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Cornish Crabbers Clam 19 Boots-ID: 223
Informationen zum Preis
23.750 GBP       (etwa )
Allgemeine Angaben
Gesamtlänge 5,9 Meter
Länge auf Höhe der Wasserlinie 5,3 Meter
Länge auf Deckhöhe 5,9 Meter
Schiffsbreite 2,2 Meter
Tiefgang 0,5 Meter
Wasserverdrängung 1.065 kg

Down below you will find a spacious cabin with two comfortable full length berths and a double V-berth forward.

The cockpit easily accommodates up to four adults. The Clam 19 is ideally suited to cruising on rivers and estuaries although her durable construction and stability make her capable of coastal port hopping when required.

The Cornish Clam 19 is a graceful motor launch. It comes with both inboard and outboard engine options ranging from 6 to 14 HP.

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