As proffesional boating person , I owned my boat for almost only private use , as first owner .
Boat is purchased in spring 2023 directly from Seascape shipyard .
She is in so called ALU version (aluminium mast , fixed keel , inside diesel engine).
She is used for two season , ussually privately weekend cruisings and some short handed regattas in Croatia .
It is my second First 27 , first one was SE version , well known winner Petit Amie , photos on all Beneteau articles , this boat as my second First 27 is model with improvents of ALU version, all in means of safety and cruising comfort .
She was next to have for me or ultimate decision .
Boat is full specs equipped .
She is used rare because of lack of time .
That is also reasons of selling her .
Complet boat is in very good condition , profesionnaly maintained , ready for sailing in every aspect .
Last summer she was also used commercialy for about 20 sailing days in Ultra Sailing school as second same type boat without living on bord , only daily sailing trainings .
Optionally I also can offer used regatta sails and nearly new trailer if there is a interest .
I am avilable for more details and complet specs .
- Navigation Lights
- Plotter
- Wind Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Depth Instrument
- Compass
- Autopilot
Safety Equipment
- Fire Extinguisher
- Bilge Pump