Have you ever felt bored while on a boat? For some boat owners, this is a blasphemous question. But there's a chance that you may, eventually, start to feel bored with your regular boating activities. If you do, there are several steps you should take.
Analyse the Root Cause
Before you do anything, you should analyse the root cause of your boredom. If you know what's boring you, you'll have a much better chance of addressing it and getting to a place where boating no longer feels boring.
Usually, if the boredom appears for a hobby that was once not boring, one of the following culprits is to blame:
- Routine. Boredom is often a by-product of a repetitive routine. No matter how much you initially like something, if you engage with it the same way over and over, you may eventually become bored of it. A delicious breakfast, if you eat it every day, can eventually become uninteresting. An exciting book, if you've read it a thousand times, will become stale and predictable. The same is true of boating; if you're using your boat the same way and engaging in the same activities over and over, it's only natural that you would eventually feel bored. For this reason, it's important to seek out novelty.
- A major change. Has there been a major change in how you use your boat or interact with other people? This may be responsible for your boredom. For example, is your boat old and constantly breaking down? If so, you may feel less interest engaging in the boating activities you used to love.
- Comparative interest. Your boredom may also emerge if you have competing interests. If you take up a new hobby like horse racing or archery, you may fall in love with that hobby and find boating somewhat boring in comparison.
So, what should you do if you find yourself bored by the hobby you used to love?
Take a Break
There's nothing wrong with taking a break from boating. Some boat owners feel a compulsion to go boating on a regular basis simply because they're paying ongoing expenses in the form of docking, storage, or memberships. But that doesn't mean you're not allowed to step away from the hobby temporarily. In fact, it might be good for you.
Taking some time away from the hobby will make you see it with fresh eyes whenever you come back. This is also a great opportunity to come up with some new ideas and break the routines that were bogging you down. If anything, the break will likely strengthen your motivation to go boating.
Try a New Activity
If you feel bored because you're always doing the same things on your boat, consider trying a new activity.
- Fishing. If you love the water, but you've never tried fishing, now could be a great time to pick it up. Some people find fishing to be unstimulating, since it requires some patience, but for others, the peaceful calm is a perfect opportunity for reflection. You can also try sport fishing, going after big and challenging game.
- Water sports. Consider trying a new water sport. There are many to choose from, including wakeboarding, tubing, water skiing, and even surfing. If you're interested in getting more of a thrill, or being more physically engaged, these could be perfect for you.
- Scuba diving and snorkelling. What's going on under the water? There's an entire world down there that you can see through scuba diving and snorkelling. It could help you see the water and your surroundings in fundamentally new ways.
- Onboard activities. Don't forget all the activities you could try onboard your vessel. Once you get some distance from the mainland, you can start sunbathing, reading a great book, or even playing a board game with other people.
Bring Along Some Media
Consider spicing up your boating adventures with some new and exciting media. You can make an investment in some great speakers and blast your favourite music. You can get an onboard TV and watch a new movie. You could also spend more time on the radio, listening to your favourite sport or stimulating political commentary.
Enjoy More Company
One of the best ways to resolve boredom is to bring more people along for the experience. In addition to the core experience, you'll get to have some great conversations and you'll have the opportunity to better know the people around you.
- Bond with family. Boating is a perfect family activity, and a good chance to bond with the people closest to you.
- Make new friends. Consider making some new friends, especially if they're already interested in this hobby. If your current friends aren’t interested in boating, try to make it enticing for them by including some activities or destinations you know they’ll personally enjoy.
- Join a club. If you're looking for more company, or more ideas on how to resolve your boredom, consider joining a marine club and meeting lots of new people.
Go Somewhere New
You can introduce novelty to the boating experience by traveling somewhere new. Depending on where you live, that could mean driving your boat further and reaching new locations on your own. It could also mean flying to a totally novel destination and renting a boat there, as part of a vacation.
Get a New Boat
You may feel bored if you haven't had a major boating change in a while. If you're still working with an old, highly familiar vessel, you may feel uninspired to venture forth. Buying a new boat could reinvigorate your enthusiasm for the hobby.
Are you interested in spicing up your typical boating experience? A new boat could be exactly what you need to do it – and we have plenty of new and used boats for you to browse at TheYachtMarket. Check out our selection of boats for sale today – your next vessel might be waiting for you!