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De Valk Almeria
Puerto de Almerimar Darsena de la Batea 1, No. 42 , Almerimar, 04711, Spain
+34 950 497 825

Erwähnen Sie, wenn Sie den Verkäufer dieses Boots kontaktieren
Salona 40
Gebrauchtes Boot | Boots-ID: 2824165
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Informationen zum Preis
€110.000 EUR       (etwa £91.782 GBP)
Steuer-/Mehrwertsteuerstatus: Bezahlt/enthalten
Allgemeine Angaben
Jahr 2006
Designer J&J
Gesamtlänge 12,0 Meter
Länge auf Höhe der Wasserlinie 10,7 Meter
Schiffsbreite 4,0 Meter
Tiefgang 2,1 Meter
Wasserverdrängung 22.200 kg
Rumpf GRP
Standort Contact De Valk Almeria, Spain
Motor 1 x Yanmar
Motorbetriebsstunden 2076
Kraftstoff Diesel
Höchstgeschwindigkeit 15 kilometer pro stunde
Anzahl der Kabinen 3
Anzahl der Liegeplätze 6


Salona 40
The Salona 40 was built by AD Yachts in Croatia and designed by J&J yachts. Whilst she is a performance cruiser she does not lack space and comfort with a very large saloon and galley with ample dining area and plenty of accommodation for 6 persons in 3 double cabins. Over the last year she has had a new rig, new sails, new electronics, new solar panels, new outboard & dinghy, new batteries, new life raft and is ready now for her new adventure.

Zoë Ann Clark at De Valk Almeria is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.

We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:

- full yacht specifications, with over 178 details
- 49 more pictures
- 28 pages downloadable brochure

With offices across Europe and 797 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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De Valk Yacht Brokers 

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