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Mr Andrea Ferlin
Master Nautika
Ulica prekomorskih brigada, 12, Pula, Pula, 52100, Croatia
+385 98 366 805

Please mention when contacting the seller of this boat
Sea Ray 510 DA
Used boat | Boat ID: 2670525
Sea Ray 510 (33)
Price information
€246,000 EUR       (approximately £206,850 GBP)
Tax / VAT status: Paid / Included
General information
Year 2000
Length overall 15.4 Metres
Beam 4.7 Metres
Location , Croatia
Engine 2 x Caterpillar 3196 DTA
Engine hours 970
Fuel capacity 2,270 litres
Maximum speed 59 kph
Cruising speed 44 kph
Number of cabins 2
Number of berths 4
Drinking water capacity


Sea Ray 510 DA powered by Caterpillar 3196 DTA engines in excellent condition.

Engine service and antifouling - 5/2024.

New sun cushions on bow, new stern seat covers, new tents - 2023

Contact us for more information and to arrange a viewing.

Navigation equipment:

GPS (Raymarine).

Domestic Facilities onboard:

Air Conditioning (cold/hot in all cabins and salon), Watermaker (2020).


Speakers (Bose, Clarion), Radio AM/FM (Fusion), 3 TV.


  • GPS
  • Radar


  • Generator


Sea Ray 510 DA angetrieben von Caterpillar 3196 DTA-Motoren in ausgezeichnetem Zustand.

Motorservice und Antifouling - 5/2024.

Neue Sonnenkissen am Bug, neue Hecksitzbezüge, neue Zelte - 2023

Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen und um einen Besichtigungstermin zu vereinbaren.

Navigation elektronische Instrumentation:

GPS (Raymarine).

Anlagen an Bord:

Klimaanlage (cold/hot in all cabins and salon), Meerwasser Entsalzungsanlage (2020).


Lautsprecher (Bose, Clarion), Radio AM/FM (Fusion), 3 TV.


Sea Ray 510 DA propulsado por motores Caterpillar 3196 DTA en excelentes condiciones.

Servicio de motor y antifouling - 5/2024.

Nuevos cojines para el sol en la proa, nuevas fundas para los asientos de popa, nuevas tiendas de campaña - 2023

Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y concertar una visita.

Instrumentación electrónica de navegación:

GPS (Raymarine).

Enseres domesticos de abodo:

Aire acondicionado (cold/hot in all cabins and salon), Desalinizadora (2020).


Altavoces (Bose, Clarion), Radio AM/FM (Fusion), 3 TV.


Sea Ray 510 DA propulsé par des moteurs Caterpillar 3196 DTA en excellent état.

Entretien du moteur et antifouling - 5/2024.

Nouveaux coussins de soleil à l’avant, nouvelles housses de siège arrière, nouvelles tentes - 2023

Contactez-nous pour plus d’informations et pour organiser une visite.

Equipement électronique de navigation:

GPS (Raymarine).

Equipement intérieur:

Air conditionné (cold/hot in all cabins and salon), Dessalinisateur (2020).


Haut-parleurs (Bose, Clarion), Radio AM/FM (Fusion), 3 TV.


Sea Ray 510 DA motorizzato Caterpillar 3196 DTA in ottime condizioni.

Manutenzione motori e antivegetativa - 5/2024.

Nuovi cuscini prendisole a prua, nuovi coprisedili di poppa, nuove tende - 2023

Contattaci per maggiori informazioni e per fissare una visita.

Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione:

GPS (Raymarine).

Dotazioni domestiche di bordo:

Aria condizionata (cold/hot in all cabins and salon), Dissalatore (2020).


Altoparlanti (Bose, Clarion), Radio AM/FM (Fusion), 3 TV.


Sea Ray 510 DA aangedreven door Caterpillar 3196 DTA-motoren in uitstekende staat.

Motorservice en antifouling - 5/2024.

Nieuwe zonnekussens op boeg, nieuwe hekstoelhoezen, nieuwe tenten - 2023

Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie en om een bezichtiging te regelen.

Elektronische navigatie-instrumenten:

GPS (Raymarine).

Huishoudelijke apparatuur aan boord:

Airconditioning (cold/hot in all cabins and salon), Watermaker (2020).


Luidsprekers (Bose, Clarion), Radio AM/FM (Fusion), 3 TV.


Sea Ray 510 DA с двигателями Caterpillar 3196 DTA в отличном состоянии.

Обслуживание двигателя и противообрастание - 5/2024.

Новые подушки для загара на носу, новые чехлы на сиденья на корме, новые палатки - 2023

Свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации и организации просмотра.

Электронные навигационные приборы:

GPS (Raymarine).

Бытовое оснащение на борту:

Кондиционер (cold/hot in all cabins and salon), Опреснитель (2020).


динамиков (Bose, Clarion), Radio AM/FM (Fusion), 3 ТВ.

Additional Photos

Sea Ray 510 (1) 

Sea Ray 510 (28) 

Sea Ray 510 (40) 

Sea Ray 510 (42) 

Sea Ray 510 (34) 

Sea Ray 510 (29) 

Sea Ray 510 (26) 

Sea Ray 510 (38) 

Sea Ray 510 (25) 

Sea Ray 510 (52)