beam 4.9 Metres
Draft 1.4 Metres
Displacement 40,000 kg
Hull GRP
Location Contact De Valk Sneek, Netherlands
Engine 2 x Volvo Penta
Engine hours 872
Fuel Diesel
Maximum speed 26 kph
Number of cabins 2
Number of berths 6
Drinking water capacity


Hershine 61 Pilothouse
Custom built trawler from the famous Hershine Yard. Equipped with all the amenities you can wish for, like stabilizers, twin gen sets, central heating, airco, hydraulic thrusters, full beam owner state room etc this long distance motor yacht will make you feel at home in the both higher and lower latitudes. Her large fuel tanks and modern diesels provide you the range to start exploring those far-away regions. So come onboard this Hershine 61' and you will be convinced that she is the excellent opportunity you have been looking for. Many updates in the last 3 years. CVO certified.

Pieter Bosma at De Valk Sneek is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.

We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:

- full yacht specifications, with over 189 details
- 52 more pictures
- 23 pages downloadable brochure

With offices across Europe and 796 other yachts for sale we are never away!
Additional Photos

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De Valk Yacht Brokers 

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