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Mr Lynden Fanshawe
Campoamor Marine Centre
Calle Calderon de la Barc, Dehesa de Campoamor, 03189, Spain

Please mention when contacting the seller of this boat
Bayliner Element E16
Used boat | Boat ID: 2695497
Price information
€19,995 EUR       (approximately £16,684 GBP)
General information
Name of boat All the world and sixpence
Year 2015
Length overall 4.9 Metres
Location Campoamor, Spain


Bayliner Element E16

This 2015 stylish Bayliner Element first went in the water in 2017. The Mercury Fourstroke 80HP outboard is 2017

This design is really spacious with an impressive amount of well-padded seating, lounging space and leg room.

Known to be a very stable vessel on turning and offering exceptional passenger comfort with its 'M' shaped hull.

The wakeboard tower means plenty of fun for the family towing donuts or water-skiers.

There is also a cool box included and tucked away under the centre of the rear bank of seats. Plenty of well positioned cupholders. A traditional bow seating arrangement with insert to create sun lounger space in the bow.

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