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Mr Bill  Knight
Southampton Dry Stack
Southampton Dry Stack Ltd. Drivers Wharf 146 Millbank Street Southampton, Southampton, SO14 5QN, United Kingdom
023 80 238084

Please mention when contacting the seller of this boat
XS 5.0m Rib with Trailer
Used boat | Boat ID: 2654398
Price information
£16,750 GBP       (approximately £16,750 GBP)
Tax / VAT status: Paid / Included
General information
Name of boat Alex Jones
Year 2020
Length overall 5.0 Metres
Hull GRP
Location Southampton, United Kingdom
Engine 60hp mercury outboard
Engine hours 120
Fuel petrol/gasoline


XS 5.0m Rib with Trailer
This 2020 5.0m XS Rib is a fine example of durability and versatility through its design making it feel much bigger than it is. Performance is delivered through a 60 HP Mercury giving agile handling and ensuring an enjoyable experience at speed.

The 60 HP Mercury engine is still within the manufacturer's 5-year warranty. Last serviced October 2023, just over 120 engine hours. Split Console, cox seat. Under console 25-litre fuel tank. Garmin UHD2 65 GPS. Icom radio. Single passenger jockey seat. Wing back seats. A frame with nav lights, and radio aerial. Ability to plug in additional deck tanks into the fuel line (has been run with 100 litres on board). Bilge pump. Extreme trailer. Spare wheel mounted on the trailer. Console cover. all over cover that can be towed in situ. OCA cowl and overall engine cover. Stainless steel 4-blade prop as well as additional aluminium props. Mercury vessel view mobile. Overpressure relief valves. All manuals from XS.

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Southampton Dry Stack Boat Sales are acting as Brokers only. Whilst every care has been taken in their preparation, the correctness of these and any other particulars is not guaranteed. The particulars are intended only as a guide and they do not constitute any term of a contract. No electrical or mechanical systems have been checked by Southampton Dry Stack Boat Sales and a prospective buyer is strongly advised to check the particulars and, where appropriate and at their own expense, to employ a qualified Marine Surveyor to carry out a survey and/or to have an engine trial and trailer inspection, if applicable, conducted which, if conducted by us shall not imply any liability for such boat, engine and/or trailer. E&OE