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Mr Shane Faunce
Tampa Yacht Sales, INC
360 Central Ave, St Petersburg, FL, 33701-3857, United States

Erwähnen Sie, wenn Sie den Verkäufer dieses Boots kontaktieren
Boston Whaler 320 Outrage
Gebrauchtes Boot | Boots-ID: 2791269
2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with green hull named Draco on the water.
Informationen zum Preis
$117.000 USD       (etwa £90.406 GBP)
Allgemeine Angaben
Jahr 2008
Designer Boston Whaler
Gesamtlänge 9,8 Meter
Länge auf Höhe der Wasserlinie 9,8 Meter
Schiffsbreite 3,1 Meter
Standort Tarpon Springs, United States


Boston Whaler 320 Outrage
Get ready to fish and boat in style. The roomy Boston Whaler 320 Outrage center console has wide walkways and expansive bow and stern cockpits that make it perfect both for fishing and entertaining onboard. New Wrap,New Spreader lights,Fresh services,New L.E.D remote control search light,New forward seating cushions, New aft seating cushions, New fresh water pump,Upgraded Removable dinette table. Boat looks and runs amazing! Give us a call to set up a appointment or have any questions



Die Gesellschaft bietet die Einzelheiten dieses Schiffs in gutem Glauben an, kann jedoch die Genauigkeit dieser Informationen nicht garantieren oder gewährleisten, noch den Zustand des Schiffs garantieren. Ein Käufer sollte seine Vertreter oder Gutachter anweisen, die Einzelheiten zu überprüfen, die der Käufer validiert haben möchte. Dieses Schiff wird vorbehaltlich eines vorherigen Verkaufs, Preisänderungen oder Rücknahme ohne vorherige Ankündigung angeboten.


The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

Descargo de responsabilidad

La empresa ofrece los detalles de este buque de buena fe, pero no puede garantizar ni asegurar la exactitud de esta información ni garantizar el estado del buque. Un comprador debe instruir a sus agentes o a sus inspectores para que investiguen los detalles que el comprador desee validar. Este buque se ofrece sujeto a venta previa, cambio de precio o retirada sin previo aviso.


La société offre les détails de ce navire de bonne foi, mais ne peut garantir ni assurer l'exactitude de ces informations ni garantir l'état du navire. Un acheteur doit instruire ses agents ou ses experts pour enquêter sur les détails que l'acheteur souhaite valider. Ce navire est proposé sous réserve de vente préalable, de changement de prix ou de retrait sans préavis.


La Società offre i dettagli di questo mezzo in buona fede, ma non può garantire né garantire l'accuratezza di queste informazioni né garantire le condizioni del mezzo. Un acquirente dovrebbe incaricare i propri agenti o i propri periti di indagare su tali dettagli che l'acquirente desidera convalidare. Questo mezzo è offerto soggetto a vendita precedente, variazione di prezzo o ritiro senza preavviso.


Het bedrijf biedt de details van dit vaartuig te goeder trouw aan, maar kan de nauwkeurigheid van deze informatie niet garanderen of waarborgen, noch de staat van het vaartuig waarborgen. Een koper dient zijn agenten of zijn inspecteurs instructies te geven om de details te onderzoeken die de koper gevalideerd wenst te hebben. Dit vaartuig wordt aangeboden onder voorbehoud van eerdere verkoop, prijswijziging of intrekking zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving.
Weitere Fotos

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with green accents on the water. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat named Draco on calm waters. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat named Draco on the water near a marina. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with green DRACO branding on the water near a marina. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat in green and white on the water near a marina. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat on water near docked yachts. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat on water near docked yachts. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with green hull, docked on a sunny day. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with twin engines on the water. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with twin 300 HP engines on the water. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with twin 300 HP engines on a sunny day. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage helm with navigation and communication equipment. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat dashboard and controls at marina. 

Boston Whaler 320 Outrage 2008 boat helm with navigation equipment and controls. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat interior with green cushioned seating and a central table. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat interior with seating and storage compartments. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat interior with green seating and a white table. 

Boston Whaler 320 Outrage 2008 boat deck with storage compartments and stainless steel rail. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage docked at a marina on a sunny day. 

Raymarine navigation display on a 2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage boat with covered seats and T-top. 

2008 Boston Whaler 320 Outrage with twin 300 Verado engines docked at marina. 
The company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal without notice.