Lagoon 440 Year2008 Make Lagoon Model 440 Class Catamaran Length 13.79m Fuel Type Diesel Hull Material Fibreglass DESCRIPTION 2008 Lagoon 440 kit ormeggio ed ancoraggio (2 ancore+catena+parabordi ecime) dotazioni di sicurezza complete come da normativa in vigore manette duplicate (salone/flybridge) Joystick Quadri motore duplicati (salone/flybridge) Note sul prezzo: Commission Not Included English mooring and anchoring kit (2 anchors+chain+ecime fenders) complete safety equipment as in the case of current legislation duplicate handcuffs (salon/flybridge) joystick Duplicate motor panels (saloon/flybridge) Française kit d’amarrage et d’ancrage (2 ancres+chaîne+ailes ecime) équipement de sécurité complet comme dans le cas de la législation actuelle menottes en double (salon/flybridge) joystick Panneaux moteurs en double (berline/flybridge) Deutsch Verankerungs- und Verankerungssatz (2 Anker+Kette+Ecime Kotflügel) vollständige Sicherheitsausrüstung wie bei den geltenden Rechtsvorschriften doppelte Handschellen (Salon/Flybridge) Joystick Doppelte Motorpaneele (Limousine/Flybridge) Español kit de amarre y anclaje (2 anclajes + cadenas + guardabarros ecime) equipo de seguridad completo como en el caso de la legislación actual esposas duplicadas (salón/flybridge) joystick Paneles de motor duplicados (salón/flybridge) Россию швартовка и якорный комплект (2 крыла якорей) полное оборудование безопасности, как в случае действующего законодательства дубликаты наручников (салон/флайбридж) джойстик Дублирующие моторные панели (салон/флайбридж) Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Contamiglia (Raymarine ST60), Ecoscandaglio (Raymarine ST60), GPS (Raymarine A65), Log (Raymarine ST60), Pilota automatico (Raymarine 6001), Stazione vento (Raymarine ST60). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Autogonfiabile, Elica di prua - bow thruster (fixed three-blade), 2 Gruette (150kg), Tender (+ outbord engine), 2 Winch Elettrico. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Dissalatore (90 Ltxh), Inverter (600w). Dotazioni di sicurezza Zattera di salvataggio (10 pers). Intrattenimento Altoparlanti. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, 2 Frigorifero interno. Tappezzerie Cappottina, Cuscineria di poppa, Cuscineria di prua. Vele Randa (Steccata), Genoa (Avvolgibile), Lazy Bag, Lazy Jack. Electrical Equipment Shore Power Inlet ✓ Generator 1 X 9 Kw - Onan Inverter 600w Electronics Depthsounder Raymarine ST60 Log-Speedometer Raymarine ST60 Wind Speed and Direction Raymarine ST60 Repeater(s) ✓ Plotter ✓ Autopilot Raymarine 6001 Radio ✓ Compas ✓ GPS Raymarine A65 VHF ✓ Inside Equipment Bow Thruster Fixed Three-Blade Electric Bilge Pump ✓ Oven ✓ Manual Bilge Pump ✓ Air Conditioning ✓ Electric Head ✓ Hot Water ✓ Refrigerator Qty: 2 Fresh Water Maker 90 Ltxh Deep Freezer ✓ Battery Charger ✓ Outside Equipment Teak Cockpit ✓ Cockpit Shower ✓ Davit(s) Qty: 2. 150kg Radar Reflector ✓ Liferaft 10 Pers. Cockpit Cushions ✓ Cockpit Table ✓ Swimming Ladder ✓ Rigging Steering Wheel ✓ Electric Winch Qty: 2 Sails Fully Battened Mainsail Steccata Furling Genoa Avvolgibile Engine 1 Engine Make Yanmar Engine Year 2008 Total Power 55hp Engine Type Inboard Drive Type Sail Drive Fuel Type Diesel Engine 2 Engine Make Yanmar Engine Year 2008 Total Power 55hp Engine Type Inboard Drive Type Sail Drive Fuel Type Diesel Dimensions Length Overall 13.79m Beam 7.7m Miscellaneous Windlass Electric Windlass Electrical Circuit 12V Tanks Fresh Water Tank 900 L () Fuel Tank 650 L () Holding Tank Accommodations Twin Berths 4 Cabins 4 Heads 4 |